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LAWSON (LAW SOME of the time) FRANKLIN EARLES PART 2 - 0 views

    FUN WITH FEDERAL COURT RECORDS The following record was found in the Ft. Smith Criminal Case Files held at the National Archives, Southwest Region in Fort Worth, Texas. (spelling is preserved as written) Ardmore Mch 10, 1889 Col. Jno. Carroll Dear Sir, Please send writs for the following parties committed Mch 8, 1889 L.F. Earles charge assault with intent to kill and larceny of one hog valued at $20.00 twenty dollars Witnesses William Lesslie and Wilson Parker

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Sa conquête va permettre à l'EI de transférer des troupes et du ravitaillement entre les deux zones, selon l'OSDH.- Plus de 2.000 exécutions en Irak -Le conflit en Syrie a fait en quatre ans plus d...

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started by tomsdiscout tomsdiscout on 08 Aug 15 no follow-up yet
Moultrie Creek Story Archives - 0 views

    March 13, 1998 Letters to the Editor St. Soldiers are honored Editor: As a member of the General W.W. Loring Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, I would like to thank Mr. G.L. Wilson for his kind comments concerning our recent black heritage ceremony in which we honored black soldiers, both Union and Confederate from St. Augustine. To set the record straight as to who was honored, I would like to state that at our ceremony we honored two black Confederate and seven black Union soldiers who are buried in San Lorenzo Cemetery. There are other black Union soldiers buried at various sites around the county. We placed a rose and the appropriate flag, Confederate or United States, on each soldiers grave. Those present found it to be quite a moving ceremony. Union soldiers honored were: # Pvt. Josua Hagerman, 34th U.S. Colored Infantry # Sgt. Richard Hernandez, 8th U.S. Colored Infantry # Pvt. Toby Mongen, 21st U.S. Colored Infantry # Cpl. David Twine, 33rd U.S. Colored Infantry # Cpl. William Vandyke, 33rd U.S. Colored Infantry # Musician John William Welters, 33rd U.S. Colored Infantry # Cpl. Thomas William, 21st U.S. Colored Infantry Confederate soldiers honored were: # Musicians Emanuel Osburn and Anthony T. Welters, 3rd Florida Infantry There are two other known black Confederates from St. Johns County, however we have been unable to locate their graves. These men are: Pvt. Issac Papino, 3rd Florida Infantry Pvt. Tony Fontane, 3rd Florida Infantry If anyone knows the location of the graves of these two men, I would appreciate hearing from you so that we can properly mark their graves and honor these soldiers of the South. William D. Chisolm Heritage Officer General W.W. Loring Camp 1316 Sons of Confederate Veterans St. Augustine
Moultrie Creek

NEHGS - The American Genealogist - 0 views

    Founded in 1922 by Donald Lines Jacobus, TAG is edited by a trio of NEHGS members: Dr. David L. Greene, FASG, past recipient of the Society's Coddington Award of Merit; Robert Charles Anderson, FASG, director of the NEHGS Great Migration Study Project; and Joseph C. Anderson II, FASG, who is also editor of The Maine Genealogist. These distinguished genealogists, along with dozens of highly-regarded contributors, uphold and advance the standards for genealogical scholarship so carefully articulated by Jacobus and the Jacobus "School."
Michael Hait

Genealogical Resources, UVa Library - 0 views

    Virginia Genealogy: A Guide to Genealogical Resources at the University of Virginia, compiled by Jean L. Cooper, rev. ed. 2005-2009. E-mail: jlc5f at virginia dot edu
David Hilton


    "The Memoro Project is a non profit online initiative dedicated to collecting and divulgating short video recordings of spontaneous interviews with people born before 1940. An editorial staff identifies and authenticates the material uploaded by the volunteers involved in the project. The Memoro Project was created by Memoro S.r.l. with the financial support of the Province of Cuneo, Italy. [...]"
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    by Kory L. Meyerink
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Au moins six personnes ont notamment été tuées dans neuf attaques, dont cinq attentats à la bombe et deux à la voiture piégée. Lundi, une attaque suicide avait fait 12 morts à bord d'un autobus.Cet...

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