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Successful College Writing, Third Edition - 0 views

    By Kathleen T. McWhorter. Book companion site for Third Edition
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Learning styles: concepts and evidence - 0 views

    By Harold Pasher, Mark McDaniel, Doug Rohrer, and Robert Bjork. Published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, vol 9 (3), Dec 2008, pp. 105-119. The authors looked at scientific evidence related to learning-style assessments in education. They concluded that evidence did not bear out the use of such assessments, but also point out that many versions of learning styles have not been tested at all (and thus there is no evidence).
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education - 0 views

    This entry, by Mark K. Smith and published in the Encyclopedia of informal education, provides background on Howard Gardner and outlines his theory of multiple intelligences. Further reading and references are provided.
    SS references Gardner in the Jam's very first post about learning.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

VARK learning styles questionnaire - 0 views

    This is a free questionnaire of approximately 20 questions that enables users to quickly assess their learning style.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

The Myers & Briggs Foundation - 0 views

    This site is the "home" of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality inventory, which is used both in the workplace and to identify learning styles in students.
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