Silicon Valley startups discover power of political lobbying | ITworld - 0 views
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD. on 05 Dec 14"They might be masters of innovation in some areas, but startups like Airbnb, Uber, Sidecar and Fitbit are finding that when it comes to Washington, D.C., the old ways are the best." # ! Hadn't we agreed that # ! ... #lobbying was going to be #banned, as it was #biasing # ! #politics towards the side of 'payers', #violating #voters' will... # ! ...and the spirit of politics itself?
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD. on 05 Dec 14"They might be masters of innovation in some areas, but startups like Airbnb, Uber, Sidecar and Fitbit are finding that when it comes to Washington, D.C., the old ways are the best."