Ten Sites Supporting iPads In Education… A Post Of Resources! | 21 st Century... - 0 views
Several weeks ago I reviewed one of the most powerful iPad app sites on the web. If you missed the posting be sure to give this prior post a visit. The website iEar is an amazing site based on both teacher reviews and contributions. You may just want to become a member of iEar today!
. You may wish to start with iPad Apps and its listing of over 500 apps, descriptions, reviews, and even apps to get started with. Or, instead, begin with the searchable data base or take a look at their cool list of projection apps.
I especially like the Creativity Apps, Teacher Tools Apps and the VGA Output Apps. You also may wish to check out Managing a Classroom Set of iPads and This is what I did… (which is a selection of the authors’ reflections and practical applications.