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3BL Media

Colorado Rocky Mountain School students studying biodiversity and conservation via EcoF... - 0 views

    Two Colorado Rocky Mountain School students took part in EcoFlight's Flight Across America last week. The two students bravely flew to Jackson on a small Cessna, piloted by Bruce Gordon. This program (organized by Jane Pargiter and Krysia Carter-Giez) is designed to involve, and inform, high school age students about issues regarding biodiversity and conservation using flight and ground-based education.

CLAT Coaching in Bangalore - 0 views

    CLAT (Common Law Admission Test) is a test for high school (class XII) passed students in order to pursue a career in legal services. It grips the Law Entrance Exam ticket for the candidates who sight the significance and the enormous increase in demand for economical legal brains in the nation.
3BL Media

Colorado Rocky Mountain School Work Crews offer meaningful work & create sustainable li... - 0 views

    Colorado Rocky Mountain School Work Crews provide an avenue for students to take leadership roles and initiate change on campus toward creating a more sustainable life. The Recycling Work Crew maintains recycling stations in all the dorms and major buildings. They collect recycled materials and take them to the local recycling center.

Best AILET Coaching Institute in Bangalore | BRICS CA Institute - 0 views

    BRICS CA Training Institute in Bangalore delivers you the best AILET Coaching and gives you continuous support to clarify your doubts even after the completion of course. We are known as the best Law Entrance Exam Coaching Institute and always strive hard to accomplish the needs of our students.
3BL Media

My Journey for Sustainable Food | 3BL Media - 1 views

    Last winter, my husband Dan and I noticed we were beginning to struggle in our quest for fresh, local food. As a Californian learning to endure my first Boston winter, I wanted more variety in our produce. At the same time Dan, a culinary school student, was learning more and more about the role of things like corn syrup and stabilizers in processed food. Between the two of us, we often ended up wondering what we could do to ensure that what we put into our bodies was healthy, fresh and ultimately unprocessed. So we took up cooking more and expanded our repertoire to include items like homemade bread, chicken stock, ice cream and others. Still, in hindsight we relied more often than we would have liked on cheap meat, poultry and dairy - often because it was what we could afford.
3BL Media

Colorado Rocky Mountain School - Serving up academic excellence and gourmet food. - 1 views

    For 50 years, Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS) has practiced environmental stewardship and a commitment to sustainability. Sprawling over 300 acres of pasture and farmland at the base of western Colorado's snow-capped Mount Sopris, the high school promotes hard, meaningful work both within the classroom and, uniquely, outside, carrying on the ethos of its founders who were looking to start an independent, coed boarding school that would be "an antidote to modern, easy living" and believed that "work breeds confidence, self-satisfaction, the will to live."
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