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Michael Becker

JPS Tagged Tanakh - 0 views

    Despite the fact that the site is not currently supported by JPS (or anyone), the full modern (1985) JPS translation of the Tanakh is available, and searchable, online. (From The Tagged Tanakh is a collaborative platform around the Jewish Bible, brought to you by JPS)
Michael Becker

Meaningful Jewish Screentime - Godcast - 0 views

    One of the more creative & modern approaches to parshanut, holidays,Torah, rabbinic literature, and more. Videos are mostly free, with inexpensive downloadable teachers' guides for support. Also have apps, mostly for younger kids. (From Jewish questions? Don't know where to get started? We've got you covered. Videos, apps, and interactive experiences for everyone.)
Deborah Nagler

8 K-12 tech tools to watch in 2015 - 1 views

    Over the last few years, technology has reshaped the classroom in many ways - and is continuing to do so. From digital textbooks and platforms that make teaching often-complex STEM subjects simpler to deep data analytics that measure and predict student achievement, ed tech is addressing a number of issues in the nation's schools.
Deborah Nagler

What Are Some Advantages & Disadvantages of Collaboration in the Classroom? - 1 views

    Classroom collaboration can take many forms. Teamwork, group projects, and team games all fit under the larger umbrella that is collaborative learning. Working with other students can provide children certain benefits but may also come with its fair share of costs. Collaborative learning should only be used with a firm understanding of its basic...
Deborah Nagler

Crap Detection 101 - 1 views

    Howard Rheingold speaks about how to know if a Web-based source is reliable.
    I like that term Crap Detection. Literacy is so important. Not everything you read or see on the web is true. Haha. Seriously though, he makes a good point about the site that mentions MLK that is really a white supremecy site. I also feel like I have to be very careful when I send out links to parents to check out. I do this in all my mass emails because it's a good way to continue the discussion and learning. But one time I sent out a youtube video and in the comment section there were some bad words. So important to scroll to the bottom. Another time one of my teachers was using this site to get prayers off of but then realized it was a Jews for Jesus site that was cloaked as a Jewish site. Oye. She was mortified. So important to know how to detect crap! Especially when you can't smell the screen but have to dig a little deeper with your eyes.

Free Kids' Books for Jewish Families - The PJ Library - 2 views

    I think PJ Library does a great thing for the youngest generation by sending stories monthly. It starts them out at a young age being invested in Judaism. But it is not always books. Sometimes it is CDs as well! I know my son looks forward to receiving his book each month.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I also love the PJ Library. What a simple but profound idea! All our kids five and below get the books. My two kids get it too and when they were younger they actually looked forward to the books each month. On their site they actually go up until 8 and below. Age appropriate books and CD's. I think they also sent us a DVD one time. Very multi-media and worthwhile. In Tulsa, it's run through our Federation and it costs them $40 per child per year to sponsor it. Our families love it. One issue though: At our Synagogue we have a full time preschool with 110 kids. Very big for Tulsa and we have a long waiting list. Literally. NAECY accredited and 3 stars. It's a fantastic school. I supervise the preschool director and we have a great relationship. The rub is that of the 110 kids, only a handful are Jewish, like 8 or 9 of them. So we have 100 kids here in the building learning about the universal themes of Judaism all week long, 7:30-5:30, and they are not Jewish. It's not that they are trying to be Jewish. It's just that our program is so great. So when I asked Federation and the PJ Library if they could be included, they said no. Even if the Synagogue paid for it. Boo-hoo. I wish there was an exception that could be made and all kids who go to Jewish schools, whether they are Jewish or non-Jewish, could get the PJ Library. What do you think?
    I completely agree with you, sort of. I think anyone who attends a Jewish school (Jewish or not) should be able to receive the PJ Library books. However, having worked for a little bit of time for the PJ Library in my area, the reason that they won't allow non-Jews to receive the books even if someone else pays for it, is because only a certain number of books are allocated per town that participates in PJ Library. If non-Jews receives those books, there is a chance that the Jews in your area will not receive the books.
    I see what you are saying about running out of books and I've heard that same perspective from someone who worked for PJ Library when they were at the ISJL conference. But I think if Harold Grinspoon heard that they were concerned with running out of books, they could solve that problem pretty quickly. I understand that the children who go to our Synagogue preschool are mainly non-Jewish and I'm not saying they should become members or anything. Getting the book would be nice but they are okay with out it. Each fall I check in with my federation executive to see if there should be any updates for the PJ library list. It is so generous and it works!

Passover Videos - 1 views

    I use clips from this playlist with my students and families to teach and celebrate Passover. There is a wide variety of types of videos, I use different ones with different ages, but I share this link with the families, many times I hear that they share their favorites at their Seder!
    Nice pesach video. I especially like the bling twinkle in that guys tooth around 3:48. How fun. Very good quality video too. Music helps people instantly connect. It levels the bar and makes the experience something everyone can really get into. I bet after seeing this video, families would be more willing to share their funny stories about their Seder. This kind of set induction helps break the ice and it's a fun way to start or deepend the discussion. I also use these types of videos too and they are very worth while. Thanks for sharing!
Eliyahu Krigel

