Greetings, One thing that's good to have, that would be great to obtain taking MPBS, is becoming officially certified for Pro Tools 10, and Logic Pro 9. It would be great If Full Sail added that to our Degree. I'm providing a link to avid where you can inquire about getting certified. I will also come back with the link for Logic Pro 9, another thing I know is, that it's going to be costly for those as well. Being said, this's one good reason to set yourself aside from every other producer out there, achieving that may land you that major position everyone wants, without having the certification. click on this link to find out more. Respectfully, Cliff
You can get certified for pro tools through Full Sail, but that's available for Campus students only. You can also get certified if your an online student, but you have to make arrangements to get your certifications at the campus itself, which will probably cost extra. Don't feel left out though, you can still get certified, just about every state has many official certification programs for both Pro tools and Logic Pro, just google your way to those links is all you have to really do, but make sure your finding reliable official resources. P.e.a.c.e
One thing that's good to have, that would be great to obtain taking MPBS, is becoming officially certified for Pro Tools 10, and Logic Pro 9. It would be great If Full Sail added that to our Degree.
I'm providing a link to avid where you can inquire about getting certified. I will also come back with the link for Logic Pro 9, another thing I know is, that it's going to be costly for those as well. Being said, this's one good reason to set yourself aside from every other producer out there, achieving that may land you that major position everyone wants, without having the certification. click on this link to find out more.
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