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Douglas Clowe

Shear and magnification: cosmic complementarity: L. van Waerbeke, Mon. Not. R. Astron. ... - 0 views

    This paper described the methodology behind using weak lensing magnification of high-redshift galaxies as a probe of comological parameters. (A)
Douglas Clowe

CARS: The CFHTLS-Archive-Research Survey. III. First detection of cosmic magnification ... - 0 views

    This paper studies how the distribution of faint, background galaxies is affected by the presence of bright, foreground galaxies, and models this as a product of weak lensing magnification. (A)
Douglas Clowe

Detection of Cosmic Magnification with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: R. Scranton, et al... - 0 views

    This paper studies the change in number density of quasars with distance from bright galaxies and models the results as a gravitational lensing signal from the bright galaxies. It includes a discussion of the potential systematic errors in the measurements and why previous attempts at making this measurement were limited by the systematic errors. (A)
Tommaso Treu

GLAMROC: Gravitational Lens Adaptive Mesh Raytracing of Catastrophes, E. A. Baltz - 0 views

    This adaptive mesh ray-tracing code was written to allow exploration of lensing effects near critical points in the source plane, where very high magnifications can be achieved. (A)
Phil Marshall

The giant arc in A 370 - Spectroscopic evidence for gravitational lensing from a source... - 0 views

    Quiescent galaxies are more numerous sources, but are even fainter than quasars: it would take the advent of CCD imaging cameras to detect the first gravitational arc. It was not clear what the arc was: a deep spectrum revealed it to be a background galaxy, observed at high magnification through the lens. (A)
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