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Gary Patton

Trouble, Jesus' Warning about- Bible Gateway - 0 views

    In Matthew 10:16 of The Contemporary English Version of the God's New Covenant, Yeshua (Jesus) warns present time Jesus Followers that the world hasn't changed since their Master's day. The Lord shares here how God's people should behave in dealing with others in the cruel and hostile environment in which they must live and work as ambassadors of God's loving Kingdom that will come in its fullness some day soon. gfp (2011-11-02)
Gary Patton

John 14:1-6; 22-27 NASB - Jesus Comforts His Followers - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • John 14:1-6; John 14:22-27
  • Do not let your heart be troubled; [a]believe in God, believe also in Me.
  • I go to prepare a place for you.
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  • I will come again and receive you to Myself, that (D)where I am, there you may be also.
  • “I am (F)the way, and (G)the truth, and (H)the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
  • You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?”
  • If anyone loves Me, he will (D)keep My word; and (E)My Father will love him, and We (F)will come to him and make Our abode with him.
  • But the (I)Helper, the Holy Spirit, (J)whom the Father will send in My name, (K)He will teach you all things, and (L)bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.
  • Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. (N)Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
    These passages from John 14 were shared by my Friend, Bruce Malcolm, at the Funeral service for my Mom, Ina Donelda Patton (aka Donnie (family) & Donna (friends). These passages confirm the eternal promise of Jesus to His Followers, of which my Mom was one, that they will spend eternity with Him in His mansions in heaven. Each human is a "spiritual being in a temporary earth suit". And, therefore, we each will live forever. The only question is where we will spend the non-earthly part of our eternity what Jesus called "heaven" or "hell". The answer to that question depends solely on whether one chooses to believe that Jesus was "a liar", "a lunatic" or "Lord" of us all and "God Incarnate", His eternal "Son" who choose to die on a cross to pay the full penalty for our sin nature & sins which our "good works" cannot pay for. In addition to the above passages, another Friend, Adele Van Caulart, read Psalm 23 ...another source of great assurance of God's love and His peace for my Mom and me. gfp (2012-04-04)
Gary Patton

"Wage Peace ...Not War" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • give preference to one another
  • Bless those who persecute [d]you; bless and do not curse
  • do not be haughty in mind,
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Never pay back evil for evil to anyone.
    • Gary Patton
      Placing Burning Coals on Another's Head Paul, quoted from Proverbs 25:21-23 here to make a crucial point for his First Century readers and Jesus Followers today. He did so to demonstrate that our heavenly Father does not overlook fairness and justice although He substituted New Covenant 'grace' for Old Covenant 'law' when He sent Jesus to die for us as outlined in His New Covenant. (You can read about Jesus' crucifixion in Matthew 27:27 to Mathew 28:20 at . Proverbs 25:21 at confuses some people because its Jewish cultural context is not clear from its words. A "burning coal" was essential in Biblical Palestine each morning so Jewish families could re-light their cooking fire for the day after it died out during the night. In each Jewish village, one man carried a pot of coals from home to home to assist the homemaker who needed one. "Burning coals" are blessings not torture instruments in this Proverb as some think. "The head", in Jewish culture was the place on another's body where one anointed them with precious perfumes and oils as a extension of an oral blessing on them. (gfp 2011-10-24)
  • Respect what is right in the sight of all men.
  • Never take your own revenge, beloved, but [g]leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “(T)VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.
  • If possible, (Q)so far as it depends on you, (R)be at peace with all men.
  • Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
  • For (Y)rulers are not a cause of fear for [k]good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; 4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an (Z)avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
  • Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for (AE)he who loves [l]his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
    • Gary Patton
      Please Jesus Follower, do not mistake the Old Covenant commandment to "not murder" as permitting, as some unBiblically teach,: * so-called "just wars", plus * participation as a gun-carrying police person, or * participation as a politician who can vote on declaring war or laws sentencing a person to death for a crime. Jesus' clear, unequivocal call is to be a non-violent person who wages peace on his behalf ...not war... because Jesus came to "fulfill the [Old Covenant] Law'". Our commanded peace-making lifestyle is clear in this passage of Scripture plus Jesus' many commands to His Followers to live a life of non-violent behaviour in every way that I mention below. "Peace is not something you wish for. It's something you [first receive, then something you] make, something you do, something you are and something you give away." ~ Robert Fulghum (1937- ) U.S. author As Mr. Fulghum writes above, Jesus calls us to be non-violent peace-makers throughout His New Covenant with us! e.g.: * Matthew 5:9, the reward for peace-making at; * His commanded peace-making approach in Matthew 5:38-45 at and * God's condemnation of violence including war in Romans 12:10-13:9 at Jesus has no concept of a so-called "just war" Jesus Follower please do not feel that because the State is authorized to use violence to protect society that you are permitted to: * participate in making, as a politician, or upholding, as a gun-carrying justice officer, a State's laws that contain a death penalty, or * voting as a politician or a citizen for your country to participate in a so-called "just war", or fighting in a war as a weapon-carrying soldier. You are not according to Jesus' clear calls to a non-violent life. How do I obey the law you might ask? Simple, I suggest! You will never be "forced" in a democracy to run for an elected office in "the world", as distict from "Jesus'
  • Romans 12:10-13:9
  • You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
    In Romans 12:10-13:9 in the pre-Jesus (Yeshua) New Covenant, Jesus' Apostle (Sent-Out-One), Paul, makes clear there are no "Just Wars" as far as Jesus Followers are to be concerned. Jesus Followers are called by our Lord and Saviour to wage peace ...not war. We are commanded to be non-violent radicals not passive pew-sitters. To be Gentlewo(men) Warriors not D.O.O.R.M.A.T.s (members of the "Dependent Order Of Really Miserable And Timid Souls"). You may ask me for my article about ""Real Warriors Are Humble & Meek" if the link doesn't work for you. Paul also includes an interesting Old Covenant Proverb in Verse 20 from Proverbs 25:21-23 the cultural context of which might fool you into thinking something it doesn't mean. To better understand what the Apostle meant, don't miss my Sticky Note on Verse 20. gfp (2011-10-24)
    So you think there are just wars, eh? Check this out! gfp
Gary Patton

