Looking for something to jazz up your literacy lesson? Check out Domo by goannimate. A free animation tool that allows you to create funky looking animations. A great tool for any literacy lesson especially if wanting to emphasise dialog, setting and characterisation for creative writing.
Looking for that killer IWB introductory to your maths lesson. Check out Virtual Manipulatives. This blog post explains it all. (It has a great flash version of MAB)
A great poster creator. Worth a look students can upload images and manipulate them to look like posters. Students can export out to blogs etc or print. Could be useful online tool for short presentations of student work.
Fun, great to view, some people have time on their hands!
These experiments were created by designers and programmers from around the world using the latest open standards, including HTML5, Canvas, SVG, and more. Their work is making the web faster, more fun, and more open - the same spirit in which we built Google Chrome.
For Grade 2 teachers and Khamal, you might want to add somethings to this. Just email Tom Barret if you want to contribute. He has many of these 'interesting ways' presentations. Great source of classroom ideas
Yeah Yeah Yeah! Another very valuable blog post from Tom Barret on Google forms for the classroom. What one would give to have a 1to1 laptop program when these tools are around. Great assessment tool.