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Gary Patton

Video re Similarities between Nazi & Islamist Propaganda- YouTube - 0 views

    Beware: The video from Palestinian TV libellously depicting Jews using human blood to make matzo is VERY graphic and disturbing. gfp (2011-11-09)
Gary Patton

The Enemy of America Is My Friend, No Matter What by Tarek Fatah - 0 views

    Mr. Fatah makes a point that concerns many in Canada & elsewhere. Does the Muslim street understand whom their enemy really is? gfp
Gary Patton

William Wilberforce : Biography - 0 views

  • At seventeen Wilberforce was sent to St. John's College. Following the deaths of his grandfather in 1776 and his childless uncle William in 1777, Wilberforce was an extremely wealthy man. Wilberforce was shocked by the behaviour of his fellow students at the University of Cambridge
  • After leaving university he showed no interest in the family business, and while still at Cambridge he decided to pursue a political career
  • "Wilberforce was little over five feet tall, a frail and elfin figure who in his later years weighed well under 100 pounds. His charm was legendary, his conversation delightful, his oratory impressive. He dressed in the colourful finery of the day and adorned any salon with his amiable manner.
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  • his object in life - no less than the transformation of a corrupt society through serious religion
  • In 1784 Wilberforce became converted to Evangelical Christianity. He joined the Clapham Set,
  • In 1787 Thomas Clarkson, William Dillwyn and Granville Sharp formed the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
  • nine out of the twelve members on the committee, were Quakers.
  • Wilberforce's nephew, George Stephen, was surprised by this choice as he considered him a lazy man: "He worked out nothing for himself; he was destitute of system, and desultory in his habits; he depended on others for information, and he required an intellectual walking stick."
  • writing, on the other hand, was to be discouraged, since it would open the way to rising above one's natural station."
    • Gary Patton
      When you're starving, "half a loaf is beter than none"! And God seldom uses perfect people to advance His Kingdom!
  • In May 1788, Charles Fox precipitated the first parliamentary debate on the issue.
  • Charles Fox was unsure of Wilberforce's commitment to the anti-slavery campaign.
  • "Following the publication of the privy council report on 25 April 1789, Wilberforce marked his own delayed formal entry into the parliamentary campaign on 12 May with a closely reasoned speech of three and a half hours,
  • "Everyone thought the hearing would be brief, perhaps one sitting. Instead, the slaving interests prolonged it so skilfully that when the House adjourned on 23 June, their witnesses were still testifying."
  • on 10th July 1789: "Whether the bill goes through the House or not, the discussion attending it will have a most beneficial effect.
  • the visit was a failure as Clarkson could not persuade the French National Assembly to discuss the abolition of the slave trade
  • the government published A Declaration of the Rights of Man asserting that all men were born and remained free and equal. However
  • During this period he could only find twenty men willing to testify before the House of Commons. He later recalled: "I was disgusted... to find how little men were disposed to make sacrifices for so great a cause."
    • Gary Patton
      "Seldom do great and difficult quests proceed with ease!" ~ gfp
  • Wilberforce initially welcomed the French Revolution as he believed that the new government would abolish the country's slave trade.
  • Wilberforce believed that the support for the French Revolution by the leading members of the Society for the Abolition of Slave Trade was creating difficulties for his attempts to bring an end to the slave trade in the House of Commons.
  • On 18th April 1791 Wilberforce introduced a bill to abolish the slave trade.
  • "a war of the pigmies against the giants of the House".
  • defeated by 163 to 88.
  • In March 1796, Wilberforce's proposal to abolish the slave trade was defeated in the House of Commons by only four votes.
  • a dozen abolitionist MPs were out of town or at the new comic opera in London.
  • In 1804, Clarkson returned to his campaign against the slave trade and toured the country
    • Gary Patton
      Note that Clarkson's 'rest' lasted about 8 years and Wilberforce is not here noted to have advanced the cause during Clarson's absence from the frey. But, who among avserage men has heard of Thomas Clarkson as winning the abolitionists cause against slavery?
  • William Wilberforce introduced an abolition bill on 30th May 1804.
  • In 1805 the bill was once again presented to the House of Commons. This time the pro-slave trade MPs were better organised and it was defeated by seven votes.
