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Diana Woolis

Googlios - 0 views

    Goog*lio noun (1) a hybrid next generation e-portfolio that utilizes emerging open, social, web2.0, and Google applications such as blogs, wikis, social networks and software to create a student created and controlled personal learning environment and lifelong content management system that can be shared and viewed from different perspectives, within various contexts, and for multiple purposes. noun (2) a free and easy to use portfolio web site for individuals to design as a space, story, and system that functions as a workspace and showcase for learners to collect, select, reflect, publish, link, archive, and demonstrate knowledge, skills, reflections, through multimedia artifacts. verb (3) "googlio it" to publish and connect a digital artifact to your webfolio. origin: rooted in the word folio (as in Da Vinci) + Google (as in all the free Google Apps & Tools) and evolved from portfolio -->
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Why ePortfolio is the Tool of the Time and Who is Enaaeebling It -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    By Trent Batson in Campus Technology, May 20 2009. Batson argues that, though the e-Portfolio movement seems to have gained some traction in recent years, the technology offerings are still inadequate, and the rate of successful adoption and integration is also low. He introduces a new organization, the Association for Authentic, Experiential, and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL), a professional association that focuses on e-Portfolios. Follow the aaeebl tag for more.
    See page 3, where LaGuardia is included in the list of "shining examples of good work" on the e-Portfolio front!
KPI_Library Bookmarks

E-Portfolios for Learning - 1 views

    Dr. Helen Barrett blogs about electronic portfolios and digital storytelling.
Lisa Levinson

Best Practices in E-Assessment - Assessment - Program Management - Resource Collections... - 0 views

    Although this paper highlights Adult Basic Ed/ELL it has some interesting conclusions about eLearning and assessment.
Diana Woolis

LaGuardia ePortfolio - 0 views

    By LaGuardia's Center for Teaching and Learning (also cited here), this site provides tutorials as well as samples for students and faculty interested in ePortfolios. See lagcc tag for related bookmarks.
    "Whether you're a student building your ePortfolio, an educator using ePortfolios for teaching and learning, or you're interested in the growing ePortfolio field, we invite you to explore the many resources available here at ePortfolio@LaGuardia. "
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Conceptualizing the Functional Requirements for a Next-Generation E-Portfolio System - 0 views

    By Enrique Mu, Sallie Wormer, Roberta Foizey, Beverly Barkon, and Mark Vehec in Educause Quarterly (EQ) vol 33 (1), 2010.
KPI_Library Bookmarks

Lumina Foundation: Focus Winter 2011 - 1 views

    Lumina Foundation Focus, Winter 2011. This issue concentrates on learning: what are students learning, what should they be learning, what knowledge skills and other competencies must they have to thrive? Marisa Klages discusses the role of e-Portfolios.
    G.M. posted the link to this publication in March coffee klatch
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