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Alberto Adrián Schiano

InfraRecorder - 0 views

    Open source CD-DVD ripper for windows
    Grabador CD-DVD de código abierto para windows

Alberto Adrián Schiano


    Social commercial solution to Africa's AIDS diseace: buy red products and help them
    Solucion comercial social para el mal del SIDA en Africa: comprar productos RED y ayudarlos

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Komikwerks - Lifelike - 0 views

    Cory Doctorow's famous story drawn by excellent alternative artists

    Famosa historia de Corry Doctorow ilustrada por excelentes artistas alternativos

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Moka5 | - 0 views

    Use a virtual operating system to protect your data
    Usar un sistema operativo virtual para proteger nuestros datos

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Zamzar - Free online file conversion - 1 views

    Translate any video format into another and receive it by email
    Traducir cualquier formato de video a otro y recibirlo x email

    Just your email is the price!
Alberto Adrián Schiano

Hiren and Pankaj's Homepage » - 0 views

    Windows Utilities Collection : free download - CDs - Boot - MBR
    Coleccion de Utilidades para Windows: descarga gratuita - CDs - MBR

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Quick Launch Bar. Image and Picture Viewers. Graphics Software and Context Menu Extensi... - 0 views

    Witty utilities for windows Inteligentes utilidades para windows
Alberto Adrián Schiano

Free downloads: Alcohol 52% Free Edition - 0 views

    Free utility to emulate a CD: a virtual CD working at 200X.
    Utilitario gratis que simula un CD: un CD virtual funcionando a 200X

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Shelfari - Welcome to Shelfari! Read, Share, Explore! - 0 views

    Social book sharing experience and interaction
    Experiencia de compartir-interactuar socialmente con libros

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Mp3 organizer - Tag&Rename - 0 views

    Useful utilities to enhance MP3 files and google desktop in Windows
    Utiles utilitarios para mejorar los archivos MP3 y google desktop de Windows

Alberto Adrián Schiano

MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki - a tiddlywiki distribution that lets you manage and structure y... - 0 views

  • Why use MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki?MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki has all the power and convenience of standard TiddlyWiki but it includes a new way of managing your data called TagglyTagging. TagglyTagging makes it easier to keep your information organised and structured. It does this using an enhanced version of the built in tagging macro and a few other complimentary tools like the 'new here' button. To learn more about TagglyTagging see the TagglyTagging FAQ and try the TagglyTagging Tutorial.
    A new kind of tiddlywiki
    Un nuevo tipo de tiddlywiki

Alberto Adrián Schiano

BBC - Radio 4 - Downloading and Podcasting - 0 views

    Listen & learn with BBC audio podcasts about history, news, documentaries, etc.
    Escuchar y aprender con podcast de audio de la BBC sobre historia, noticias, documentales, etc.

Alberto Adrián Schiano - Flex Examples, Flex in Action, Flex Samples, Ajax Examples - 0 views

    Program flash sites with flex - flex online
    Programar sitios en flash con flex o flex online

Alberto Adrián Schiano

NorthGlide - 0 views

    Another desktop sidebar very complete and extensible
    Otra barra lateral de escritorio muy completa y expandible

Alberto Adrián Schiano

SSH Secure Shell - 0 views

    The best SSH agent to use with Windows
    El mejor agente SSH para Windows

Alberto Adrián Schiano

JkDefrag GUI for Windows - 0 views

    A better disk defragmenter screen to program disk defrag, etc.
    Una mejor pantalla desfragmentadora de disco para progamar desfragmentado de disco, etc

Alberto Adrián Schiano

finetune - create your radio station - 0 views

    Share-create your own radio station at your taste Compartir-crear la estacion de radio a nuestro propio gusto
Alberto Adrián Schiano :: Live Studio BETA - 0 views

    A nice site where you can upload any photo and create a new one with funny signs on it
    Una linda sede adonde subir cualquier foto y crear una nueva con signos divertidos.

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Partido Pirata Español - Portada - 0 views

    New party for todays knowledge rights
    Nuevo partido para los derechos actuales al conocimiento

Alberto Adrián Schiano

Axantum Software AB | AxCrypt | How to Use - 0 views

    Encryption of files in Windows
    Encriptado de archivos en Windows

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