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Peter Olm

Edheads - Simple Machines Activities - Lever - Pulley - Wedge - Screw - Inclined Plane ... - 0 views

    Interactive site on simple and compound machines (It lists "gears" as a simple machine, which is the only place where I have seen this, as everywhere else just has the traditional 6 simple machines. Likewise, some of the examples of various machines are a bit tenuous, but it is a fun site, nonetheless)
Peter Olm

Simple & Complex Machines - 1 views

    Some interactive activities and info
carmela guglielmino

Back to School Theme Unit - Worksheets, Printables, Posters and activities - 3 views

    A range of different activities, proformas and posters for the "getting to know you" stage of the school year.
carmela guglielmino

BGfL - Whiteboards - Primary Mathematics - 0 views

    Whiteboard - Primary Mathematics Has a range of demonstration techniques, games etc for whitboard use in the classroom.
carmela guglielmino

Australian War Memorial - Kids HQ Great Stories - 0 views

    Great activities site for teachers. Has some amazing paintingsto show the students.
Matthew Berrisford

Maths and Money - 1 views

    Useful for introduction of money.
Shelly Nugent

NGDC-Natural Hazards Databases at NGDC - 0 views

    Great information and hard data on Natural disasters including tsunami, earthquakes and volcanos, long term data, hist of natural hazards and research
Andrew Williamson

Level 3 - Fitzroy North Primary School - 0 views

  • Students in Grades 3 and 4 this term will be investigating the factors which affect the survival of organisms living in the sea through our unit “Testing the Waters”. They will learn to distinguish between biotic and abiotic factors in the environmentand describe human influences which affect the survival of living things. We’ll be going on a fantastic excursion to Rickett’s Point to see some real sea life and talk to some local experts about our local marine environment in Melbourne’s Port Phillip Bay.
    • Andrew Williamson
      THis is old content it needs to be updated
Steve Stafford

Interactive Maths Games - 2 views

    Great site with links to many, many interactive maths games and interactive teacher resources
Kristen Swenson

Parliamentary Education Office of the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia - 0 views

    Government resources 
Andrew Williamson

Open-Ended Math Problems - 0 views

    Some good problem solving open ended maths problems for middle school students or advanced primary school
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