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Thelisha Woods

Professional E-Publishing Activities Won't Be Blunted by Recession - MSNBC Wire Service... - 0 views

    Some hopeful news about the future of e-publishing, but not so great for those in traditional print industries.
arnie Grossblatt

From Print to E, Some Items To Consider | Booksquare - 0 views

    Message to publishers - get over print products and embrace ebooks. Some suggestions for publishers on making the transition.
Derik Dupont

SPECIAL REPORT: The Digital Future -- Goin' Mobile! - 0 views

    Top Newspaper Publishing Stories - Editor & Publisher provides newspaper industry headlines covering emerging and important news.
Derik Dupont, Macmillan Settle Price Dispute on E-Books - - 0 views

    Amazon and Macmillan reached an agreement on e-book pricing, a pact that may serve as a model with other publishing companies. Amazon resumed selling Macmillan titles." />
Allison Begezda

Arts, Briefly - Publishers Delay E-Book Releases - - 0 views

    Simon & Schuster plans to postpone the release of 35 e-book titles by four months. This is in part attributed to the sales of Stephen King's "Under the Dome" in which the publisher noticed that e-book sales were cannibalizing hardcover sales.
arnie Grossblatt

E-Books Accelerate Paperback Publishers' Release Dates - 1 views

    E-books competing with paperbacks.
Allison Begezda

Marvell, E Ink Team to Create Next Wave of E-reader Components - 11/3/2009 7:14:00 AM -... - 1 views

    Marvell and E Ink team up to improve e-readers. Their new integrated processor will reduce the screen refresh rate from three seconds to less than one second and will eliminate the "blackout" effect with page turns.
Derik Dupont

Hearst Reveals More About E-Reader Device/Service 'Skiff' - 0 views

    Top Newspaper Publishing Stories - Editor & Publisher provides newspaper industry headlines covering emerging and important news.
arnie Grossblatt

Amazon May Impede Access to Some Publishers' Books - 1 views

    Another round of disputes on e-book pricing between Amazon and publishers

e-books: playground for publishers or necessary evil? - 1 views

    This post was originally published on the Frankfurt Bookfair blog on 11th August. Reposted here with kind permission from its author, Huw Alexander, Rights & Digital Sales Manager for SAGE in London. EveryThink: What do you think, Huw Alexander? We think that e-books are a playground for publishers - and not a necessary evil.
Kristen Iovino

Visual Loop - Publishing in the Digital Era - Exclusive Infographic - 1 views

    Chart of publishing in the digital era
Derik Dupont

Apple in Talks With Publishers in Advance of Tablet's Debut - - 0 views

    Publishing executives hold 11th-our meetings about new business model for books" />
Derik Dupont

Random House Balks at Apple's Book Pricing - - 1 views

    Random House is the only major publisher whose titles cannot be bought directly from Apple's iBooks application, having resisted the new pricing model that Apple offered publishers for the iPad." />
arnie Grossblatt

The Medium - Authors Unbound Online - - 1 views

    The new face of self-publishing
arnie Grossblatt

A Lesson in How E-Books Might Prosper - 0 views

  • Perhaps the most revealing thing about the "Dumb Money" story, in fact, is that everyone involved -- author, agent and publisher -- saw it as an experiment, the kind of small-scale trial run that a late-adopting industry needs to do a lot more of.
    Perhaps the most revealing thing about the "Dumb Money" story, in fact, is that everyone involved -- author, agent and publisher -- saw it as an experiment, the kind of small-scale trial run that a late-adopting industry needs to do a lot more of.
arnie Grossblatt

Post-Medium Publishing - 0 views

  • iTunes is more of a tollbooth
    • arnie Grossblatt
      This is saving the argument by changing the terms mid-stream.
  • much the same with digital books
    • arnie Grossblatt
      How the same? Claiming it doesn't make it so. And books cost more than 99 cents; ten dollars is not, in Graham's terms, an ignorable event.
  • But though I can't predict specific winners, I can offer a recipe for recognizing them. When you see something that's taking advantage of new technology to give people something they want that they couldn't have before, you're probably looking at a winner. And when you see something that's merely reacting to new technology in an attempt to preserve some existing source of revenue, you're probably looking at a loser.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • In fact consumers never really were paying for content, and publishers weren't really selling it either. If the content was what they were selling, why has the price of books or music or movies always depended mostly on the format? Why didn't better content cost more?
  • If audiences were willing to pay more for better content, why wasn't anyone already selling it to them?
arnie Grossblatt

Justice Dept. Sues Apple and Publishers Over E-Book Pricing; 3 Publishers Settle - NYTi... - 1 views

    Agency pricing for e-books is challenged by DOJ.
Valentina Moreno

Penguin Launches E-book Library Lending Pilot Program - 1 views

    Wondering three things - 1) Is this enough? 2) Will the remaining Big 6 publishers follow suit? 3) What are the lending terms?
Derik Dupont

Making the Case for iPad E-Book Prices - - 0 views

    E-books are cheaper to produce than print volumes, but consumers may not realize that expenses like overhead and royalties are still in effect, publishers say.
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