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The Associated Press: 4G wireless: It's fast, but outstripped by hype - 2 views

  • Cell phone companies are about to barrage consumers with advertising for the next advance in wireless network technology: "4G" access. The companies are promising faster speeds and the thrill of being the first on the block to use a new acronym.But there's less to 4G than meets the eye, and there's little reason for people to scramble for it, at least for the next few years.

Swedish broadcasters not allowed to "promote" Facebook - 2 views

    good call.

Android phones outsell iPhone 2-to-1, says research firm - Computerworld - 2 views

  • Android-powered smartphones outsold iPhones in the U.S. by almost 2-to-1 in the third quarter, a research firm said today.
  • "We started to see Android take off in 2009 when Verizon added the [Motorola] Droid," said Ross Rubin, the executive director of industry analysis for the NPD Group. "A big part of Android success is its carrier distribution. Once it got to the Verizon and Sprint customer bases, with their mature 3G networks, that's when we started to see it take off." According to NPD's surveys of U.S. retailers, Android phones accounted for 44% of all consumer smartphone sales in the third quarter, an increase of 11 percentage points over 2010's second quarter. Meanwhile, Apple's iOS, which powers the iPhone, was up one point to 23%.

AT&T ups the ante in speech recognition | Signal Strength - CNET News - 2 views

  • It's developed a core technology platform, known as Watson, which is a cloud-based system of services that not only identifies words but interprets meaning and context to deliver more accurate results. The system itself is built on servers that model and compare speech to recorded voices. Watson is an evolving platform that with more data is able to adapt and learn so that it continues to improve accuracy and also cross reference data to use speech as input for getting to all kinds of communication and data. "We are really on the cusp of a technology revolution in speech and language technology," said Mazin Gilbert, executive director of speech and language technology at AT&T Labs. "It's no longer about simply trying to get the words right. It's about adding intelligence to interpret what is being said and then using that to apply to other modes of communication, such as text or video."
  • The system is designed to get more accurate over time as it learns the speech patterns of large numbers of users.

The Strongest Link: Libraries and Linked Data - 2 views

  • Abstract Since 1999 the W3C has been working on a set of Semantic Web standards that have the potential to revolutionize web search. Also known as Linked Data, the Machine-Readable Web, the Web of Data, or Web 3.0, the Semantic Web relies on highly structured metadata that allow computers to understand the relationships between objects. Semantic web standards are complex, and difficult to conceptualize, but they offer solutions to many of the issues that plague libraries, including precise web search, authority control, classification, data portability, and disambiguation. This article will outline some of the benefits that linked data could have for libraries, will discuss some of the non-technical obstacles that we face in moving forward, and will finally offer suggestions for practical ways in which libraries can participate in the development of the semantic web.
    See also Wikipedia on Linked Data:

DIASPORA* - 2 views

    [Sus promotores abren un tiempo de pruebas.- El proyecto, de código abierto, quiere ser una alternativa a Facebook, pero dando el control de los datos al internauta] [ Share what you want, with whom you want. Choice Diaspora lets you sort your connections into groups called aspects. Unique to Diaspora, aspects ensure that your photos, stories and jokes are shared only with the people you intend. Ownership You own your pictures, and you shouldn't have to give that up just to share them. You maintain ownership of everything you share on Diaspora, giving you full control over how it's distributed. Simplicity Diaspora makes sharing clean and easy - and this goes for privacy too. Inherently private, Diaspora doesn't make you wade through pages of settings and options just to keep your profile secure. ]

Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emoti... - 2 views

    [Music, an abstract stimulus, can arouse feelings of euphoria and craving, similar to tangible rewards that involve the striatal dopaminergic system. ...] *Is The Eagerness of The Industry, The Governments and the artists themselves to Control The Music Flow thru internet an Attempt to Control Human Emotions...?

