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Alex Parker

Can coal play a part in the fight against climate change? - 0 views

    The coal industry was recently criticised for running a coal and climate event alongside UN emissions negotiations in Poland. The Warsaw Communiqué emphasised 'high-efficiency' coal power technologies as a way for the sector to contribute to climate change mitigation, but without carbon capture, are they enough?
3BL Media

Yahoo Homepage Features App With Daily Environmental Quizes And Facts That Plant Trees ... - 0 views

    Launching the week after Global Climate Week, mokugift's GreenLifestyle daily quiz and green fact-sharing application on Yahoo!'s homepage empowers up to 118 million* individuals to make every week Global Climate Week. By taking three daily quiz questions, users can learn new environmental facts every day in just a few minutes. With a few more clicks of the mouse, they can challenge a few friends to a quiz and pleasantly surprise them with new green knowledge. For busy users, with a single click of the mouse, they can broadcast a daily environmental fact to friends that use Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo! Messenger 10 through Yahoo! Updates. Anyone can add Mokugift's GreenLifestyle app to his or her Yahoo! homepage exploring the My Favorites application gallery on
Carolyn Allen

Search Fellows - Susanne Moser Ph.D. - 0 views

    Climate change communications researcher and consulting.
Daly de Gagne

Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth - Eclectic Perspectives - 0 views

    This declaration, crated at a conference most of the world's media ignored, is important because it reflects the position of indigenous peoples of the Earth, and it emphasizes yet again the importantce of dealing with climate and other issues that are hazardous to the biosphere, which makes life viable for humans.
3BL Media

Do Carbon Credits Make Your Business Green? - 0 views

    I'd like to correct a common misconception, although I do not imagine that these comments will actually have far reaching impact. The well-entrenched concerns for global warming have designated greenhouse gases as the culprit for this global climate change issue.
Alex Parker

Climate change to fuel dramatic rise in energy demand by 2050 | Verdict - 1 views

    An exhaustive global study has found that climate change is set to drive up energy demand significantly by 2050, suggesting policymakers and the energy industry need to take action now to prevent a surge in energy related costs over the next few decades.
Andy E Barnes

Green Living, Done Ethically. - 0 views

  • is a resource for all who seek to translate concerns over the climate and compassion for humanity into real-time changes in their lifestyle. A selection of the top news stories of interest along with a full mashup of what is happening in the green and ethical world, you are sure to find something of interest.
3BL Media

3BL Media Podcast CSR Minute: September 28, 2009 - 0 views

    Corporate Social Responsible News: Clinton Global Initiative Partners Green for All + Living Cities; Proctor & Gamble's Sustainability Programs; UN Global Compact's Climate Change Conference Run Up
Felix Gryffeth

Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets - - 0 views

    Critics of evolution are gaining ground by linking the issue to climate change, arguing that dissenting views on both should be taught in public schools.
Felix Gryffeth

Condoms: Use Them to Slow Climate Change, Or Make a Soccer Ball : TreeHugger - 0 views

    Two articles came across our radar this morning that, when put together, made us feel like we were at a tennis match, our minds bouncing back and forth between the two discordant concepts. On the one hand, we have
Felix Gryffeth

The secret life of ancient trees | - 0 views

    An ancient evergreen tree reveals its secret life to scientists, helping them decode climate history.
Alex Parker

Retire fossil-fuel burning infrastructure early or miss climate goals: Study - 1 views

    Researchers from a University of California-led study used detailed data sets of existing fossil-fuel burning infrastructures, such as power plants and boilers, to estimate how much carbon dioxide they would emit before they are currently expected to retire.
Alex Parker

The Alternative Power Dock - 1 views

    Alternative maritime power for docked container vessels has made steady progress throughout the decade. But isn't it time more ports and shipping lines adopted the technology? asks Alex Hawkes. As the climate talks in Copenhagen draw to a close and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) comes under increasing pressure to address the shipping industry's carbon emissions, alternative maritime power (AMP) is looking an increasingly obvious solution.
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