  • advised Wilberforce to leave the vote to the following year.
  • t moved to the House of Lords.
  • In February, 1806 Lord Grenville was invited by the king to form a new Whig administration.
  • Grenville's Foreign Secretary, Charles Fox, led the campaign in the House of Commons to ban the slave trade in captured colonies.
  • was little opposition and it was passed by an overwhelming 114 to 15.
  • In the House of Lords Lord Greenville made a passionate speech
  • the bill was passed in the House of Lords by 41 votes to 20.
  • In January 1807 Lord Grenville introduced a bill that would stop the trade to British colonies on grounds of "justice, humanity and sound policy".
  • "Lord Grenville masterminded the victory which had eluded the abolitionist for so long...
  • Wilberforce commented: "How popular Abolition is, just now! God can turn the hearts of men".
    • Gary Patton
      However, the Bible itself does not make a strong case for the abolition of slavery and really only for the equality of men before God and in his Kingdom ...not in the world!
  • The trade was abolished by a resounding 283 to 16.
  • it was the largest majority recorded on any issue where the House divided.
  • a generous tribute to the work of Wilberforce:
  • Some people involved in the anti-slave trade campaign such as Thomas Fowell Buxton, argued that the only way to end the suffering of the slaves was to make slavery illegal. Wilberforce disagreed, he believed that at this time slaves were not ready to be granted their freedom. He pointed out in a pamphlet that he wrote in 1807 that: "It would be wrong to emancipate (the slaves). To grant freedom to them immediately, would be to insure not only their masters' ruin, but their own. They must (first) be trained and educated for freedom."
  • In July, 1807, members of the Society for the Abolition of Slave Trade established the African Institution, an organization that was committed to watch over the execution of the law, seek a ban on the slave trade by foreign powers and to promote the "civilization and happiness" of Africa.
  • The African Institution carried the torch for antislavery reform for twenty years and paved the way for later humanitarian efforts in Great Britain."
  • Wilberforce made it clear that he considered the African Institution should do what it could to convert Africans to Christianity.
  • we ought to rejoice in every opportunity of bringing them under their present sufferings, and secure for them a rich compensation of reversionary happiness."
  • (Perronet Thompson) single-handedly abolished apprenticeship and freed the slaves. He filed scandalised reports to the colonial office. Wilberforce told him he was being rash and hasty, and he and his colleagues voted unanimously for his dismissal. Wilberforce advised him to go quietly for the sake of his career."
  • the Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery. Buxton eventually persuaded Wilberforce to join his campaign but as he had retired from the House of Commons in 1825, he did not play an important part in persuading Parliament to bring an end to slavery.
  • William Wilberforce died on 29th July, 1833. One month later, Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act that gave all slaves in the British Empire their freedom.
  • How far the memoir was Christian, I must leave to others to decide. That it was unfair to Clarkson is not disputed. Where possible, the authors ignored Clarkson; where they could not they disparaged him. In the whole rambling work, using the thousands of documents available to them, they found no space for anything illustrating the mutual affection and regard between the two great men, or between Wilberforce and Clarkson's brother."
  • Wilson goes on to argue that the book has completely distorted the history of the campaign against the slave-trade: "The Life has been treated as an authoritative source for 150 years of histories and biographies
  • its treatment of Clarkson, in particular, a deservedly towering figure in the abolition struggle, is invalidated by untruths, omissions and misrepresentations of his motives and his achievements is not understood by later generations, unfamiliar with the jealousy that motivated the holy authors. When all the contemporary shouting had died away, the Life survived to take from Clarkson both his fame and his good name.
  • left us with the simplistic myth of Wilberforce and his evangelical warriors in a holy crusade.
    Some key bibliographical background on the famous Englishman who, allegedly, was single-handedly responsible for the freeing of slaves in the British Empire after many years of fighting in thr English Parliament.
    So you thought William Wilberforce was responsible for getting England to abolish slavery, eh? Not so! gfp
Gary Patton

