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Michael J

All Indie Magazine: Music and LIVE interview with Jennifer Grassman: - 1 views

    Jennifer Grassman is an Alternative Pop singer/songwriter from Austin, Texas. Her sound is a unique blend of Tori Amos, Sara Bareilles, and Amy Lee with a twist of Goth and Doris Day. Did I just say, Doris Day and Goth in the same sentence? Yes, I did. Listen to the full Audio interview at All Indie Magazine: Or The Great Unknowns Presents: FREE CONCERT ---------------------------- Coming this January 30th is another Great Unknowns Showcase featuring: The Alternates [BREN] Tangent Transmission Nobody Gets Killed (CD release party!) Location: The Mezz, 501 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013, (213) 489-1783 Doors open at 7pm Show starts at 8pm NO COVER! GRAMMY'S WEEK ------------------------------ On Friday, Feb 11th, we have a big announcement regarding The Great Unknowns Presents at the biggest networking event of the year during Grammy's week, so if you are a musician, a music industry professional, or apart of the media, or just a lover of music you are invited to attend: It's only $10 if you pre-order and $20 at the door: HOPE TO SEE ALL OF YOU THERE!
Michael J

Start Halloween with some Electro Goth by Jadeius the VnDead - 0 views

    Start off Halloween with some Industrial Goth by Jadeius the VnDead. Jadeius earned this weeks spotlight not only for his eccentric personality, but for his craft. This dark set is perfect for the occasion. To listen go to
Michael J

Unbound & Set Free: Music and Interview with Klayrssa of Chamber of Echoes - 0 views

    If you like Amy Lee of Evanescence, you will fall in love with Klayrssa of Chamber of Echoes. Enjoy a 4-track preview with a special guest appearence Chamber of Echoes is an industrial band that embodies the essence of a powerful singer with a gothic dose of musical melodies which make this music artist a force to be reckoned with. If Amy Lee of Evanescence and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails were fused together in an accidental transporter incident, the result would be the birth of Klaryssa Korok, the heart and soul of Chamber of Echoes. Read my exclusive interview with Klayrssa at: Thank you for making The Great Unknowns Presents grow to 42,577 subscribers! Invite everyone to this group and make it grow even larger and surpass my goal of 129,000 subscribers to make this the number one podcast in America!
Michael J

Unbound and Set Free: Interview with Klaryssa of Chamber of Echoes - 0 views

    If Amy Lee of Evanescence and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails were fused together in some Sci-Fi accidental Star Trek like transporter incident, the result would be the birth of Klaryssa Korok, the heart and soul of Chamber of Echoes. Chamber of Echoes sound embodies industrial and gothic influence. Go to:
Michael J

IO Echo Edition, The Great Unknowns Ep XVII - 0 views

    This weeks artist spotlight is IO Echo. An indie artist from Los Angeles. One of their popular songs today is, DOORWAY from the Palm Pre Sprint commerical. Check it out!
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