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arnie Grossblatt

Bridges Of Virtue: Indie Publishers As The Golden Mean | Digital Book World - 2 views

  • You may note my repeated emphasis on the small size of Independent Publishers, and how this can give them the advantage, in some instances, against Big Publishers. The reason for this is that small entities are generally more adaptable than larger ones, and during this period of transition to the New World – where we know the landscape is changing, but not what it is changing into – publishers need to be adaptable in order to survive; in order to thrive, they need to be willing to experiment. Many of the experiments they take when they test the waters will result in failure, but as Independent Publishers have less to lose and more to gain, they will be that much more innovative.
    Small indie publishers are likely to be the source of innovation for publishing.
Ryan Holman

Indie bookstore owners throw the book at President Obama - 1 views

    Interesting reaction from the ABA to Amazon-as-job-creator speech given by the President.
Matt Mayer

Shelf Awareness for Wednesday, June 5, 2013 | Shelf Awareness - 2 views

    If this doesn't take you directly: Please see the article entitled "Amazon's Wild Pitch to Indies: 'Wanna Sell Kindles?'"  Then feel free to chuckle at Amazon.
arnie Grossblatt

Amazon's markup of digital delivery to indie authors is ~129,000% | Andrew Hyde - 1 views

    Amazon may not be a self-published author's best friend - exorbitant markups take a big bite out out of author profits.
Sharon Salonen

Three Indies Rise from Atlantic Books Ashes - 0 views

    Bookstore revival? Let's hope so. Perhaps some people like the personal touch after all.
arnie Grossblatt

The Very Rich Indie Writer - Novelr - Making People Read - 2 views

    Getting rich through the Kindle store, and making it without a publisher.  
Ryan Holman

Independent bookstores add a new chapter - 1 views

    Story in Washington Post about how indie bookstores are cropping up in the aftermath of Borders' crash-and-liquidate.
Ryan Holman

Column: It's Hard Out There For a Publisher Bootstrapped Web sites do exist, but it's n... - 0 views

    Conventional wisdom says that entrepreneurs who start a Web-based business will do so with VC money. Read enough stories of Internet ventures that enjoy lucrative exits in the millions (in some cases billions) of dollars, and it's easy to assume that the only path to success is to begin by securing deals with investors who are far less interested in helping a start-up build a substantial brand as they are in realizing a return as quickly as possible. Bootstrapping simply isn't sexy anymore. But for many start-up publishers, bootstrapping is a way of life, and VC money isn't an option.
arnie Grossblatt

11 Small Publishers We Love For Their Independent Spirit - 2 views

    More on the small press and innovation theme.
Rob A.

non-linear poetry - 0 views

    Play around, you'll figure it out.
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