Technology and Jewish Education - 0 views

    This is a great article about integrating the smartboard into your lessons. We don't have smartboards at the Synagogue (not yet) but they have one at the day school and at the federation. I've taught some classes before for adult ed at the federation and for kids at the day school and using the smartboard is quiet an experience. It is so much fun and really is the future. Typical story though: We have this family who donated a smartboard to the school but then wanted the smartboard to be used in the same class as their daughter who will be in first. But the director want's to have the smartboard in fifth grade so it can maximize student learning. Plus, the first grade teacher doesn't know how to use it and doesn't really want to incoorporate it into her classroom experience. If you were the director, would you put the nicely donated smartboard where the donor wanted it to go in the first grade classroom with their child or use it in another classroom entirely because that's what would benefit the school? Or would you humbly say no thank you to the gift because it has strings attached?
    I would let the donor know that it is best suited in the fifth grade class. However, anytime any teacher wants to use it, arrangements would be made so that they could use the smart board. That's what we did in our religious school. The classes that would most likely use the smart board received it in their room. But if a teacher was doing a special project or needed use of the smart board, the classrooms were switched so that someone else could use it if need be.
    Makes good sense to me. Giving gifts with strings attached really complicates the matter and everybody loses in my experience.
Eliyahu Krigel

Future of Jewish Music and Playing Jewish Geography - 0 views

    Check out Deborah's nephew rockin it in Israel. He is at Ramah Outdoor Adventure right now with my two kids. He's an amazing musician and we also look alike. But there's 15 years difference. I posted his picture on my facebook page. Have you ever met someone Jewish who looked exactly like you? Do you love playing the game Jewish geography? What if there was an app called Jewish geography and you could actively play it with people all over the world? This would be good for the Jewish community. is kind of like that. Enjoy this great Jewish music!

Word Clouds in Education: Turn a toy into a tool - 0 views

    Using Word Clouds are a great way to initially summarize something you are about to teach in class. After doing the reading, have the students summarize on their own. This gives many different ways of how to use a Word Cloud in the curriculum.
    I have used word clouds (digitally made and hand-made on paper!) for students to show their understanding of different concepts. For a unit where students created their own tzedakah organization, they had to create a word cloud for their organization.

Artkive - 0 views

    This site/app is awesome because you can take a picture of the child's artwork and save it. Then for each year, or however you want to divide up the artwork, you can make a book. It also cleans up the clutter of having to keep everything! I used it this past year for our class pictures that I took. Each kid got a little book of our year in review.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony - 0 views

    They say that no matter what happens, at the end of your wedding day the goal is to be married. I find the same to be true for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. At the end of the day you are a Jewish adult. You will be held to higher standards. It does not matter if you only have an aaliyah to the Torah or if you lead the whole thing. The point is you have reached adulthood in Judaism and you need to start acting like it.
    You are a Jewish adult, then you go back to middle school! Seriously though, I really love I use it all the time for references and articles. The articles make a lot of sense and speak to a wide yet focused and community. I also appreciate how even though it keeps it serious, it remains consistent in its respectful approach to pluralism. In terms of the adult b'nai mitzvah, we have a class at the Synagogue for just this type of thing. We use Hineni Prayerbook Hebrew for Adults through Behrman House. People can take the class even if they don't schedule an actual adult bar or bat mitzvah. The ceremonies are really quiet's never too late. And there's also the tradition of every 70 years having a bar or bat mitzvah which also has lots of potential. We all should live so long!

Moving Traditions - 0 views

    Moving Traditions inspires people to live fuller lives -- and to work for a better world for all -- by advocating for a more expansive view of gender in Jewish learning and practice. Moving Traditions really focuses on specific gender roles. The organization embraces girls helping girls and boys helping boys, so that each gender can learn to help themselves. Also, you are sometimes more comfortable talking to someone who is the same gender as you.

The Vitality of the Hebrew Language - My Jewish Learning - 0 views

    The Vitality of the Hebrew Language What are the secrets of its survival? This article is excerpted from William Chomsky's magnum opus Hebrew: The Eternal Language, first published in 1957. Reprinted with permission from the Jewish Publication Society. How we can use Hebrew today. Teaching Hebrew to our students.
    Yes we can use Hebrew! Reminds me of the Dali Lama meeting with the Rabbis and asking how did Judaism survive while in exile for 2000. One answer is Hebrew. I think Hebrew plays a big role in our continuity. It's a language we can all use for prayer and now as the every day language in Israel. I want my own children to know Hebrew so they can pray in Hebrew and read seferim, chant Torah/Haftarah, and study gemara. They have a ways to go but have to put it out there and I also realize it has to come directly from them too. Thanks for the good reference and link.
Joshua Gischner

Playing Games With Jewish Education - 0 views

    If kids love online gaming, why not connect it with their Jewish education?
Joshua Gischner

Reform Judaism Program Bank - Haman's Pocket - 0 views

    A program for Elementary children combining Purim with Tikkun Olam
Joshua Gischner

Exodus! 40 Hours of Service for 40 Years in the Desert program from the Religious Actio... - 0 views

    Check this out! A way to connect service projects with Passover! A must read program.
Joshua Gischner

Why teach about the Holocaust? - 0 views

    From the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC. Here are some great points about why educators should teach this topic in their classrooms.
Yvonne Webber

Judaism & Jewish Life - My Jewish Learning - 0 views

    Explore Jewish Life and Judaism at My Jewish Learning, a trans-denominational website of information about Judaism. I find this website useful for students to look up basic information about many topics. It has been especially useful with our international Chinese students who have no background in Judaism, Jewish history or often, western religion at all.
Yvonne Webber

The 7 Skills Students Must Have For The Future - 0 views

    Are students prepared for the future? Are they graduating ready to innovate? What are some of the skills students should have in order to have a successful future? The answers this article provides are inline with Tapscott's Eight Norms of Net Geners - no surprise to me!
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