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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

PiJuice - A Portable Project Platform For Every Raspberry Pi by PiJuice - Kickstarter - 0 views

    "PiJuice is the ultimate module for all portable Raspberry Pi projects. Includes many fun maker projects and a solar power version too! "
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Outernet | Discussions | Outernet is a marketing scam, and nothing more - 1 views

    "Arxos 10 Jul Much like the solar roadway, and Mars One, this is yet another pie in the sky fundraising effort that will yield zero useful results"
    "Arxos 10 Jul Much like the solar roadway, and Mars One, this is yet another pie in the sky fundraising effort that will yield zero useful results"
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

¡Copiad, Malditos! Derechos de autor en la era digital | - 2da sem. Agosto | ... - 0 views

    [Para el miércoles 10 de agosto.- ¡Copiad, malditos!, es el primer documental Creative Commons emitido y coproducido por RTVE. Un documental que intenta explicar de manera simple y clara la problemática actual de la propiedad intelectual. Mediante una serie de entrevistas se intenta desenmarañar la red legal, política y económica en torno al copyright para intentar presentar el problema y a los protagonistas que han intentado resolverlo. Podrás verlo al aire libre, y mejor aún, comentarlo con el propio director, Stephane M. Grueso. Dónde: El Campo de Cebada (solar del derribado polideportivo de La Latina. Metro: La Latina L5) Hora: 21:30 Gratis]
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

SunZilla provides portable open source electricity | - 0 views

    "Do-it-yourself electricity generation is still difficult and expensive. The inventors of the SunZilla project aim to make it easier, cleaner, portable, quiet, and completely open source."
    "Do-it-yourself electricity generation is still difficult and expensive. The inventors of the SunZilla project aim to make it easier, cleaner, portable, quiet, and completely open source."
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