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Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

​Supercomputer leaders come together on new open-source framework | ZDNet - 0 views

    "Linux has long ruled supercomputing. In the latest TOP500 supercomputer ranking, 97 percent of the world's fastest supercomputers were running Linux. There's more to running a high-performance computer (HPC) than the operating system, and open-source software is getting organized to support it."
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

Microsoft has built a Linux-based operating system | ITworld - 1 views

    • Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.
      # ! Everbody wants to be ( or say they are) # ! #OpenSource. ( # ! ... "Don't believe everything You hear..." # ! And, in this case, all moves of Apple and Microsoft towards Open Source are due to their appetite for the Supercomputers' Marker (actually -and traditionally- reigned by Open Source Platforms... )
    "Pigs haven't taken flight; aliens haven't invaded; hell hasn't frozen over. But... Microsoft has created an OS powered by Linux. No, this is not The Onion; it's true. "
    "Pigs haven't taken flight; aliens haven't invaded; hell hasn't frozen over. But... Microsoft has created an OS powered by Linux. No, this is not The Onion; it's true. "
Gary Edwards

Everything You Need to Know About the Bitcoin Protocol - 0 views

  • . In this research paper we hope to explain that the bitcoin currency itself is ‘just’ the next phase in the evolution of money – from dumb to smart money. It’s the underlying platform, the Bitcoin protocol aka Bitcoin 2.0, that holds the real transformative power. That is where the revolution starts. According to our research there are several reasons why this new technology is going to disrupt our economy and society as we have never experienced before:
  • From dumb to smart money
  • The Bitcoin protocol is the underlying platform that holds the real transformative power and is where the revolution starts. According to our research there are several reasons why this new technology is going to disrupt our economy and society as we have never experienced before:
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Similar to when the TCP/IP, HTTP and SMTP protocols were still in their infancy; the Bitcoin protocol is currently in a similar evolutionary stage. Contrary to the early days of the Internet, when only a few people had a computer, nowadays everybody has a supercomputer in its pocket. It’s Moore’s Law all over again. Bitcoin is going to disrupt the economy and society with breathtaking speed. For the first time in history technology makes it possible to transfer property rights (such as shares, certificates, digital money, etc.) fast, transparent and very secure. Moreover, these transactions can take place without the involvement of a trusted intermediary such as a government, notary, or bank. Companies and governments are no longer needed as the “middle man” in all kinds of financial agreements. Not only does The Internet of Things give machines a digital identity, the bitcoin API’s (machine-machine interfaces) gives them an economic identity as well. Next to people and corporations, machines will become a new type of agent in the economy.
  • The Bitcoin protocol flips automation upside down. From now on automation within companies can start top down, making the white-collar employees obsolete. Corporate missions can be encoded on top of the protocol. Machines can manage a corporation all by themselves. Bitcoin introduces the world to the new nature of the firm: the Distributed Autonomous Corporation (DAC). This new type of corporation also adds a new perspective to the discussion on technological unemployment. The DAC might even turn technological unemplyment into structural unemployment. Bitcoin is key to the success of the Collaborative Economy. Bitcoin enables a frictionless and transparent way of sharing ideas, media, products, services and technology between people without the interference of corporations and governments.
    A series of eleven pages discussing Bitcoin and the extraordinary impact it will have on the world economy. Excellent article and a worthy follow up to the previous Marc Andressen discussion of Bitcoin.
    A series of eleven pages discussing Bitcoin and the extraordinary impact it will have on the world economy. Excellent article and a worthy follow up to the previous Marc Andressen discussion of Bitcoin.
Gonzalo San Gil, PhD.

TOP500 suma 486 supercomputadoras con Linux - 0 views

    "La famosa lista Top500 que agrupa un ranking de las 500 supercomputadoras más potentes del mundo ha salido de nuevo y en ella podemos ver lo mismo de los últimos años, GNU/Linux sigue siendo el sistema operativo dominante en el sector HPC, con 486 máquinas de las 500 más potentes ejecutándolo."
    "La famosa lista Top500 que agrupa un ranking de las 500 supercomputadoras más potentes del mundo ha salido de nuevo y en ella podemos ver lo mismo de los últimos años, GNU/Linux sigue siendo el sistema operativo dominante en el sector HPC, con 486 máquinas de las 500 más potentes ejecutándolo."
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