How To Stop Worrying - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.
  • Philippians 4:7
  • Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray
    In Philippians 4:7 of The Message paraphrase of the Christian Bible, God shares his antidote for yours and my excessive anxiety and worry. And after 25 years of taking my worry, fears and F-E-A-Rs (False-Evidence-Appearing-Real) to God, I can guarantee that His way works ...every time! gfp (2011-09-29)
Gary Patton

Holy Spirit Is ALWAYS Working in Jesus Followers - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until (D)the day of Christ Jesus.
    • Gary Patton
      This passage is another clear promise of the surety of a Jesus Follower's salvation in Christ and the truth of the doctrine that we are "once saved and always saved" as also promised in John 10:22-30 at and in Romans 8:29-38 at as well as here in Philippians 1:6 at
    Philippians 1:5-7 makes this VERY clear!
Gary Patton

Every Jesus Follower's Spiritual Weapons - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus commands His Followers to wage peace ...not war as He clearly says in Matthew 5:38-45 at And, as Ephesians 6:10-17 at reminds us, our real enemies are Satan and his demons ...not the humans they motivate... no matter how evil those people may seem. Because of these truths, the only weapons that will work are our supernatnatural ones, particularly prayer. This passage also reminds us that our biggest battle sometimes can be in our minds where demons and Mr. Sin ( manipulate our fleshly thoughts with powerful emotions. We can only control these in the power of Holy Spirit as it says in Galataians 5:19-25 at
  • For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.(E) 4 The weapons we fight with(F) are not the weapons of the world.
    • Gary Patton
      Unlike people in the world, Jesus Followers do not have to fight the attacks by very powerful demonic forces which everyone alive experiences using the Follower's own strength. We can do nothing of any value or protect ourselves from the demonic except in Jesus' strength and power as our Master makes very clear by what he says in John 15:5 at . Jesus commands His Followers to wage peace ...not war as He clearly says in Matthew 5:38-45 at And, as Ephesians 6:10-17 at reminds us, our real enemies are Satan and his demons ...not the humans they motivate... no matter how evil those people may seem. Because of these truths, the only weapons that will work are our supernatural ones, particularly prayer. This passage also reminds us that our biggest battle sometimes can be in our minds where demons and Mr. Sin ( manipulate our fleshly thoughts with powerful emotions. We can only control these in the power of Holy Spirit as it says in Galatians 5:19-25 at
  • On the contrary, they have divine power(G) to demolish strongholds.(H) 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,(I) and we take captive every thought to make it obedient(J) to Christ.
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  • 2 Corinthians 10:1-7
    • Gary Patton
      "Every Jesus Follower's Spiritual Weapons" 2 Corinthians 10:1-7 outlines the spiritual weapons and their offensive power that complements the "spiritual armour" that Jesus Followers are told about elsewhere in the New Covenant (Testament) that I outline in my e-Stick Notes below.. It is these DEFENSIVE weapons that we are to use while behaving non-violently in the world while waging peace ...not war... on behalf of the Kingdom of God in this life as Jesus commands in Matthew 5:38-45 at . gfp (2011-12-20)
    2 Corinthians 10:1-7 compliments what what Jesus Followers are told in Galatians 6: ? are told about the weapons we must use when waging peace on behalf of the Kingdom of God in this life!
Gary Patton

