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KPI_Library Bookmarks

Hacking the Academy - 1 views

    Edited by Dan Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt, MPublishing, 2011. (Print edition forthcoming) This site is an open-access version of a volume of over 300 responses to questions posed by the editors in their social networks. Contributors were allowed only one week to respond. The approach, encouraging interactivity as well as a time limit, and the questions intended to provoke thinking on how digital media and technology can beneficially reform the academy. The editors convincingly state a good case for their choice of the word "hack." (originally bookmarked September 9, 2011. The previous link is no longer active.)
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Background and action paper on OER - 0 views

    By Paul G. West and Lorraine Victor, prepared for The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, May 2011. This paper appears to be an excellent resource for collections of OER, both in the US and around the world.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Hacking the Academy, The Edited Volume - 0 views

    Edited by Dan Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt, MPublishing, 2011. (Print edition forthcoming) This site is an open-access version of a volume of over 300 responses to questions posed by the editors in their social networks. Contributors were allowing only one week to respond. The approach, encouraging interactivity as well as a time limit, and the questions intended to provoke thinking on how digital media and technology can beneficially reform the academy. The editors convincingly state a good case for their choice of the word "hack."
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