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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Moultrie Creek

Moultrie Creek

Clara Barton - 2 views

    @CivilianWartime North Carolina Tweeting the Civil War home front in N.C., in the words of those who lived it. Tweets may be subject to Public Records Law & disclosed to others.
Moultrie Creek

White Paper: Preserving Your Family History Records Digitally | Learn | - 5 views

  • This paper discusses the benefits and challenges of using digital preservation to both augment and enhance the preservation of your family history records. It also explores solutions to the challenges, identifies what types of family history records are suitable for digital preservation, and summarizes what is required to get started archiving digital records.
    This paper discusses the benefits and challenges of using digital preservation to both augment and enhance the preservation of your family history records. It also explores solutions to the challenges, identifies what types of family history records are suitable for digital preservation, and summarizes what is required to get started archiving digital records.
Moultrie Creek

Captains of the Civil War by William Wood - Free eBook - 1 views

    Sixty years ago today the guns that thundered round Fort Sumter began the third and greatest modern civil war fought by English-speaking people. This war was quite as full of politics as were the other two--the War of the American Revolution and that of Puritan and Cavalier. But, though the present Chronicle never ignores the vital correlations between statesmen and commanders, it is a book of warriors, through and through.
Moultrie Creek

Letters from Port Royal by Elizabeth Ware Pearson - Free eBook - 0 views

    8 P. M. The acting Provost Marshal has just come aboard with our passports viséed, enabling us to land here, but I don't care to do that to-night, there being nothing but sand-banks to sleep on, while we have tolerable berths aboard. To-morrow I may go, if there is time before going upstream to Beaufort, though I imagine there is little to see but sand and tents, which look quite as well at a distance.
Moultrie Creek

Chancellorsville and Gettysburg by Abner Doubleday - Free eBook - 0 views

    In writing ths narrative, which relates to the decisive campaign which freed the Northern States from invasion, it may not be out of place to state what facilities I have had for observation in the fulfilment of so important a task. I can only say that I was, to a considerable extent, an actor in the scenes I describe, and knew the principal leaders on both sides, in consequence of my association with them at West Point, and, subsequently, in the regular army.
Moultrie Creek

The photographic history of the civil war.. : Miller, Francis Trevelyan, 1877-1959 - 2 views

    v. 1. The opening battles.--v. 2. Two years of grim war.--v. 3. The decisive battles.--v. 4. The cavalry.--v. 5. Forts and artillery.--v. 6. The navies.--v. 7. Prisons and hospitals.--v. 8. Soldier life, secret service.--v. 9. Poetry and eloquence of Blue and Gray.--v. 10. Armies and leaders
Moultrie Creek

Personal Recollections of a Cavalryman by James Harvey Kidd - Free eBook - 0 views

    In preparing this book it has not been the purpose of the author to write a complete historical sketch of the Michigan cavalry brigade. Such a history would require a volume as large for the record of each regiment; and, even then, it would fall short of doing justice to the patriotic services of that superb organization. The narrative contained in the following pages is a story of the personal recollections of one of the troopers who rode with Custer, and played a part-small it is true, but still a part-in the tragedy of the civil war.
Moultrie Creek

Moultrie Creek Online Historical Society - 1 views

    Moultrie Creek Online Historical Society is a fictitious society used to demonstrate how historical and genealogical societies can develop an online presence to support existing members and attract new ones.
Moultrie Creek

Genealogy Book Links - 5 views

    An index to freely available books online related to genealogy and history.
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