The R-E-A-L Gospel ...God's Saving Power Source - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • the gospel
    • Gary Patton
      The Gospel of Yeshua/Jesus is "Good News". One clear description of Jesus' Gospel (NOT the Muslim Isa's Injeel) is in 1 Corinthians 15: 3-7 at . The Greek word translated into English as 'gospel' means "good news" and Yeshua/Jesus, the Messiah, is the personification of "good news". Simply put, He is the gospel! For anyone who hears them, Yeshua/Jesus and His words are heart-piercing as you can discover in His 'Beatitudes' at . They are totally convicting because they demonstrate every hearers' total inability to behave as He commands. And, Jesus doesn't leave us hanging! Right now, He's making available to you His power. It's freely available to every man, woman and child ...despite what they may have done. He gives anyone who asks for it a "new life". Plus, He also gives us the power to live it, using His strength, when we believe His 'Gospel' ("Good News"/'Injeel'). This glorious News is that Yeshua/Jesus died to pay the full penalty that God's holiness and justice requires because of both our "sin nature" and our many 'sins'. As Deity incarnate (God with us), Yeshua/Jesus died so that His human creation could be forgiven by God and be reconciled to His heavenly Father and have peace with Him through Yeshua/Jesus's sacrifice and His subsequent resurrection from the grave. Yeshua/Jesus's death and resurrection guarantee real, eternal salvation instead by working for ones own salvation by trying to obey the law. Folks, Jesus is alive! He's living right now and praying for you at the right hand of our heavenly Father. When you respond to his pleading, He'll send his Holy Spirit to live inside you as a new, born-again Believer. "The Gospel" is the power in Jesus' words! "Stop trying ...and start trusting God! It's not what you do. But what Jesus has already fully done for you and Who is empowering you by living inside you!" ~ gfp '42™
  • the Greek
    • Gary Patton
      This expression and its synonym "Gentile(s)" means non-Jews.
  • it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes
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  • Romans 1:16
    • Gary Patton
      "The R-E-A-L Gospel ...God's Saving Power Source" Romans 1:16 is only one of the many places where God confirms the power of the Gospel of Yeshua/Jesus. And in this passage, Holy Spirit clarifies the Gospel's R-E-A-L power. gfp (2011-10-11)
    Romans 1:16 in the New American Standard Bible is only one of the many places where God confirms the power of the Gospel of Yeshua/Jesus (not the Muslim gospel (book that's disappeared) of Isa). Here He clarifies it's power save all of humankind from our sin (Our otherwise unchangeable, foul and separating human nature.) & sins (What we've done contrary to God's will.) ...REGARDLESS of what we have done or how bad we have been because salvation is a gift of God's grace through our faith in His Son's sacrifice on our behalf. One clear description of what Yeshua/Jesus has already done on our behalf is in 1 Corinthians 15:3-7 at ( Good works can give us an enhanced outward demeanor. Only Yeshua/Jesul can set us free from our bondage to sin. gfp (2011-10-11)
Gary Patton

Trouble Lies Ahead - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Matthew 10:16-18
  • be (B)shrewd as serpents and (C)innocent as doves
    • Gary Patton
      This warning takes on a powerful and different dimension that many Christians do NOT appreciate because they forget the companion warning that Haoly Spirit insired Jude to caution the Body of Messiah about re false teachers. They are Jude warns in the pulpits and pews of some churches, still today.
  • beware of men, for they will hand you over to the (D)courts and scourge you (E)in their synagogues; 18 and you will even be brought before governors and kings for My sake
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  • the Gentiles
    In Matthew 10:16-18 of the New American Standard Bible Version of the God's New Covenant, Yeshua (Jesus) warns his first and present day Jesus Followers that the world hasn't changed since their Master's day. The Lord shares here how God's people should behave in dealing with others in the cruel and hostile environment in which they must live and work as ambassadors of God's loving Kingdom that will come in its fullness some day ...sooner than many Christians believe. gfp (2011-11-02)
Gary Patton

The Barna Group - Are Christians More Like Jesus or More Like the Pharisees? - 1 views

