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Martina Bailón

La escuela en la sociedad de redes. Mariano Palamidessi (Comp) - 5 views

    Un interesante texto, que si bien tiene un tiempo, creo que mantiene vigencia. (& años es mucho tiempo en tecnología, pero no lo es en educación!)
Diego Leal

Obsolescencia programada - 4 views

shared by Diego Leal on 24 Jun 12 - No Cached
    Documental español que cuenta el origen y efectos de la obsolescencia programada, con algunas ideas respecto a por dónde seguir...
Diego Leal

Bauman - Education in Liquid Modernity - 3 views

    Descripción de algunos factores de contexto (muy interesantes) que afectan al sistema educativo.  Sin embargo, no muestra una posición clara respecto a su posición frente al asunto (resulta esencialmente descriptivo), ni sugiere caminos de acción.
veronica perrone

Pensando en voz alta: redes, tecnología, educación y el futuro | DiegoLeal.or... - 3 views

  • De lo que se trata este desafío es de pensar en cambio sistémico desde una perspectiva distribuida. Se trata de pensar en cómo lograr nodos fuertes, conexiones ricas y señales relevantes, orientadas por una narrativa emergente que redefina el sentido del aprendizaje.
    para leer varias veces
Jennifer Silva

Experiencias didácticas con formularios de Google docs - 3 views

    Propuestas útiles para distintas áreas de conocimiento
Jennifer Silva

El blog de la clase de Gregorio: TUTORIAL DE TWEETDECK (Cliente para Twitter) - 1 views

    Tweetdeck, para administrar tu cuenta de Twitter y potenciar su uso.
Jennifer Silva

infografia-como-ayudan-las-redes-sociales.jpg (Imagen JPEG, 1250x859 pixels) - Escala (... - 1 views

    Cómo ayudan las redes sociales
Diego Leal

'Open Hailing Frequencies, Data': Television's Reinforcement and Compulsion of Technolo... - 1 views

