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arnie Grossblatt

A New Take on the "Pocket Reference" -- Public Beta of new O'Reilly Mobile HTML App - O... - 1 views

    Interesting view of adapting reference publications to mobile platforms.  Should be on interest to students in PSPB 255!
amby kdp

Download Here Best Python Programming Book For Beginners - 0 views

shared by amby kdp on 16 Mar 15 - No Cached
    "Python Programming For Beginners" by James P. Long Book is the must have book for all those programmers who wish to keep some reference while programming. It is not just meant for the beginners, but also the most experienced programmers can need it as a reference material.
Mark Schreiber

Now Playing - Night of the Living Tech - - 1 views

  • Media evolution, of course, does claim casualties. But most often, these are means of distribution or storage, especially physical ones that can be transformed into digital bits. Photographic film is supplanted, but people take more pictures than ever. CD’s no longer dominate, as music is more and more distributed online. “Books, magazines and newspapers are next,” predicts Nicholas Negroponte, founder of the M.I.T. Media Lab. “Text is not going away, nor is reading. Paper is going away.”
Melissa Dahne

6 Lessons One Campus Learned About E-Textbooks - - 0 views

    . Kevin Green, a junior, loved the e-book required in his business-marketing class this spring. "But if it was an accounting course," he said, "I would kind of want a printed textbook because it's got all the numbers" and equations that would be harder to manage electronically. His instructor, Michael J. Wilson, an associate professor of accounting, economics, and finance, said the one problem they had with the e-book in the marketing course was when students needed to refer to a dense table of numbers in the bac
Mark Schreiber

Time Moves to Limit Free Content Online - - 1 views

  • “I think we’ll see what works and doesn’t work,” Mr. Stengel said in an interview by phone. “We’ll adapt and change. We’re in the hunt like everyone else to figure this out.”
    • Mark Schreiber
      This is an action without a plan.
  • “I think we’ll see what works and doesn’t work,” Mr. Stengel said in an interview by phone. “We’ll adapt and change. We’re in the hunt like everyone else to figure this out.”
  • “We kind of wanted to draw a line in the sand,” he said. “We want to remain a vigorous and important part of the conversation. There are some things that are necessary to be part of that. But we will experiment.”
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Time has decided to dive headfirst into an issue that has bedeviled many a news organization before it: how to cure online readers of their addiction to free content.
Stephanie Wynn

Carton's Content Blog: Publishing - 0 views

    Nothing too earth-shatering here, but definitely explores what we've been talking about. Focusing on content, not product. Social tagging. And reference materials, which was the group I was in Monday night.
Helen Nam

The Million Word March | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine - 0 views

    The English language is rapidly approaching a million words. However, experts disagree on what exactly constitutes a "word." The Global Language Monitor uses proprietary software to monitor word use and popularity.
Helen Nam

Oxford closes Canadian dictionary division - 0 views

    Oxford closes its Canadian dictionary division due to pressure from online dictionaries.
Kurt Lindblom U.S. - 0 views

    Bloomberg coverage of new Kindle.
Lindsay Donofrio

OneLook Dictionary Search - 0 views

    Here's a great dictionary site. Type the word you're looking up in the search box, and OneLook will list the definition from numerous dictionaries.
Amanda Straub

Could Amazon and Audible Rewrite the Rules of Publishing? - Bits Blog - - 0 views

    I just noticed while reading this article that if you click on a word, a reference box pops up so you better understand what you're reading. I think this is a really great idea, and very smart of the New York Times. It shows that the NYT is trying to keep readers engaged in their online version.
arnie Grossblatt

Stephen R. Covey Grants E-Book Rights to Amazon - - 0 views

  • Amazon, maker of the popular Kindle e-reader and one of the biggest book retailers in the country, will have the exclusive rights to sell electronic editions of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” and a later work, “Principle-Centered Leadership.” Mr. Covey also plans to gradually make other e-books available exclusively to Amazon, which will promote them on its Web site.
  • The move promises to raise the already high anxiety level among publishers about the economics of digital publishing and could offer authors a way to earn more profits from their works than they do under the traditional system.
  • Many authors and agents say that because the contracts for older books do not explicitly spell out electronic rights, they reside with the author. Big publishing houses argue that clauses like “in book form” or phrases that prohibit “competitive editions” preclude authors from publishing e-books through other parties.
arnie Grossblatt

Getting Google to notice your ebook - 0 views

  • but Google eBookstore suddenly gives booksellers a reason to at least wade into SEO.
  • But what about new books and ebooks? How does Google determine which new titles, and the more than 15 million books that have been scanned, float to the top of its search results pages: in the web search box and in the ebookstore. The challenge, for Gray and other Google engineers on the Books project, is that the best known component of Google's algorithm for determining the the value of a web resource -- the number of links to it by others -- does not apply to books and ebooks. Although it is possible to link to a selection in certain books on Google Books (here's a hyperlink into the aforementioned Galbraith title) people don't generally create links to the contents of a book or ebook. So linking is not a reliable indicator of quality.
  • One strategy that Google employs is to tap into the book industry's "rich tradition of metadata.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Google also looks at what Gray referred to as "market signals:" how often a book has been reprinted, web searches, recent book sales, the number of libraries that hold the book, etc.
  • 2. Create quality content outside the book
  • 1. Use descriptive titles and chapter headings
  • 3 best practices for getting Google to notice your book
  • 3. Book covers matter
    With the opening of the Google Bookstore, it's time for publishers to start thinking about search engine optimization (SEO)
Mark Schreiber

Google's Next Stop May Be in Congress - - 0 views

  • Advocates of open access to orphan works cheered the rejection of the settlement, saying it could pave the way for legislation that would let anyone — not just Google — use the books..
  • “If Congress can wake up to the importance of this issue, there’s a good chance they will pass orphan books legislation, and they will do so in the interest of the general public, not favoring any enterprise,” said Robert Darnton, director of the Harvard University Library
Paul Riccardi

» Kosmic Life - Yoga and body: postures, asanas, yoga reference, how-to, spa ... - 0 views

    Qualifies as a form of publishing. But I bookmarked this because I admire the way this site is a collaborative effort to promote a lifestyle, and it's pretty well done. Simple layout, tons o f content, RSS feeds and Twitter.
Danielle DeVenio

Findings Turns Your Ebook Highlights Into Shared Reading Libraries - 0 views

    Findings' creators, the folks at startup incubator Betaworks, refer to their creation as a "social commonplace book,"
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