  • 20 statements
  • used to examine Christ-likeness
  • I listen to others to learn their story before telling them about my faith. In recent years, I have influenced multiple people to consider following Christ. I regularly choose to have meals with people with very different faith or morals from me. I try to discover the needs of non-Christians rather than waiting for them to come to me. I am personally spending time with non-believers to help them follow Jesus.
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  • I see God-given value in every person, regardless of their past or present condition. I believe God is for everyone. I see God working in people’s lives, even when they are not following him. It is more important to help people know God is for them than to make sure they know they are sinners. I feel compassion for people who are not following God and doing immoral things.
  • 10 statements used to assess self-righteousness (like the Pharisees)
  • I tell others the most important thing in my life is following God’s rules. I don’t talk about my sins or struggles. That’s between me and God. I try to avoid spending time with people who are openly gay or lesbian. I like to point out those who do not have the right theology or doctrine. I prefer to serve people who attend my church rather than those outside the church.
  • I find it hard to be friends with people who seem to constantly do the wrong things. It’s not my responsibility to help people who won’t help themselves. I feel grateful to be a Christian when I see other people’s failures and flaws. I believe we should stand against those who are opposed to Christian values. People who follow God’s rules are better than those who do not.
  • Christ-like in action and attitude
  • Christ-like in action, but not in attitude • Christ-like in attitude, but not action • Christ-like in neither
  • The findings reveal that most self-identified Christians in the U.S. are characterized by having the attitudes and actions researchers identified as Pharisaical. Just over half of the nation’s Christians—using the broadest definition of those who call themselves Christians—qualify for this category (51%). They tend to have attitudes and actions that are characterized by self-righteousness.
  • On the other end of the spectrum, 14% of today’s self-identified Christians—just one out of every seven Christians—seem to represent the actions and attitudes Barna researchers found to be consistent with those of Jesus.
  • About one-quarter (23%) of evangelicals are characterized by having Jesus-like actions and attitudes, which was higher than the norm
  • Looking at America’s evangelical community—a group defined by Barna Group based on its theological beliefs and commitments, not self-identification with the terms “evangelical”—38% qualify as neither Christ-like in action nor attitude
  • Evangelicals are notably distinct from the norms in two ways: first, they were slightly more likely than other Christians to be Christ-like in action and attitude.
  • in the “middle ground,” with so-called jumbled actions and attitudes, evangelicals are the only faith group more likely to be Pharisaical in attitude but Christ-like in action.
  • The research shows that non-evangelical born again Christians and notional Christians were not much different from one another and not too distinct from national norms among all Christians.
Gary Patton

Was Jesus' Last Supper a Seder? - Biblical Archaeology Review - 0 views

  • If he lived later than Jesus, then it would make no sense to view Jesus’ words as based on Rabban Gamaliel’s.
    • Gary Patton
      Most Jesus Followers would work from the premise that Yeshua's/Jesus' words during his last Supper on earth, 'till His return at the end of times, were inspired by God's Holy Spirit all His other recorded comments in the Scriptures.
  • One piece of evidence for this appears in the text quoted above, in which Rabban Gamaliel is said to have spoken of the time “when the Temple was still standing”—as if that time had already passed
    • Gary Patton
      Like many scholars, including some Christian ones, statements like this one are often rooted in a disbelief of the supernatural plus a denial of the possibility that God gave Gamaliel, the Grandfather, a prophetic "word of knowledge"! Prophesy can place the words in the elder Gamaliel's mouth who did live at the time of Jesus who also prophesied the soon-coming (about 40 years later) destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • presumably they would have engaged in conversation pertinent to the occasion. But we cannot know for sure.
    • Gary Patton
      The Scripture makes clear, not 'presumably', that Jesus discussed His replacement of an Old Covenant commandment with a New Covenant one while explaining the NEW symbolism of the bread and wine as remembrances and tokens of His sacrificed body and blood on behalf of all who would believe ...NOT the Jews deliverance from Egypt... but all humankind's route to deliverance from the penalty of our sin nature and sins (Romans 3:23 & 6:23) through Him!
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  • why the synoptic Gospels portray the Last Supper as a Passover meal.
Gary Patton

10 Commandments List of the Bible - 0 views

  • many Christians take these special ten commandments for granted
  • The 10 Commandments of the Bible
  • These 10 commandments are good, basic, moral laws that will help keep us out of trouble with ourselves, family, friends, and neighbors
Gary Patton

Liberal Christian Scholarship ...Redaction Criticism, and Islam (Part 1) - 0 views

