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Andrew Williamson

Why An Unconference? - Meeting Of The Minds Unconference Blog - 7 views

    Some ideas around why we created @motmedu Looking for a conference with a difference? What story do you have to tell? The #motm13 Unconference is built around stories for the purpose of making strong connections with other passionate educators who are integrating ICT with pedagogy.
Ron Barton

Questions about teaching - Google Docs - 26 views

    2 questions about student engagement and ICT - your feedback would be much appreciated.
    Thank you for the views, please add your opinion as it would greatly aid my research.
Lucy Gray

10 Google Forms for the Classroom | ICT in my Classroom - 2 views

    blog post from Tom Barrett
Cheryl Davis

What my class thought of our Google Docs project | ICT in my Classroom - 0 views

    As our summer term Google Docs project drew to a close I asked the children in my class to reflect on what we had done. I asked them to record the one thing
Michelle Krill

One idea, one slide, one image | ICT in my Classroom - 1 views

    Tom Barrett has set up a Google Presentation for folks to contribute a slide with how they are using interactive white boards.
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