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arnie Grossblatt

Markets Declare Truce in Copyright Wars - - 0 views

  • But content owners also belatedly realize that simply suing consumers who find new, convenient ways to access content online is not as good as finding new business models to profit from customer interest that technology makes possible.
  • his shift by Google led Peter Osnos, founder of PublicAffairs books, to wonder if the book settlement could have lessons for other owners of content. "Google has now conceded, with a very large payment, that information is not free," Mr. Osnos wrote for the Century Foundation. "This leads to an obvious, critical question: Why aren't newspapers and news magazines demanding payment for use of their stories on Google and other search engines? Why are they not getting a significant slice of the advertising revenues generated by use of their stories via Google?"
    More on the Google-AAP settlement. Key take-away ""But content owners also belatedly realize that simply suing consumers who find new, convenient ways to access content online is not as good as finding new business models to profit from customer interest that technology makes possible."
Derik Dupont

MediaPost Publications Cohen: Google News Can Help Newspapers 02/22/2010 - 0 views

    Cohen: Google News Can Help Newspapers - 02/22/2010
Brooke Morris

How to Chase the Long Tail - Search Engine Watch (SEW) - 0 views

    Publishers that understand how to leverage the existence of the long tail can reap rich awards for their efforts, but chasing it isn't easy. Can you afford not to chase it?
Derik Dupont

If The Says Goodbye To Google, It Will Also Say Goodbye To 25 Percent Of Its Traffic - 1 views

    Whenever Rupert Murdoch goes back to his home country of Australia, he loosens up and says things to the press (usually his own ...
Derik Dupont

Why Murdoch Can Afford to Leave Google for Bing - Advertising Age - Digital - 0 views

    Web traffic only gets publishers so far in their quest for digital ad dollars. After a certain point, actually, traffic may not even matter.
Derik Dupont / Media - Microsoft and News Corp eye web pact - 0 views

    Companies look to freeze out Google"/> / Media - Microsoft and News Corp eye web pact
Derik Dupont

Would Microsoft Web Deal Prove Lucrative for Papers? - 0 views

    Top Newspaper Publishing Stories - Editor & Publisher provides newspaper industry headlines covering emerging and important news.
Derik Dupont

Murdoch accuses Google of news 'theft' -- - 1 views

    Escalating the battle between traditional newspapers and online news providers, media mogul Rupert Murdoch lashed out at Google Inc. and other Web companies Tuesday, accusing them of looting news articles and contributing to the industry's decline.
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