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Will Future Technology Create More Jobs Than It Replaces? - 0 views

    "Whether AI does or does not become the nightmare of some science fiction, we are certain it will have fundamental impacts on the nature of work, worldwide. And the world needs to think seriously about this now, because it may take a generation or more to make serious changes necessary to improve our work-technology future prospects," says Jerome Glenn, CEO of The Millennium Project.
    i think work technology would be practise with intelligence, it is an imperative for the future generation

3 Near-Future Scenarios That Are Changing The Way We Work Today - 0 views

    Futures thinking applied to the design of office furniture!

Book review: Resilience and the Future of Everyday Life | World Future Society - 1 views

    options for improving personal futures: do-it-yourself homesteading (home as driver of economic value not respository for consumer goods) shared consumption employment: choice between making a living and creating a life

What's the Future of Work? - At Work - WSJ - 1 views

    how, where and with whom we work will undergo some big changes Today we value journalists and surgeons much more than janitors, but in 2022 we may think very differently. We will need to understand what humans are really good at and foster those skills, outsourcing the rest

The future museum and the future school at newlearningonline - 0 views

  • A team of researchers across Europe is conducting an experiment to bring the museum into the school using virtual reality technology.
  • CONNECT project
  • The CONNECT project team believes that by linking the classroom with science centres, museums, planetariums and observatories, it can marry the best elements of formal curricula with informal learning.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Heads covered by virtual-reality visors,
  • link four science centres with participating classrooms in each country.
  • demanding technical challenges. A museum needs a series of access points around the various exhibits, for example, so students can really ‘visit’ the museum instead of watching a series of presentations. ‘In some museums that’s easy because there are high ceilings to fix the access points, in others it’s quite a challenge,’ explains Sotiriou …
  • In its software, CONNECT has produced a stunning virtual museum, featuring colourful, exciting graphics that allow a student to try experiments and then view the results. This advanced learning environment is called the CONNECT Virtual Science Thematic Park –

Who Is Working to End the Threat of AI-Generated Deepfakes - 0 views

  • ata poisoning techniques to essentially disturb pixels within an image to create invisible noise, effectively making AI art generators incapable of generating realistic deepfakes based on the photos they’re fed.
  • Higher resolution images work even better, he said, since they include more pixels that can be minutely disturbed.
  • Google is creating its own AI image generator called Imagen, though few people have been able to put their system through its paces. The company is also working on a generative AI video system.
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  • Salman said he could imagine a future where companies, even the ones who generate the AI models, could certify that uploaded images are immunized against AI models. Of course, that isn’t much good news for the millions of images already uploaded to the open source library like LAION, but it could potentially make a difference for any image uploaded in the future.
  • there are some AI systems that can detect deepfake videos, and there are ways to train people to detect the small inconsistencies that show a video is being faked. The question is: will there come a time when neither human nor machine can discern if a photo or video has been manipulated?
  • Back in September, OpenAI announced users could once again upload human faces to their system, but claimed they had built in ways to stop users from showing faces in violent or sexual contexts. It also asked users not to upload images of people without their consent
  • Noah asked Murati if there was a way to make sure AI programs don’t lead us to a world “where nothing is real, and everything that’s real, isn’t?”

The differences between science fiction and science fact change over time, and our opin... - 0 views

  • SCIENCE fiction often gets a bad press from scientists, but firing our imagination about science and technology is absolutely vital. Sharing a vision of the good society, in which everybody has what they need to live well, is crucial to working towards it. So how do we imagine the contribution of science and technology to creating just futures?
    A little something about science, science fiction and the future.

New School Leads Conversation on the Future of Learning | The New School News - 0 views

  • The conference, hands-on workshops, science fair, performances, and other activities run October 10–16, one project is currently on view in the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center at Parsons The New School for Design. The Assignment Book is an exhibition curated by Scholz and Christiane Paul, director of the graduate media studies program at The New School for Public Engagement and Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts at the Whitney Museum of American Art, that poses questions for the audience. It features work by artist Luis Camnitzer that grapples with some unresolved questions about digital learning, and is solicited visitors to the gallery to add to the conversation, subverting the traditional role of the artist as teacher. There will be a discussion about this exhibition between Camnitzer and Paul on October 11.