  • Television communicates cultural lessons and information to the entire nation, and "these cultural lessons are assimilated to some degree by audience members throughout the country who then incorporate elements of the sponsored imagery into their everyday interpersonal relations" (Lull, 1986, p. 607). Our daily experience of media inclines us toward particular forms of social life and creates a "shaped world that reflects the essential possibilities of media" (Idhe, 1983, p. 63). Media characters become our role models; these role models do not spring from a void, but are produced from the culturally biased mind of a writer who in turn has been influenced by para-social interaction with other media figures (Caughey, 1984). But most importantly, "interpersonal uses of television, especially when they involve conversation, contribute to the maintenance of ideological imperatives" (Lull, 1986, p. 609).
    • Diego Leal
      Esto es my importante.  ¿Qué quiere decir si se aplica este razonamiento al desarrollo de software? ¿qué imperativos ideológicos son reflejados y transmitidos de manera inconsciente por un desarrollador? Esto es especialmente visible en el caso de los LMS...
  • The unthinking dependence of the crew on communication technology is evident on a majority of the shows.
  • The inability to communicate is constantly seen as a negative. When technology breaks down the crew rarely makes an attempt to revert to "primitive," face-to-face interaction; instead, all of their energy is focused on repairing the technology.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Crew members STNG are interrupted even more easily at any time by their communication technologies than we are by the telephone. Interruptions are continuous on board the ship, and the interruptions always take precedence over the interrupted activity.
  • The mere presence of the communication devices dictates that they must be used and answered
  • The physical behaviors of the actors as they respond to the communicators and intercom are much like our behaviors when speaking on a speakerphone. The crew members stare off into space, in no particular direction; or in the direction of the origination of the call,
  • The control of technology is reinforced in the various communication technologies; the content of our media is often the promotion of the technologies of our media.
  • The presumption of efficacy allows television to uncritically promote the propagation and proliferation of technology.
    • Diego Leal
      Lo mismo ocurre con todos los aparatos tecnológicos actuales.  Basta ver el "efecto Apple"...
  • The series also fosters a sense of dependence on technology by presenting a failure of communication technology as a horrifying situation only resolved by restoring technology to its rightful place of power.
  • When communication links are broken, characters are not portrayed as enjoying the privacy but rather panicking at their loss.
    • Diego Leal
      Trae a mi mente lo que pasaba en mi casa en la época del apagón en Colombia.  La ausencia de luz era una excusa para reunirse alrededor de una vela, así fuera a escuchar un radio de pilas.  Época sin aparatos de cómputo personal, por supuesto..
  • While in face-to-face interaction you can sit in companionable silence, in a phone conversation you are expected to hold up your end of the conversation either with grunts, sighs, uh-huhs, or perhaps even a full sentence now and then (Hopper, 1990). When you engage a person who does not assume their obligatory alternating role, the conversation is filled with uncomfortable pauses and a rising sense of irritation.
    • Diego Leal
      Muy cierto. No había pensado en esto...
  • Everyone is well aware of the insistency of a ringing phone. If a phone is left unanswered for long, the tension of people in the room increases until someone finally jumps up and answers the phone. We allow the ring of the telephone to interrupt nearly any activity, including our most private moments; the presence of telephones in the bathroom and bedroom says a great deal about societal priorities.
  • The possession of a telephone implies and demands that you will answer it whenever you possibly can.
  • With the telephone, our initial emotion is dependent more on circumstantial influences in our immediate environment of which the other caller is rarely aware. We may be expecting an important call, which fills us with anticipation at the sound of the ring, but we cannot be sure of the identity of the caller.
    • Diego Leal
      Con los celulares esto todavía ocurre durante el breve lapso en que se identifica quién llama (cuando no se usan timbres especiales)?
  • Television creates an image of interpersonal communication via technological media that is so exciting, so simple and so life-like that our day-to-day, face-to-face interactions cannot help but suffer by comparison. Not all of our face-to-face conversations are of earth-shattering importance; but the ringing of the phone, the beeping of the communicator the chiming of the view-screen on television always denotes something of momentous portent.
    • Diego Leal
      Exactamente lo que ocurre con los Blackberry...
  • For example, it is nearly impossible to share a moment of companionable silence while on the telephone, yet much can be said in moments of silence when the other is actually present. While the point of this essay is not to bash technology, the impact of technology on interpersonal communication is of critical importance. Television tends to exalt technologically mediated communication over face-to-face interaction. As critics we should not blindly accept this exaltation, but question it.
  • Understanding is half the battle
    Artículo que, a partir de una discusión sobre el tipo de relación con la tecnología para comunicación plasmado en Star Trek, se pregunta hasta qué punto la televisión termina modelando y pre-disponiendo la relación de una sociedad con la tecnología.
Andrea Tejera

Didáctica 2.0 - 1 views

    Blog de Ismael Burone, en el cual diariamente aporta herramientas para ensalzar nuestros métodos de enseñanza
Andrea Tejera - Create a new strip - 1 views

    Generador de historietas
    Gracias! hay otro similar para los interesados en el rubro
Andrea Tejera

Concurso de cortos - 1 views

Blanca Margarita Parra Mosqueda

What Good Teachers Do When Kids Fail - - 0 views

Flor Solari

¿Què es un Mooc? - 0 views

shared by Flor Solari on 16 Nov 11 - No Cached
    Cursos online abiertos
Diego Leal

Consciousness is Nothing but a Word - 1 views

    Artículo que cuestiona la comprensión sobre lo que llamamos conciencia, señalando que se trata sólo de una palabra que usamos para describir cosas disímiles. Contiene una descripción muy interesante de cómo adquirimos conciencia de nuestro entorno.
veronica perrone

"El lector ideal es el adolescente" - 0 views

  • “El lector ideal es el adolescente”
Maria Eugenia Morales Mora

10 aplicaciones online para jugar con fotografías | Blog and Web - 0 views

    Aplicaciones que nos pueden servir para jugar con las imágenes y fotografías añadiendo nuevos efectos...
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