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Craig Manson

Project MUSE - 0 views

  • Project MUSE offers full text, affordable access to current content from prestigious humanities and social sciences journals. MUSE is the most reliable source of titles from many of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies, journals with critically acclaimed articles by the most respected scholars in their fields.
    Project MUSE offers full text, affordable access to current content from prestigious humanities and social sciences journals. MUSE is the most reliable source of titles from many of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies, journals with critically acclaimed articles by the most respected scholars in their fields.
Craig Manson

Manigault Plantation Collection--University of North Carolina - 0 views

    Louis Manigault (1828-1899) was a member of a prominent and influential family of rice planters from South Carolina and Georgia. In 1833, his father, Charles Manigault (1795-1874), purchased Gowrie and East Hermitage plantations located on Argyle Island in the Savannah River, several miles upstream from the port of Savannah. Louis managed these properties for his father from the 1850s through the Civil War and Reconstruction.\n\nThe Manigault Plantation Journal, compiled by Louis Manigault between 1856 and 1879, includes information on plantation life, slaves and slavery, rice cultivation, market conditions, accounts, and other topics. Notes and memoranda kept by Charles Manigault regarding the plantations during the 1830s and 1840s were pasted into the journal.
Craig Manson

Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society - 3 views

    Links to 28 years of Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society
Moultrie Creek

Kindred Konnections: Writing Your Personal History - 21 views

  • Basically, the "materials" for this project are going to be things that help you to remember specials events in your life. Photographs, journals, and letters are a few good ideas. As you leaf through a photo album or an old journal, chances are that you'll find yourself thinking, "Now that's a story I've got to put in!"
  • To help you get over that first horrible case of writer's block, here are some places you might start: What is the story of your birth? Remember how your mother used to tell you about the seventy-two hours she spent in labor to bring you into the world? Or maybe your father once told you what he thought the first time he saw you. These can turn into attention-grabbing beginnings. What is your earliest memory? Rather than starting with your birth, you might want to start with the first face, house, toy, or song that you remember. Why did you decide to write your personal history? Maybe you decided to start this project after reading your grandmother's journal or after spending an exhausting decade trying to find out exactly who your great-great grandfather was. That story could make an interesting introduction. What was the most important, happiest, or best day of your life? Think over your life and pick one particular day that stands out to you.
  • You might also consider having family members or friends contribute some memories of their own. For example, when writing about your childhood, you might want to ask your siblings to write down what they remember about growing up in your home. Maybe they remember things you've forgotten-like that unfortunate incident with the grape juice and Mom's favorite shirt-or simply remember things differently. While this is first and foremost your history, it can be interesting to share a story from someone else's viewpoint. When talking about your wedding day, it would be fun to have your spouse's version of the story as well as your own.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Now it's time to go back and smooth everything out. Read over what you've written and make sure that it all makes sense. Does one story flow neatly into another? Did you leave out anything important? Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes to correct?
pas cherhomme

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Pour lire votre journal depuis iPhone/iPad, cliquez ici.Pour lire votre journal depuis Android, cliquez ici.La justice brésilienne enquête sur l'utilisation de fonds fédéraux dans le cadre de l'org...

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started by pas cherhomme on 31 May 16 no follow-up yet
Moultrie Creek

Florida Historical Quarterly - 0 views

    The Florida Historical Quarterly, the academic journal of the Florida Historical Society, promotes scholarly research and appreciation for the peoples, places, themes, and diversity of Florida's past. The Society is the oldest cultural institution in the state, tracing its origins to 1856. The Quarterly has served to expand understanding of Florida's historical development and offers a broad spectrum of articles. Published four times annually, the Quarterly continues the tradition of high quality scholarly articles established and maintained by the Society. The Quarterly has been a central component of the mission of the Florida Historical Society to promote scholarly research and publication. Students, researchers, and casual readers may use the collection liberally, although reproduction of materials for use outside of classrooms must be approved by the Society.
Craig Manson

News, Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, Reference Articles and Classic Books - Free Onli... - 0 views

    Since 2003, The Free Library has offered free, full-text versions of classic literary works from hundreds of celebrated authors, whose biographies, images, and famous quotations can also be found on the site. Recently, The Free Library has been expanded to include a massive collection of periodicals from hundreds of leading publications covering Business and Industry, Communications, Entertainment, Health, Humanities, Law, Government, Politics, Recreation and Leisure, Science and Technology, and Social Sciences. This collection includes millions of articles dating back to 1984 as well as newly-published articles that are added to the site daily. The Free Library is an invaluable research tool and the fastest, easiest way to locate useful information on virtually any topic. Explore the site through a keyword search, or simply browse the enormous collection of literary classics and up-to-date periodicals to find exactly what you need.
Moultrie Creek

Nickolas Muray - Flickr Commons George Eastman House - 0 views

    "Born in Hungary in 1892, Nickolas Muray immigrated to the United States in 1913, working first as a printer and then opening a photographic portrait studio in Greenwich Village in 1920. He became well known for his celebrity portraits, publishing them regularly in Harper's Bazaar, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Ladies' Home Journal, and The New York Times. After 1930, Muray turned away from celebrity and theatrical portraiture, and became a pioneering commercial photographer, famous for establishing many of the conventions of color advertising. He is considered the master of the three-color carbro process. "
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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Selon M. Brown, les banques sont internationales et le flux des capitaux est international, leurs risques sont donc internationaux, il en faut une supervisioninternationale, non nationale. Le Premi...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 04 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
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Est-il difficile d'exercer le métier de journaliste dans la Russie de Vladimir Poutine ? C'est tout simplement impossible. Aujourd'hui, la recherche de la vérité et la collecte de l'information ne ...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 05 Aug 14 no follow-up yet
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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L'animal arborait sur le haut de son crâne une série de dents et de petites moustaches. Il existe dans la nature de nombreuses singularités dont certaines défient parfois notre entendement. Ce puma...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 12 Jan 16 no follow-up yet

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this project are going to be things that help you to remember specials events in your life. Photographs, journals, and letters are a few good ideas. As you leaf through a photo album or an old jour...

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started by besapkmod on 24 Sep 17 no follow-up yet
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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Je n'y pensais pas du tout, je pensais juste à bien courir. Je ne peux pas vous dire ce que je ressens par rapport à mes impressions de course. Il faut que je continue à bosser, le but ce sont les...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 08 Jun 16 no follow-up yet

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Nike kd 7 35k degrees for sale go to make up the carbohydrates the best way to keep pressure off of the rectal area is by eating more fiber-rich foods. You should both be in good spirits for these ...

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started by linshifang on 16 Jul 14 no follow-up yet

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Nike air foamposite one for sale has a play on words with that when a new love hits the fieldNot everyone, though, wants to meet their ex's new partner on the Air Jordan 11 Gamma Blue playing field...

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started by linshifang on 09 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

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Nike Nike Air Foamposite One Black Suede for cheap air foamposite one black suede this is only the first day answer: brides, basketball shoes and dogs. Question: What are three things you should n...

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started by linshifang on 17 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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Au comptoir, un gros homme qui ronfle, le nez dans un journal. " Holà ! quelqu'un ! " dit le petit Chose, en frappant de son poing fermé sur les tables, comme un vieux coureur de tavernes. Le gros ...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 10 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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570 pneus exactement sur les 25.000 qui ont été immergés à 30 mètres de fond, souligne Elodie Garidou, chargée de mission pour l'agence des aires marines protégées. Le chantier s'est déroulé sans p...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 18 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
tomsdiscout tomsdiscout

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De fortes pluies se sont abattues dimanche 23 ao?t en début d'après-midi sur la capitale de l'Hérault placé avec le Gard sous vigilance orange à la mi-journée par Météo France en raison d'un épisod...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 26 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
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