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Daly de Gagne

Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth - Eclectic Perspectives - 0 views

    This declaration, crated at a conference most of the world's media ignored, is important because it reflects the position of indigenous peoples of the Earth, and it emphasizes yet again the importantce of dealing with climate and other issues that are hazardous to the biosphere, which makes life viable for humans.

How to Live A Greener Life Style By Having A Greener Diet | - 0 views

    How to eat more earth friendly foods in your diet.
Alex Parker

Endless energy? Fusion science is one step closer to building a star on earth - 1 views

    Scientists in California have reached an important milestone in nuclear fusion research; generating more energy from a fusion reaction than transferred to the nuclear fuel. The holy grail of ignition remains elusive, but each step brings the world closer to a virtually limitless nuclear energy source with no emissions and negligible waste.
3BL Media

George Washington, First Composter-in-Chief of the United States of America | 3BL Media - 0 views

    Well, maybe not as macho a title as Commander-In-Chief, but a lot more earth friendly. George Washington was a "scientific" farmer of his day, and absolutely loved it. He introduced the mule, which fertilizes as it plows, into American agriculture. He planted many of his own trees by hand, which is remarkable given that he had over 300 slaves. He even had compostable teeth-made of wood.

How To Get Rid Of Stink Bugs In Your Garden Eco Friendly - 0 views

    How to control stink bugs in your garden with natural earth friendly methods. Get rid of those pesky stink bugs with all natural methods.
Philip Solars

Go Solar Today! - 1 views

I feel so lucky that I shifted to solar energy with the help of National Solar Traders. Their high quality wholesale solar equipment have really helped me saved much since I no longer have electric...

started by Philip Solars on 29 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Philip Solars

The Must Have Solar Equipment - 1 views

Due to the increasing cost of electricity bills, I have finally decided to switch to solar energy. Aside from being free, it also helps save mother earth. I must admit that at first I was confused ...

started by Philip Solars on 29 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Felix Gryffeth

Op-Ed Contributor - Prosecuting Crimes Against the Earth - - 0 views

    How the Justice Department can build its criminal case against BP.
Felix Gryffeth

Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets - - 0 views

    Critics of evolution are gaining ground by linking the issue to climate change, arguing that dissenting views on both should be taught in public schools.
Felix Gryffeth

Why has global warming paused? Water vapor may be in the answer. / The Christian Science Monitor - - 0 views

    A decline in stratospheric water vapor between 2000 and 2009 followed an apparent increase between 1980 and 2000, a team of scientists has found. That finding may have implications for global warming.
Erik Keith

BIG Green Lies - Common Green Myths Exposed - 0 views

    There are so many common misconceptions surrounding sustainability. Check out this myth-busting video "What's Your Big Green Lie?!" which gives a taste of the widespread ignorance of green issues at
Alex Parker

China plans to deploy first solar power station in space - 1 views

    China is reportedly planning to build the first solarpower station in space, which would send energy back to Earth. With this move, China has allocated $8bn for its space programmes. It intends to compete with the US and gain economic, military and technological dominance.
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