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Gaby Richard-Harrington

Introduction to Google Classroom - Edudemic - 26 views

  • Google Drive Integration - When a teacher uses Google Classroom, a “Classroom” folder is created in their Google Drive account with a sub-folder for each new class they create.
  • Student Organization - When students use Google Classroom, a “Classroom” folder is created in their Google Drive account, with a sub-folder for each class they join.
  • Automation - When creating an assignment that is a Google Document, Classroom will duplicate and distribute individual copies of the Google Document to each student in the class.
Kasey Bell

5 Ways to Use the Google Classroom About Tab [infographic] | Shake Up Learning - 12 views

    "Google Classroom has so much to offer teachers and students, and every day I learn something new that makes it an even better tool! Inside Google Classroom, teachers and students will see three main tabs, one of which is the About tab. The About tab is where you add the details of your class including course description, syllabus, materials, invite co-teachers and more. The About tab also makes a great hub for year-round classroom resources, like schedules, important links and more."
Justin Medved

Looking For Learning In 21st Century Classrooms - A leadership guide to supporting and ... - 12 views

    Looking for Learning in 21st Century Classrooms A leadership guide to supporting and coaching best practice technology use across the curriculum. Administrators are given the charge to foster professional development of teachers through classroom observation, walk-throughs and overall supervision. In recent years, technology has changed significantly and the world has altered alongside that change. Education has begun the process of including technology, but finds variety in teacher expertise and practice. What questions can supervisors ask of their teachers to best promote technology-use to improve learning? Here are some helpful guiding questions.
Maryann Angeroth

8 Classroom Management Tips--From Google? - 21 views

    Here are 8 things that teachers can learn from the business world, as they would be applied in a classroom. Specifically, these traits are from Google's own highly effective managers 8 Habits of Highly Effective Google Managers.

74 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom | - 40 views

    74 Interesting Ways to Use Google Forms in the Classroom
Aaron Davis

EdTechTeacher 4 Hidden Features of Google Classroom - EdTechTeacher - 26 views

    Some lesser utilized functions associated with Google Classroom, including topics, work spaces and assignment calendar.
Kathy Malsbenden

Transforming Classroom Pratices in a 1:1 Chromebook Environment - 17 views

  • TITLELAST MODIFIEDRubrics to Rock Your Instructional DeliveryOct 25Naomi HarmBack Channel Chat from Chromebook 1:1Oct 25Naomi HarmChrome Apps and Extensions: Differences and RecommendationsOct 27Naomi Harm
Michelle Krill

Examples of Google Earth Activities - 0 views

    Ready to get started teaching with Google Earth? Want to see some examples of classroom use? This is a collection of ready-to-use classroom activities that use Google Earth.
Maryann Angeroth

6 Ways To Use Google Hangouts In The Classroom | - 22 views

    "Google's suite of technology products has far-reaching followings in the social and business sector, but did you know nearly all of their products are easily integrated into the classroom?"
Maryann Angeroth

The Paperless Classroom with Google Docs - 26 views

    "Google Docs provides many ways to go paperless through sharing and collaboration options. There is not just one single right way to use Google Docs for a paperless classroom. Rather there are many tools and features that can be used on their own or in combination to meet your varying needs. This guide will cover many of the most common ways that Google Docs can help teachers and students move away from paper and into a digital-only environment."
Susan Oxnevad

5 Ways to Use Google Docs in the Classroom - 35 views

    Google Docs is a user friendly suite of online collaborative tools that come with tremendous potential for use in the classroom. Last year all of the students in our school  received Google Docs accounts and I was kept quite busy getting students and teachers up and running with the new tools, then discovering innovative ways to use them as effective tools for learning. Here are some of the favorites.
David McGavock

Google For Educators - 2 views

    "About Google for Educators At Google, we support teachers in their efforts to empower students and expand the frontiers of human knowledge. That's why we've assembled the information and tools you'll find on this page. Here, you'll find a teacher's guide to Google Tools for Your Classroom. And to spark your imagination, you'll find examples of innovative ways that other educators are using these tools in the classroom. While you're here, you can sign up for the quarterly Google for Educators newsletter, as well as check out the latest from The Infinite Thinking Machine, a Google-sponsored, WestEd-produced blog for educators, by educators. Since we launched the Google for Educators site, we've heard from many of you that you'd like an easy way to communicate with us, and more importantly, with your fellow teachers. To that end, we've launched a new community with the Google for Educators Discussion Group. Visit often to learn of new announcements from us and to share any of your ideas. "
Elana Leoni

70+ Google Forms for the Classroom | - 68 views

    70+ Google Forms for the Classroom
Aaron Davis

a timeline of google classroom's march to replace learning management systems | edsurge... - 13 views

    Antoinette Siu provides a summary of how far Google Classroom has come in two years. There is also a great use of TimelineJS to represent these changes
Mikkel Storaasli

Google In the Classroom - Download Free Content from Michigan's MI Learning on iTunes - 25 views

    Itunes U course
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