Regulating Google's Results? Law Prof Calls 'Search Neutrality' Incoherent | ... - 2 views

    [ Regulating Google's Results? Law Prof Calls 'Search Neutrality' Incoherent * By Nate Anderson, ars technica * January 22, 2011 | "Neutrality" - if it's good enough for the core of the internet, isn't it good enough for the edge? The biggest internet providers say it is, and they would love to have the government slap a few neutrality rules on Google, just to see how the advertising giant likes the taste of the regulatory bridle. ]

Sharing and the Creative Economy: Culture in the Internet Age | Philippe Aigrain + Suza... - 2 views

    [This book defends that non-market sharing of digital works, creative ac- tivities and culture will have a common fate. It proposes to organise their synergy. ...]

Academic Earth | Online Courses | Academic Video Lectures - 2 views

shared by Ernest Rando on 17 Feb 11 - Cached
    • Ernest Rando
      This looks like a decent academic site

EatAds Wants To Be The Online Marketplace For Outdoor Media in Asia - 2 views

    The idea is simple. Media owners make their ad spaces available while advertisers search and purchase them on

[SURVEY PREVIEW MODE] EuroDIG Agenda Survey - 2 views

    [The Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance (EuroDIG) is an open platform for informal and inclusive discussion and exchange on public policy issues related to Internet Governance (IG) between stakeholders from all over Europe. It was created in 2008 by a number of key stakeholders representing various European stakeholder groups working in the field of IG. EuroDIG is a network which is open to all European stakeholders that are interested in contributing to an open and interactive discussion on IG issues. ...] *Send Personalized Suggestions thru The Page, fill The Survey...

UNESCO released its new publication of freedom of expression on Internet - 2 views

    [01-06-2011 (Paris) UNESCO released its new publication of freedom of expression on Internet Publication cover © UNESCO "While the Internet is empowering individuals more than ever, there is an increase globally in content filtering and censorship," this is one of key messages from the launching ceremony of the UNESCO publication, Freedom of Connection - Freedom of Expression: The Changing Legal and Regulatory Ecology Shaping the Internet. ...]

Digital Law Online: Compilations, Collections, And Derivative Works - 2 views

    Informing about how to license -for sharing- DJin' sessions...

Enterprise Linux or Fedora? Product or project: choose for yourself - 2 views

    [Product or project: choose for yourself A few years ago there was just one Red Hat Linux. As acceptance grew and Linux reached further into enterprise computing, one Red Hat Linux product could no longer be all things to all users. That's why in 2002 Red Hat created Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Stable, supported, certified -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux has become the Linux standard. The Fedora Project was introduced in late 2003. Built for and with the help of the open source community, the Fedora Project is for developers and high-tech enthusiasts using Linux in non-critical computing environments. Which Linux is right for you? See for yourself.]

#killswitch and the Battle over the Internet | Save the Internet - 2 views

    [By Chris Dollar, June 14, 2011 Educator and Writer Chris Dollar is teaming with filmmakers Ali Akbarzadeh and Jeff Horn of (Akorn Entertainment) to create the full-length documentary (#killswitch). They are raising funds on (Kickstarter) to produce the documentary so they can educate the Western world about the fact that big corporations will continue to have more and more control over our news and Internet… unless we do something now.]

EFF to Court: Don't Let Government Hide Illegal Surveillance | Electronic Frontier Foun... - 2 views

    [Lawyers Fight for the Future of Lawsuits Challenging Massive Spying Program Seattle - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) urged the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today to preserve lawsuits challenging the government's illegal mass surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans. In oral arguments today, EFF asked the court to block the government's attempt to bury the suits with claims of state secrecy and an unconstitutional "immunity" law for telecoms that participated in the spying. ...]

La descarga de música no es delito, según el Tribunal Supremo de EE UU - 2 views

    ‎[... Los jueces del Tribunal Supremo estiman que, según la sección 101 de la legislación de los derechos de autor, solo sería justa una ampliación de los 'royalties' en el caso de que las composiciones "se emitieran, bailaran o interpretasen publicamente" y convienen que una descarga "no es ninguna de esas tres cosas". ...]

[video] For a Future Friendly Web « Vimeo, by Brad Frost, 2011-10-03 - 2 views

    « This was a talk given at Web Design Day ( in beautiful Pittsburgh, PA. This talk introduces the need to start thinking and acting in a more future-friendly way when approaching web design. The diversity of web-enabled devices is increasing at an alarming rate. We have to rethink our content and the contexts in which our content is viewed. »
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