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ariella1 Tucker

Internet Archive: Free Downloads: Genealogy - 5 views

harry potter12

BPTP provides a residential project known as Amstoria which is located in sector 102 Gu... - 2 views

harry potter12

JMS The Nation in Sector 95 Gurgaon - Geetanjali Homestate - 2 views

Michael Hait

Two must-read online resources for African-American genealogy research - 6 views

Moultrie Creek

Kindred Konnections: Writing Your Personal History - 21 views

  • Basically, the "materials" for this project are going to be things that help you to remember specials events in your life. Photographs, journals, and letters are a few good ideas. As you leaf through a photo album or an old journal, chances are that you'll find yourself thinking, "Now that's a story I've got to put in!"
  • To help you get over that first horrible case of writer's block, here are some places you might start: What is the story of your birth? Remember how your mother used to tell you about the seventy-two hours she spent in labor to bring you into the world? Or maybe your father once told you what he thought the first time he saw you. These can turn into attention-grabbing beginnings. What is your earliest memory? Rather than starting with your birth, you might want to start with the first face, house, toy, or song that you remember. Why did you decide to write your personal history? Maybe you decided to start this project after reading your grandmother's journal or after spending an exhausting decade trying to find out exactly who your great-great grandfather was. That story could make an interesting introduction. What was the most important, happiest, or best day of your life? Think over your life and pick one particular day that stands out to you.
  • You might also consider having family members or friends contribute some memories of their own. For example, when writing about your childhood, you might want to ask your siblings to write down what they remember about growing up in your home. Maybe they remember things you've forgotten-like that unfortunate incident with the grape juice and Mom's favorite shirt-or simply remember things differently. While this is first and foremost your history, it can be interesting to share a story from someone else's viewpoint. When talking about your wedding day, it would be fun to have your spouse's version of the story as well as your own.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Now it's time to go back and smooth everything out. Read over what you've written and make sure that it all makes sense. Does one story flow neatly into another? Did you leave out anything important? Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes to correct?
Sandy Johnson

Minnesota Genealogy - 15 views

Moultrie Creek

My Roots Overview - 0 views

    Genealogy database for Palm handheld computers.
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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» On voit ça oui !En 1996, Melania Knauss est arrivée à New York et se mariera avec Donald Trump en Floride neuf ans plus tard après six ans de relation. Venant de Slovénie, elle est elle-même immi...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 05 Mar 16 no follow-up yet
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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» On voit ça oui !En 1996, Melania Knauss est arrivée à New York et se mariera avec Donald Trump en Floride neuf ans plus tard après six ans de relation. Venant de Slovénie, elle est elle-même immi...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 05 Mar 16 no follow-up yet
Felix Gryffeth

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EXPERION THE WESTERLIES in Setor 108 Delhi - Geetanjali Homestate - 1 views

Moultrie Creek

African American News and Genealogy - 4 views

harry potter12

BPTP Green Oaks in Sector 70 A Gurgaon - Geetanjali Homestate - 3 views

harry potter12

Pyramid DDJAY plots in Sector 78 Gurgaon - Geetanjali Homestate - 3 views

harry potter12

Satya Merano Greens DDJAY Plots in Sector 99A Gurgaon - 3 views

Felix Gryffeth

Herrenhaus Karwe in Neuruppin-Karwe - 4 views

tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 19 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 31 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
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Selon Tbilissi, des manœuvres militaires russes seraient en cours en mer Noire, au large de la Géorgie, ainsi que dans le nord du Caucase. Moscou a toutefois exclu l'option militaire. « Il ne peut ...

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Mais ce sera la septième visite de Dragon à l'ISS qui avait été, lors de son vol de démonstration en 2012, le premier vaisseau spatial privé à s'y amarrer. PARIS (Reuters) - Les producteurs de colz...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 19 Apr 15 no follow-up yet
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