  • Some Brief Thoughts Regarding Liberal Scholarship, Redaction Criticism, and Islam
    • Gary Patton
      In this article, Dr. James White, of Alpha & Omega Ministries examines the dangers of "Redaction and Form Criticism" in Christian scholarship (sic) and the refusal by Muslim scholars to apply it to Islam while using it to attack Christians beliefs based on our Bible. gfp (2012-03-27)
  • the vast majority of those who embrace form and redaction criticism in all of its flavors and kinds do so out of tradition, not out of having examined the case set forth in defense of these methods.
  • I truly wondered why the Lord had closed all other doors and put me in that context, but, now I know) forced me to consider deeply why I could not in good conscience embrace the "status quo" of modern NT scholarship
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  • I found, over and over again, the same kind of bald anti-supernaturalism at work, even amongst those who did not openly espouse such a view in their "religious life."
  • This kind of double-mindedness was epidemic in Christian theology then. It is still quite prevalent, but in the past decade more and more have shed the religious trappings and are seeking to be consistent, not even bothering with the religious garb any longer.
  • I would challenge (respectfully
  • saying the gospels were quite late, post AD 70, for example, I would ask why they would date them so late (and, as a result, deny the eyewitness authorship of, say, Matthew)
  • we would date them late because…of theories. Theories about how documents develop (in the natural world). Theories about how the early church developed (based upon, again, how such things happen in the natural world). And of course the big reason was…they had to have been written after AD 70 because, well, they couldn't have been written before otherwise they would contain…prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem! And we all know prophecy doesn't really exist, so there!
  • I only learned later in seminary and after graduation how confident scholarship had been in the past in giving even later dates, German scholarship, for example, having dated John as late as AD 175, only to have those dates thrown to the wind by manuscript discoveries.
  • the "consensus of scholarship," especially in a day when humanism and naturalistic materialism has become the religious dogma of the society, and of higher education, is not an option for the faithful follower of the teachings of Jesus the Messiah.
  • For years Shabir Ally had been making a presentation wherein he presents the "snowball" argument. It is a basic anti-gospel argument based upon a rather simplistic viewpoint of the origination of the gospels.
  • Shabir thinks there is an over-riding impetus on the part of both Matthew and Luke to "grow" Jesus, assuming, of course, an evolution in the development of Christology (another assumption that is just accepted, never proven). So, Matthew and Luke are looking for ways to "improve" on Jesus---which puts them in the category of deceivers, really, at the very least from an Islamic viewpoint
    • Gary Patton
      Muslims who, like Imam Ally have a minimal knowldge of the New Covenat and wish to feign politness, can use this "improvement" approach. It prevents them from having to use the blunt English word change when attacking Scriptures validity. During the debate, I heard a Muslim and a Christian in the seats immediately behind me discussing the semantical difference between these words. The Christian suspected, as do I, that Imam Ally was accusing the Apostles Mathew and Luke of being "liars".
  • examples of where Matthew was "growing" Jesus
    • Gary Patton
      "Growing" is Dr. White's word. Imam Ally never used it. Instead, he stated candidly that Mathew and Luke intentionally "deified" a human Prophet which Muslims say Yeshua only was because "Allah doesn't begat" (Qur'an 23:88-91).
  • Shabir did not know that Mark used the Greek term κύριος (kurios) when he was making his presentations before 2006, but he does now. But still, in our debate in Toronto, he argued that in fact this is still an example supportive of his thesis, no matter what his understanding had been before, for "lord of the house" is still different from "Lord." He likewise cited a scholar who, writing on the "synoptic problem," likewise mentions this "change."
    • Gary Patton
      In other words, Imam Ally has found an obfuscating, so-called, Christian author to justify what he now knows is a 'lie" that he wishes to still feed to his ignorant Muslim audience, knowing that they will believe him over Dr. White.
  • let's talk about how this text could be seen in a very different fashion.
  • Let's admit something: We do not know when any of the gospels were written. They have no date stamps on them. If we examine the internal material of the Synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) without naturalistic biases, we would have to conclude they were written between 35 and about 65 AD (i.e., after the crucifixion but prior to the opening of hostilities leading to the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in AD 70)
  • As Richard Bauckham has pointed out (and his role in our debate was most interesting, and again illustrated that I really do not believe Dr. Ally understands my point on this matter), the eyewitnesses to the events of the gospel continued in the church for many decades, forming a very important core element of the continuation of the gospel message.
  • The gospel story began to be proclaimed by the eyewitnesses and the first generation of believers immediately after Pentecost. It spread like wildfire, turning the world upside down. It spread both by zeal as well as by persecution. The oral tradition of the church was the context out of which the gospels themselves were written. The gospel writers were fully aware of that tradition. They were not seeking to supplant it, but to organize it and preserve it in yet another form.
    • Gary Patton
      During the debate, I could not understand why Dr. White kept referring to the "oral tradition" as he does here without once making the powerful point that the Gospel writers were the originators of the tradition as the disciples of Jesus. They were writing about their eye witness accounts ...not recounting an oral tradion circulated first by others.
  • This oral tradition, something shared by the entire community, is the source out of which they drew their narrative.
    • Gary Patton
      It is the source only to the extend that they, themselves, were the creaters of the so-called "oral tradition" as members of Jesus "inside group of disciples".
  • If we assume that Matthew and Mark are not liars, that they are not dishonest men, and that they are seeking to communicate a message faithfully, drawing from the tradition known to them, we conclude, upon examination of numerous texts such as the above, that
    • Gary Patton
      Here Dr. White writes again like the Gospel accounts were repeated by the Apostles from what others said rather than them writing down the stories in which they, themselves, particiapted with Jesus. Dr. White's approach confuses me because, to me, it doesn't make the point regarding eye-witness testimony!
  • we can see that both are giving us perfectly proper renditions of the same incident and the same words, one in fuller form than the other, both seeking to communicate the same concept, though to two different audiences.
    • Gary Patton
      Police and lawyer studies confirm this type of variiance is common between eye witness accounts when an event is seem from different perspectives through the experiences and mindset of unique people. I'm unclear why Dr. white doesn't state this fact which reinforces his hypothesis about Scripture's timeline and seeming contradictions.
Gary Patton

