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Cool interactive human face, Dominique - 0 views

    Clever interactive human face that moves with your mouse.
Alexandra IcecreamApps

Best Free Typing Lessons - Icecream Tech Digest - 0 views

    Thanks to the stable integration of technology into every part of our everyday life, we are facing less and less handwritten paperwork. These days it’s much more important to have excellent typing skills than have exquisite handwriting. There is no … Continue reading →
    Thanks to the stable integration of technology into every part of our everyday life, we are facing less and less handwritten paperwork. These days it’s much more important to have excellent typing skills than have exquisite handwriting. There is no … Continue reading →
yc c

Font Squirrel | Create Your Own @font-face Kits - 2 views

    download and/or convert fonts Each @font-face font kit come with: Original TrueType or OpenType Fonts for Firefox 3.5+ , Opera 10+, Safari 3.1+, Chrome fonts for Internet Explorer 4+Demo.html and stylesheet.css so you can get going fastNOTE: All fonts are subset to the Mac Roman char set.
Alexandra IcecreamApps

Main features of Icecream PDF Converter - Icecream Tech Digest - 0 views

    Icecream PDF Converter is a new software program by Icecream Apps, already the 7th one to be released. PDF is quite a wide-spread format that we face on regular basis; however, working with it can be challenging as naturally files … Continue reading →
    Icecream PDF Converter is a new software program by Icecream Apps, already the 7th one to be released. PDF is quite a wide-spread format that we face on regular basis; however, working with it can be challenging as naturally files … Continue reading →
Teresa Carter

Major Benefits To Enjoy With 3 Year Loans! - 0 views

    Taking care of the unexpected financial expenses is a tough task when you are already facing financial shortage.

Great new free software downloads search engine - 0 views

  • The world’s latest and greatest Free Software Search Engine
    Now you can find virtually anything that's available for download anywhere on the Internet with this fast downloads search engine.
Alberto Adrián Schiano

FedoraLiveCD/LiveOS README - Fedora Project Wiki - 0 views

    IBM Fedora - Red Hat Live CD guide: free downloads
    Guia de Live CD IBM Fedora - Red Hat: descarga gratuita

    IBM Fedora - Red Hat Live CD guide: free downloads
    Guia de Live CD IBM Fedora - Red Hat: descarga gratuita

Alberto Adrián Schiano

HeadMouse 1 - 0 views

    Move your mouse with your web cam and your face
    Mover el mouse con una web cam y tu rostro

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Name Card Design, Printing and Sharing 咭片設計、印刷及分享平台 - 0 views

    Dessign online your own business cards for free
    Disenyar online su propia tarjeta comercial gratis

    CMYK jpeg output supported por printers
    Salida de jpeg con cuatricromias (CMYC) para imprentas

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Sticky Notes Software: NoteZilla & Quick Notes Plus - Desktop Sticky Notes Programs for... - 0 views

    Use a free virtual folder to remember paths and files and do something
    Usar gratis carpetas virtuales para recordar rutas y archivos y hacer algo

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Data Recovery Software - File System Utilities - 0 views

  • You can run DriveImage XML from a WinPE boot CD-ROM.
    • Alberto Adrián Schiano
      There is another video tutorial about this- Go, check out!
    Backup data in xml and an image
    Respaldo de datos en xml y una imagen

Jungle Jar

JungleJar | A Closer Look at CSS Tab Designer - 0 views

    Do you ever find yourself sitting in front of Photoshop for hours trying to mock up a decent navigation menu, or searching the web for the most aesthetically pleasing color palettes for your users to click on that doesn't remind them of McDonalds or a funeral parlor? Face it, sometimes we all lose our mojo for a moment or two, and then we are forced to validate ourselves not just to the W3C, but also to our website visitors, design clients and portfolio piranhas. And then we remember that through the general kindness of a group of web designers and/or developers, and through organizations such as The Creative Commons who work to guarantee that kind freedom, we don't always have to be the Picaso of style sheets.
Alberto Adrián Schiano

Google SketchUp - Home - 1 views

    [en] 3D design tool for houses or other constructions- integrates with Google Earth
    [es] Herramienta de diseño en 3D de casas y otras construcciones - integrable a Google Earth

    [en] FREE
    [es] GRATIS

Alberto Adrián Schiano

VirtualBox - 0 views

    Free Linux tool to completely emulate the Windows OS
    Herramienta gratuita de Linux para emular completamente el SO Windows

Alberto Adrián Schiano

LaptopLock: Data protection and recovery help for lost or stolen laptops (computer thef... - 0 views

    antirobbery: Program that reports when internet available and checks its user id.
    antirobo: Programa que avisa cuando hay conexion de internet y controla identidad del usuario

Alberto Adrián Schiano

mogopop - creating content for our iPod - 0 views

    Create multimedia web pages to publish on any iPod
    Crear paginas web con multimedios para publicar en cualquier iPod

Alberto Adrián Schiano

tag2find - better than searching | tag everything on your desktop - 0 views

    create an hollographic corpus of words related to any file on your system - more searchable
    crear un corpus holografico de palabras relacionadas con cualquier archivo de nuestro sistema - facil de hallar

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Psiphon - 0 views

    Have your own proxy for free and freedom from censorship
    Tener nuestra propia proxy gratis para librarnos de la censura

Alberto Adrián Schiano

WeatherMate - 0 views

    Authomatic weather forecast of any place in the world
    Pronostico del clima de cualquier parte del mundo automatico

Alberto Adrián Schiano

eBookSpyder - 0 views

    Download free technollogy books for programming, PCs, etc.
    Descarga gratuita de libros de tecnologia para programacion, PCs, etc.

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