Dr. Puentedura Blog – Why not read SAMR thoughts from the person who came up with the model. Dr. Puentedura provides important insight, reflections, and ideas.
Relating to Blooms – Once again learn from the SAMR creator, Dr. Puentedura, as he provides this blog posted at Graphite showing relationships to SAMR and Blooms.
SAMR Model and 21st Century Skills – Explore an article that allows educators to look at the SAMR Model through the 21st century skill lens.
SAMR Model Example – Take a look at some great example relating SAMR to specific examples that educators can relate to.
K. Ward SAMR Discussions Example – Read about SAMR as related to online discussion examples.
SAMR… Teaching Above the Line – Discover a wonderful article that allows teachers to begin thinking of taking the SAMR steps.
Introduction to SAMR Model – Once again Common Sense Media provides an amazing video and information on the SAMR Model.
SAMR for Administrators – This is not just for administrators, but for all educators. This post at Edutopia provides some practical ideas for looking at SAMR.
Padagogy Wheel – What an amazing creation that takes apps and aligns them to apps… a must visit website to investigate and learn more from..
SAMR and Coffee – This post points out several blogs and videos that try to draw some analogies between coffee and SAMR… it might be your cup of coffee..