What Neuroscience Tells Us about Lenten Disciplines | Christianity Today | A Magazine o... - 0 views

  • Fasting and other spiritual disciplines train these processes, shape them, and thereby shape us into spiritual people.
    • Gary Patton
      How "worksy" is this statement? I thought it was Holy Spirit Who "shapes us into spirital people" using his lovingly slow process of sanctification ... not our disciplined, hard work by depriving ourselves to train our subconscious... as it says in Romans 8:29-30 at .
  • Fasting schools our subconscious. We exert our will over the cravings of our body so that we have a mental process in place that is strong enough to overrule other temptations we face. We slowly become people who are less driven by temporary cravings, whether for food or sex or personal fulfillment. While spiritual disciplines shape who we will be, they also reveal who we are.
  • But there is tremendous value in self-denial for its own sake.
    • Gary Patton
      But, in my humble opinion, Mr. Moll hasn't proven this concluding statement nor his thesis which isn't even a scientific theory because it can neither be replicated nor tested.
Gary Patton

Humility, I Don't Know: Thoughts on | Frank Viola - 0 views

  • There’s an idea that somehow got into the evangelical Christian mind. That idea is that if you teach the Scriptures, you are obligated to have a conviction on every issue that the Bible addresses, let alone mentions. I don’t know who invented this idea, but it’s just plain wrong. And it leads to all sorts of problems.
  • I Don’t Know
    • Gary Patton
      There's an idea that somehow got into the evangelical Christian mind. That idea is that if you teach the Scriptures, you are obligated to have a conviction on every issue that the Bible addresses, let alone mentions. This idea is unBiblical and just plain wrong. Plus, it leads to all sorts of problems.
  • Paul said “we know in part” (certainty cannot be attained in everything).
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  • he didn’t say “we know nothing” (certainty can be attained for some things)
  • you don’t have to know the answer to every question brought to you. In fact, I’d be scared if you did.
  • Taking a position and pontificating on it when you’ve not done the necessary home work to come to a thoughtful conclusion, or before you’ve received insight from the Holy Spirit on a matter, is just plain reckless.
  • So don’t buy into the lie.
  • “We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the field God has assigned to us,
  • In short, stay within your calling. Keep within the ministry that God has given you, and don’t extend beyond it.
  • And nevah evah be afraid to say, “I don’t know.”
    • Gary Patton
      Alernatively, try: "I haven't studied that and don't have time right now to do so for you." Then, suggest a place where your questioner might find the answer to the issue which they asked about?
Gary Patton

Arminianism (Christian theology) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Arminianism
    • Gary Patton
      The crux of Arminianism lays in its assertion that human dignity requires an unimpaired freedom of the will.Sounds good, eh? But, I struggle with where one may find in the Old or New Covenant a commitment that God has committed to our having "an unimpaired freedom of the will". You? gfp (2012-04-05)
  • The crux of Remonstrant Arminianism lay in the assertion that human dignity requires an unimpaired freedom of the will.
    • Gary Patton
      Arminianism * "The crux of Remonstrant Arminianism lay in the assertion that human dignity requires an unimpaired freedom of the will." ~ Encyclopedia Britannica at I find this crux statement hard to accept and believe for two reasons: 1. I can't find this so-called "Biblical truth" promised anywhere in the Old or New Covenant, and 2. I have watched our loving heavenly Father cause/force/lead ...please use whatever word you wish that makes you comfortable... me and others I know or have heard stories about to do things which we didn't want to, or would rather not, do! I've watched the latter, common (really typical, in my opinion) phenomenon throughout my Christian life of about 30 years. What we ARE promised, however, is among other blessings that: 1. God will NEVER send, or allow, anything to touch us without it first passing through His loving fingers or that we can't handle in His strength (1 Corinthians 10:13 at ), and 2. He ALWAYS will work out for each Jesus Followers' "good" ("best", if you permit me) anything that He does send or allow into our lives because of His incredible, undeserved love for us! (Romans 8:28-39 at ) When I resist what I know is God's will ...desiring or insisting on my unimpaired freedom..., I've discovered that He always gets His way. (Duh!) Plus I also sense that I'm resisting the inevitable because my flesh is simply not happy with Holy Spirit's Lordship in my life. (Duh!) When the desire to resist what God wants persists ...but, more importantly, too often wins for a while..., one may be wise to start wondering if s(he) really is a Follower of Jesus. Unsure about the above? Try this credo on for size and monitor how you feel about it: * "Lord, anything...Any time... Anywhere... At any cost!" ~ Art Yonner, (1930-2011) U.S. Wordteam missionary
    The crux of Arminianism lays in its assertion that human dignity requires an unimpaired freedom of the will. I struggle with where one may find in the Old or New Covenant a commitment that God has committed to our having " an unimpaired freedom of the will". gfp (2012-04-05)
Gary Patton