The "Power Of Sin" Is Not The Sin Nature by Bill Gillham - 0 views

    This is a powerful article that debunks a myth taught by many and called by some "The Two Natures Theology"
    You are a New Wo(man) in Christ ...not a a patched up broken one! gfp
Gary Patton

Moses Prophesied About Jesus ...Not Mahummad - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your [a]countrymen, you shall listen to him.
  • I will raise up a prophet from among their [c]countrymen like you, and (D)I will put My words in his mouth, and (E)he shall speak to them all that I command him.
  • It shall come about that whoever will not listen to My words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will require it of him.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • You may say in your heart, ‘How will we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?’ 22 (I)When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it (J)presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.
    Some Muslims argue that Deuteronomy 18:18 in the context of 15-22, refers to Mahummad ...not Jesus, the Son of God. This seems to me to be hard to maintain, let alone prove, in light of the reality of:
    You'll discover here a Biblically-based debunking of one piece of mythic, Muslim propaganda. gfp
Gary Patton

Anger Management | Ten Essentials to Consider - 0 views

  • Anger is healthy
  • It’s what we do with our anger that makes all the difference to the maintenance of our own health
  • Anger arousal symptoms
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  • warning to keep our mouth shut and think
  • soul solitude time will allow us to trace and track the origins of the triggers so we can understand them
    • Gary Patton
      My problem with Rhoberta's psychology when she points to "understanding" the roots of anger/rage as a route to healing is that it cannot produce freedom from your bondage. (I know this because I knew the emotional and spiritual roots of my rage for the full 25 years that I struggled with my it and that understanding didn't help me one bit. Only knowing "truth" can set you free. Understanding our past pain's roots doesn't produce truth or "freedom" from the pain. Only the truth that Jesus talks about at can do that. gfp
  • trouble in relationships
    • Gary Patton
      I taught "anger management techniques" and knowing tips like this S-M-A-R-TTip didn't help me: "Relationships can only thrive when one party, at least, knows how to back off!" (Rhoberta is more blunt in her Esstenial #1 when she says: "Shut your mouth!") But, bluntness in my teaching wasn't the lack! Teaching "techniques" rather than "spiritual truth" was! Here's truth . gfp
  • one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves
  • We have to learn to manage incoming anger, too.
  • you may not have any boundaries
  • Anger is healthy. It is natural. It is a gift of perception, experience and biology
    Anger is one of the most powerful emotions and the most challenging one to manage for most people. Some of us can't "manage" it all. At best, some of us can ONLY moderate our reaction to our amygdala's response to our perception of a violation of our so-called rights. That's why Essential #1 is so crucial. (I know because I fought a losing battle with anger/rage for over 25 years until recently when I re-discovered a truth that I had forgotten as a Jesus Follower. Yeh! We're NOT perfect ...just saved as someone said.) You may enjoy my Tweet for 2011-08-27 apropos Essential #1: "A relationship can only thrive when at least one party knows when to back off!" ~ gfp '42™ gfp
    Essential #1 in this article is so crucial. (I know because I fought a losing battle with anger/rage for over 25 years until recently. I have now re-discovered a truth that I had forgotten as a Jesus Follower. Yeh! We're NOT perfect ...just saved as someone said.) gfp
Gary Patton

Who Saves Us From Sin's Power - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Who will set me free from [e](M)the body of this (N)death?
    • Gary Patton
      In the verses above, the Apostle Paul has described his too-frequent, sinful behaviour as God's Apostle. (Don't be shocked. Paul put his toga on one arm at a time just like you do your shirt!) And what God had Paul cry out in desperation was: "Who will rescue me?" and not: "What will set me free?" The Who is Paul's, and our, only Saviour, Yeshua (Jesus), the Messiah as he expalins in the next verse.
    In Romans 7:15-24 (NASB) Paul describes his too frequent behaviour as God's Apostle.
    "Mr. Sin" is a much bigger foe of yours moment-to-moment than is Satan! gfp
Gary Patton