Palm-sized Star Trek tech may be closer than you think | The Future Is Now - Yahoo! News - 0 views

    Pocket-sized xray machine will be here before you know it...identify materials in an instant like a Star Trek tricorder.  Best part: my son works for this company!  Watch the video, he's on the left in the first shot of the lab.

"Jam" with Health Horizons' Director Rod Falcon and Philips on the Future of Aging Well... - 0 views

    Rod Falcon who spoke at CAM heads up the IFTF Health Institute. Latest work they are doing on aging population.

The School of the Future at newlearningonline - 0 views

  • Students still sit in classrooms, but lessons rely heavily on information found on the Internet and on interactive software. Students will be allowed to learn at their own pace. Homework is done on computer and sent to the teacher for grading and parents can access the school’s network to read teacher feedback on their child’s progress.
  • [T]extbooks and blackboards are out, so are paper and pens. There aren’t even books in the library. Everything is done on laptops
  • ‘One half of the period you’re learning math, the other half of the period you’re learning science. But it all comes together,’ said one student.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • There are no textbooks to buy: that budget is used to give each kid a laptop to take home …
  • The ultimate test will be whether technology as tutor will actually help students learn

What the research says about 4-day school weeks - MindShift - 0 views

  • (City students were excluded from the analysis because no city schools had adopted four-day weeks. Only rural, small town and suburban students were included.)
  • The switch seemed to hurt reading achievement more than math achievement.
  • Rural schools accounted for seven out of 10 schools on the four-day schedule in this study.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Rural four-day students generally learned as much as rural five-day day students. Statistically, both groups’ test scores rose by about the same amount every year.
  • small town and suburban students who switched to four-day weeks were far worse off than other students in the state
  • One possible explanation, Morton says, is sports. Many rural athletes and young student fans leave school early on Fridays or skip school altogether because of the great distances to travel to away games. In effect, many five-day students are only getting four-days of instruction in rural America.
  • The four-day work week is an attractive work perk in rural America that may lure better teachers.
  • By this theory, four-day schools may make it easier to hire better teachers, who could accomplish in four days what a less skilled teacher accomplishes in five days.
  • five-day weeks have their own drawbacks in rural America: hidden absences, skipped lessons and lower quality teachers.
  • Hispanic students, who accounted for one out of every six rural students in this study, suffered much more from four-day weeks than white students did. (Native American students, who made up one of every 10 rural students, did relatively better with the four-day week.)
  • biggest surprise to me in this review of the research is how tiny the cost savings are: 1 to 2 percent.  It does save some money not to run the heat or buses one day a week, but the largest expenses, teacher salaries, stay the same.

Alzheimer's cases, and costs, projected to swell - - 1 views

    The projected stats on the future of Alzheimer's cases continue to rise-what are museums going to do about it?
    This is a big one... You see conversations around preventative / delaying aspects of Alz -- through 'creative aging' community work. Something for Museums to explore

Gen Z, the Great Resignation generation, likes job-hopping - 0 views

  • A whopping 75% of Gen Zers say they're willing to switch career paths entirely and look for jobs in new industries. Less than half of those older say the same.
  • They're 77% more likely to engage with a job posting on LinkedIn that mentions "flexibility" than one that doesn't.

Baby Boomer Trends That Could Impact You | Article - 0 views

  • Older Baby Boomers slated for retirement could create many new future job openings - if they decide to leave the job market at age 65. But that's a big "if." Several trends are now pointing toward delayed retirement due to increased personal expenses, better health and the desire to stay working - at least part-time - beyond age 65. For whatever reason, Baby Boomers are staying in the workforce longer than previous generations.
  • The BLS also predicts that the arts, entertainment, and recreation industry is expected to grow by 15 percent by 2018, with most of the growth in the amusement, gambling, and recreation sector.
  • Job growth is projected to stem partially from retired Baby Boomers who have more leisure time, more disposable income and more concern with being physically fit than the generations before them - all driving a need for more recreational programs.
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