How Islamic Can Christianity Be? - The Gospel Coalition Blog - 0 views

  • My wife and I had been working with Muslims for years and were aware of this training, commonly referred to as the Insider Movement.
  • when I first read about Insider Movements, I had the same reaction she did. I was hopeful and excited.
  • Could this be the tool that causes a spiritual awakening in the Muslim world? Over time, as we continued our ministry to Muslims in the Middle East, I realized the answer to my question was "No, it will not."
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • The Insider Movement (IM) remains a hot topic in missions circles.
  • This issue is extremely complicated and extremely important, making it difficult to write about.
  • Rebecca Lewis, a proponent, defines the IM as follows: Insider movements can be defined as movements to obedient faith in Christ that remain integrated with or inside their natural community. In any insider movement there are two distinct elements:
  • This definition is broad and can be interpreted many different ways---which is one of the difficulties in pinpointing the teachings of the movement.
  • those opposed to IM seem to assume that proponents are syncretistic heretics.
  • The IM advocates I've met are wonderful people.
  • They are winsome, intelligent people who love the Lord and want to see Muslims saved.
  • we need to address the dangerous practices within the movement, which varies to some degree from person to person and country to country. Therefore, my critique may not apply to all IMs. Nevertheless, the following key issues need to be addressed.
  • many other IM advocates believe the gospel can be found within the Qur'an, if you correctly interpret the text. But the gospel cannot be found in the Qur'an, because the Qur'an did not come to us through the inspiration of God as found in the Bible.
  • There is also an arrogant attitude---almost imperialistic---involved in this assertion.
  • IM practitioners seek to keep new followers of Jesus within their socio-religious networks. For support their cite various texts in the Bible (1 Corinthians 7:17-24, 9:19-23; 2 Kings 5:15-19). Therefore, a Muslim who follows Jesus remains a Muslim.
  • I agree that Muslims who follow Christ shouldn't be required to take on the name "Christian."
  • We find among many IM advocates a belief that Islam can be redeemed---we should not abandon the religion but rather change it from within and welcome it into orthodoxy.
  • How Islamic can Christianity be? Can a Muslim who now follows Jesus fast during Ramadan? Can a Muslim who follows Jesus use the Islamic prayer stances? Where do we draw the line? These are tough questions.
  • While the word Christian can have a very negative connotation among Muslims, encouraging MBBs to retain the title "Muslim" can be confusing at best and deceptive at worst. Advocates for using the title "Muslim" argue that it literally means "one who submits to God." This is semantically true. However, the word connotes much more---namely, one who follows the religion of Islam by confessing, "There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet."
  • Some argue that God used Muhammad to bring monotheism to the Arabs---a kind of John the Baptist for the Arabs. This is a dangerous concession.
  • Rejecting Muhammad as a prophet does not require denigrating him before Muslims; it means we should not say more than necessary.
  • We can be respectful and identify the positive contributions he made to society without agreeing that he is a prophet.
  • How Islamic Can Christianity Be?
  • I never encourage MBBs to retain the title Muslim. Nor do I encourage them to take the title Christian.
  • Recent Bible translations for Muslims have created a frenzy by moving "Father" and "Son" language about the Trinity from the text to the footnotes.
  • What if the only understood meaning is physical and sexual? How do we translate without losing or grossly misrepresenting the biblical meaning?
  • the decisions about how to make the Bible comprehensible in other cultures are not easy or made lightly.
  • Some in the IM prefer to talk about Muslims "entering the kingdom of God" as opposed to "joining" Christianity.
  • We should view as suspect any form of church planting that does not seek to connect believers with the universal body of Christ and promote unity.
  • emphasis on the kingdom of God can downplay the importance of the church.
  • Missionaries and academics have wondered aloud whether the problem extends beyond Western politics, military intervention, and spiritual bondage to the very way we present the gospel. Could our methods be to blame? Could more sophisticated contextualization unlock many more hearts for Christ?
  • we can introduce Muslims to Jesus through the Qur'an
    This article explains the dangers of what's called the "Insider Movement" i.e. evangelizing Jesus Followers using the Qur'an and telling Muslims they can follow Jesus while remaining part of Islam. The article is written by a couple who have shared Jesus', not Isa's, love wit Muslims for many years in the Middle East. gfp (2012-05-21)
Gary Patton