Modern Wheat Is A Stealth Killer - 0 views

  • This is a way to obtain the rich flavors and textures of cocoa, the health benefits (e.g., blood pressure reduction, antioxidation) of cocoa flavonoids, while obtaining none of the sugars/carbohydrates . . . and certainly no wheat!
  • Pumpkin pie is one of those fixtures of Thanksgiving dinner that, when recreated without wheat, can be enjoyed without worry.
  • Sadly, cholesterol values can be a crude and often misleading set of measures.
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  • conventional cholesterol values are next to useless. Tracking the right data is crucial.
  • most people don’t measure this
  • small LDL is the #1 most common cause for heart disease in the U.S., not “high cholesterol.” Wheat consumption increases small LDL particles; wheat elimination is the most powerful tool available for reduction of small LDL particles, particularly when combined with weight loss.
  • CRP and other measures of inflammation drop to the floor with wheat elimination.
  • Wheat products are a convenient source of indigestible fiber. But the idea that you must have whole grains from wheat to obtain sufficient fiber is pure fiction. There are plenty of other foods that are rich in fiber.
  • non-wheat fibers low in carbohydrates, especially flaxseed and chia.
  • They do not have any effect on blood sugar.
  • wheat consumption changes the bacterial composition of your intestinal tract. Taking a probiotic for a few weeks can provide organisms like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium that help regain normal bacterial populations.
  • So going wheat-free does not mean a lifetime of pushing and straining,
    Modern wheat, especially whole wheat contributes to the pandemic of arthritis, cancer, Type II Diabetes, obesity and all lifestyle diseases. And when it doesn't, wheat is still a "Stealth Killer" of men, women and our children and grandchildren Ours is NOT the wheat our Grandmas used to bake with! And this is true no matter where you live in the world because Canadian-designed hybridized-wheat has been spread everywhere ...even into isolated areas of China because of it's yields! It's additional huge benefit (pun intended) is "Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight"! gfp (2011-11-26)
    The Bible says our bodies are "the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). So, we're wise to care as best we are able for it. And modern wheat, especially whole wheat, contributesr to the pandemic of arthritis, cancer, Type II Diabetes, obesity and all lifestyle diseases. And when it doesn't, wheat is still a "Stealth Killer" of men, women and our children and grandchildren. gfp
Gary Patton

Gratitude, Its Distress Power: Tips to Bolster Thankfulness | Positive Impact Magazine ... - 0 views

  • Religions and philosophies have long embraced gratitude as a manifestation of virtue and as an important factor in our health and well-being.
  • Science is increasingly revealing the importance of gratitude in people’s lives.
  • the feeling of appreciation is the most concrete and the easiest positive emotion for individuals to self-generate and sustain for long periods.
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  • Gratitude is an expression of the heart and it is a powerful and positive emotional energy that can add hope and resilience in your life,
  • experts say that the act of simply recalling a time of feeling sincere appreciation and then intentionally focusing on that feeling for a few moments can reduce emotional stress
  • In HeartMath study it was observed that just five minutes of genuinely feeling a positive emotion such as appreciation, care and or compassion can give a beneficial boost to the immune system.
  • positive emotions like appreciation can increase heart-rhythm coherence. Coherence is a balance or smoothness in one’s heart rhythms.
  • Blessing Reminders
  • if someone finds it initially difficult to self-generate a feeling of appreciation in the present moment then they can recall a past memory that elicits a warm feeling. With practice, most people will find that they can self-generate feelings of appreciation in real-time.”
  • Positive emotion-refocusing techniques, like those researched and developed by HeartMath, can create a physiological shift in individuals such as changing one’s heart rhythms to a healthier pattern. The techniques can also help individuals effectively replace stressful thoughts and emotional patterns with positive perceptions and emotions like appreciation. HeartMath experts say this is a fundamental step in improving one’s overall health and sense of well-being.
  • Take your gratitude practices further with these tips:
  • Gratitude in Focus
  • researchers found that those patients who acknowledged benefits from their heart attack, such as becoming more appreciative of life, experienced a lower risk of having another heart attack.
  • Keep a Gratitude Journal
    In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, the Holy Spirit of God commands Jesus Followers to always give thanks to their heavenly Father ...regardless of how we feel or our circumstances. We are never to be "under the circumstances" as the expression says. This article outlines the scientific research that demonstrates for Believers & doubting non-Believers that God knows how He designed us to live best. HeartMath's brain/heart connection research has proven that the Bible's emphasis on 'heart' as well as 'mind' is a scientifically, proven certainty. As is the fact the former drives the latter rather than what is argued by many Bibles teachers. See the documented research. ( gfp (2011-11-12)
    Thankfulness is the key to a joyous, stress-optimized and successful life of peace and prosperity! gfp
Gary Patton

Iran in Jeremiah's End-Times Prophesy - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    Jeremiah 49:34-39 (NASB) includes the Old Covenant prophesy fro God regarding what will happen in the end times re Iran. The e-Sticky Note info below is from a talk, "What is the Future of Iran in Bible Prophecy?" by Joel Robison @ Harvest Church in the U.S. on 2011-11-01. gfp (2011-11-14)
    Discover from a renowned expert on the Middle east and a Jewish-background Jesus Follower how what we see about Iran in the newspapers and on the Web, daily, fits with Biblical end-times prophesies. Enjoy and be informed! GaryFPatton
Gary Patton

