Web search can be a remarkable research tool for students - and we've heard from educators that they could use some help to teach better search skills in their classroom.
The following Search Education lessons were developed by Google Certified Teachers to help you do just that. The lessons are short, modular and not specific to any discipline so you can mix and match to what best fits the needs of your classroom. Additionally, all lessons come with a companion set of slides (and some with additional resources) to help you guide your in-class discussions.
Google For Educators - Web Search - 0 views
YouTube - Setting Up a Google Account - 0 views
Home (GoogleApps ePortfolios) - 2 views
This Google Site has been set up by Dr. Helen Barrett to focus on the use of Google Apps to create ePortfolios. On this site, there are instructions on how to use the different elements of Google Apps to maintain e-portfolios.
Google Apps for Education: Webinars and Resource Center - 20 views
Watch these webinars to hear directly from school administrators about how Google Apps has helped them save money and IT resources, plus made students' lives easier with a set of tools for working together.
Learn about all of the features and benefits of Google Apps Education Edition. In this recorded online seminar, you will: - Hear why other organizations have made the switch - Learn how other organizations are using these services - Watch a demo of Google App
Student Safe Search Enginnes - 9 views
This page lists over 20 websites that have been specifically set up to provide a safer experience for students. In addition there is also information about ... | Introduction to Child-Safe Searching | Google Safe Search | Alta Vista Family Filter | Ivy's Search Engine Resources for Kids | Kid's Browser | Surfing the Net with Kids | Safe Surfing Family Guide | Review of safe search engines at 'searchenginewatch' | Internet Content Rating Association | Create your own safe search engine with Google | Censorship / Filtering | Health & Safety | About the Internet | Internet Usage Policies | Education Portals | General Resources |
Google Plus Best Practices | Social Media Today - 17 views
Here are the 10 top mistakes on Google+.
Set up a business page if you using Google+ for your company.
include your business keywords in your tagline and introduction.
- ...20 more annotations...
Random Name Picker (Sheets Template) - 20 views
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