Jesus IS God - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • See to it that no one takes you captive through (B)philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men
  • in Him all the (D)fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form
  • He is the head [c]over all (G)rule and authority;
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  • He (N)made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, 14 having canceled out (O)the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and (P)He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross
  • having been (J)buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also (K)raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who (L)raised Him from the dead.
  • Colossians 2:8-14
    "Jesus IS God" Colossians 2:8-14 makes some compelling claims about the Deity of Jesus and His resurrection power. gfp (2012-06-03)
Gary Patton

Trials Produce Joy? Say what! | NIV YouVersion - 0 views

  • Trials and Temptations
  • When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
  • If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,t whenever you face trials of many kinds,3
  • because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
Gary Patton

"Trials Produce Joy? Say what! " - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • James 1:2-8
  • Trials and Temptations
  • Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • because you know that the testing of your faith(B) produces perseverance.(C) 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature(D) and complete, not lacking anything.
  • If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God,(E) who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.(F) 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt,(G) because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded(H) and unstable(I) in all they do.
    "Trials Produce Joy? Say what! " In James 1:2-8, Holy Spirit shares the secret power of trails that many Christians just "don't get"! GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-08-30)
Gary Patton

Interpreting Scripture: Our Greek-ness is Showing - 0 views

  • All of us who have been raised and/or educated in a western culture…regardless of our ethnicity or heritage…think like Greeks. And this can cause us some problems when we attempt to interpret the Bible.Because God is not a Greek.
  • Among other things, we Greeks believe that there is only one correct way to interpret any particular scripture and apply it to our lives
  • hen interpret biblical truth through our own personal religious, cultural, societal, and experiential lenses
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  • When a verse or passage in the Bible lends itself to more than one interpretation, we Greeks seem unable to consider the possibility that both interpretations might be equally valid.
    • Gary Patton
      Actually, this tension is not really a "big deal" because the simple English word, 'antinomy' explains the Biblical concept of "equal and opposing truths"! Might it be that christains simply like to fight? In discussing contrary points-of-view on a 'proof-text', for example, do we allow Mr. Sin to rear up our flesh like a wild, untamed stallion ...rather than the Indian warrior pony in North American terms... to which Jesus was referring via the 'Greek' word He used when commanding us to be 'meek'. (Forgive me David, I don't speak Aramaic, either! :-)) gfp
  • That’s how we get more than 20,000 versions of the same truth.
  • I’m not convinced Jesus had any interpretation in mind when He spoke these words. He always did what He saw the Father doing, and He always spoke what He heard the Father speaking. I don’t know that Jesus needed much explanation or clarification before revealing the works and words of the Father.
    • Gary Patton
      And prior to going to His cross and being resurrected, Jesus, the incarnate "God Man", would have had to later think through what the Father gave him. Maybe He even talked through optional interpretations with "His boys"? Might He even have argued with Himself over them? (I hear that muttered "God forbid", Dr. Dave! :-)) gfp
  • I have been awestruck by the preciousness of Jesus and determined to obtain an intimate relationship with Him regardless of the cost because He is the only One who is worth what I will pay for Him. And I have been brought to tears to know that He loves, cherishes, and values me so much that He would pay the ultimate price to invite me into the relationship that He and the Father & the Spirit have enjoyed from eternity past.
  • Or we can put aside our Greek-ness and give up on the idea of objective truth defined as a body of information and correct interpretation. How about we simply adopt the Bible’s definition of objective truth?
    • Gary Patton
      I can suspect the horror this suggestion is generating in the flesh of "anti-grace-teaching" Pastors and the religious spawn they have misled! gfp
  • how about we let the Author of the scriptures quicken them to our hearts so that we see them in whatever light He wishes for us to see them at that particular moment?
    • Gary Patton
      WoW! What a novel idea!! Here again, this will be fleshly fear-inducing for religous people and their mistaken and misleading mentors. (And Dr. Dave knows that and does it intentionally, eh David! :-)) gfp
  • Only a Greek would ask such questions.
    • Gary Patton
    Dr. David Ryser, my Friend and a Greek and Hebrew scholar and teacher points out some core challenge of Scripture interpretation. The challenge applies cross-culturally and to followers of different gods ...with some adaptation to your culture and faith for non-Jesus Following religious people. All of us who have been raised and/or educated in a western culture…regardless of our ethnicity or heritage…think like Greeks. And this can cause us some problems when we attempt to interpret the Bible ...because God is not a Greek. gfp (2011-11-18)
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