Jesus Great Commandment - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • 40 (D)On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
    • Gary Patton
      Religious, legalistic, so-called christians, who worship the Old Covenant, seem to miss this, Jesus' "bottom-line", plus His fulfilment of it & "the law" here, on His cross & through His resurrection ...which Jesus said He had come to do. Lord, please forgive for their Bibliolatry and show them Your "Truth", Jesus! gfp
    Matthew 22:35-40 contains Jesus' clear teaching on both the vertical and horizontal dimension of our followership of Him! gfp (2011-11-17)
Gary Patton

Why Use the Septuagint? | Logos Talk: The Logos Bible Software Blog - 0 views

  • The Septuagint was the Old Testament of the early Greek-speaking church, and it is by far the version of the Old Testament most frequently quoted by Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament.
  • I thought it might be helpful to provide a practical example where the Septuagint explains what seems to be a New Testament theological blunder.
  • The New Testament writers weren’t nitwits or dishonest. They were using the Septuagint.
    Some New Testament references have provided fodder for biblical critics who want the New Testament to be guilty of either an outright error in thought, or just contriving a doctrinal point out of thin air. The New Testament writers weren't nitwits or dishonest. They were using the Septuagint. Find out why in this short article by a Biblical scholar. Polish your apologetics with a key issue of modern scholarship. gfp (2011-11-18)
Gary Patton

Interpreting Scripture: Our Greek-ness is Showing - 0 views

  • All of us who have been raised and/or educated in a western culture…regardless of our ethnicity or heritage…think like Greeks. And this can cause us some problems when we attempt to interpret the Bible.Because God is not a Greek.
  • Among other things, we Greeks believe that there is only one correct way to interpret any particular scripture and apply it to our lives
  • hen interpret biblical truth through our own personal religious, cultural, societal, and experiential lenses
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  • When a verse or passage in the Bible lends itself to more than one interpretation, we Greeks seem unable to consider the possibility that both interpretations might be equally valid.
    • Gary Patton
      Actually, this tension is not really a "big deal" because the simple English word, 'antinomy' explains the Biblical concept of "equal and opposing truths"! Might it be that christains simply like to fight? In discussing contrary points-of-view on a 'proof-text', for example, do we allow Mr. Sin to rear up our flesh like a wild, untamed stallion ...rather than the Indian warrior pony in North American terms... to which Jesus was referring via the 'Greek' word He used when commanding us to be 'meek'. (Forgive me David, I don't speak Aramaic, either! :-)) gfp
  • That’s how we get more than 20,000 versions of the same truth.
  • I’m not convinced Jesus had any interpretation in mind when He spoke these words. He always did what He saw the Father doing, and He always spoke what He heard the Father speaking. I don’t know that Jesus needed much explanation or clarification before revealing the works and words of the Father.
    • Gary Patton
      And prior to going to His cross and being resurrected, Jesus, the incarnate "God Man", would have had to later think through what the Father gave him. Maybe He even talked through optional interpretations with "His boys"? Might He even have argued with Himself over them? (I hear that muttered "God forbid", Dr. Dave! :-)) gfp
  • I have been awestruck by the preciousness of Jesus and determined to obtain an intimate relationship with Him regardless of the cost because He is the only One who is worth what I will pay for Him. And I have been brought to tears to know that He loves, cherishes, and values me so much that He would pay the ultimate price to invite me into the relationship that He and the Father & the Spirit have enjoyed from eternity past.
  • Or we can put aside our Greek-ness and give up on the idea of objective truth defined as a body of information and correct interpretation. How about we simply adopt the Bible’s definition of objective truth?
    • Gary Patton
      I can suspect the horror this suggestion is generating in the flesh of "anti-grace-teaching" Pastors and the religious spawn they have misled! gfp
  • how about we let the Author of the scriptures quicken them to our hearts so that we see them in whatever light He wishes for us to see them at that particular moment?
    • Gary Patton
      WoW! What a novel idea!! Here again, this will be fleshly fear-inducing for religous people and their mistaken and misleading mentors. (And Dr. Dave knows that and does it intentionally, eh David! :-)) gfp
  • Only a Greek would ask such questions.
    • Gary Patton
    Dr. David Ryser, my Friend and a Greek and Hebrew scholar and teacher points out some core challenge of Scripture interpretation. The challenge applies cross-culturally and to followers of different gods ...with some adaptation to your culture and faith for non-Jesus Following religious people. All of us who have been raised and/or educated in a western culture…regardless of our ethnicity or heritage…think like Greeks. And this can cause us some problems when we attempt to interpret the Bible ...because God is not a Greek. gfp (2011-11-18)
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