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Andrew Williamson

Free Online Time Games - Telling the time - 0 views

    Teaching time and want some time fillers ;-) Its all here
Steve Stafford

Storyline Online - 0 views

    Great online stories read by some famous actors. Produced by The Screen Actors Guild, its a great resource especially for book week.
    Great site that I used many times whilst teaching in the U.K. Speed of server can at times affect the stories, overall a gem!
kynan robinson

Time-Lapse Videos : Tech Tutorials - 0 views

    A great tutorial demonstrating how to set up a time laps video in your class or wherever you want it
kynan robinson

What Is Integrated Curriculum? - 0 views

  • Can making wind and rain machines improve the reading comprehension and writing scores of elementary students on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test? Do students really learn math by learning to clog dance? When students spend after-school time participating in a microsociety that reflects the roles of real life, will their test scores in math and reading improve?
  • Lee's students have shown more than 100 percent gains in comprehension and writing on the FCAT.
    • kynan robinson
      Its sad that we even have to ask these questions, what about increased levels of creative thought, or deeper understanding of social interactions etc etc etc
  • ...28 more annotations...
  • Lee claims that when she teaches science concepts she also teaches students to think and write in the structured, coherent ways required on standardized tests
  • What exactly is integrated curriculum? In its simplest conception, it is about making connections. What kind of connections? Across disciplines? To real life? Are the connections skill-based or knowledge-based?
  • we defined three approaches to integration—multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary
  • Multidisciplinary approaches focus primarily on the disciplines.
  • When teachers integrate the subdisciplines within a subject area, they are using an intradisciplinary approach
  • Through this integration, teachers expect students to understand the connections between the different subdisciplines and their relationship to the real world.
  • In this approach to integration, teachers organize the curriculum around common learnings across disciplines. T
  • ey chunk together the common learnings embedded in the disciplines to emphasize interdisciplinary skills and concepts.
  • They are learning the interdisciplinary skill of communication (thinking and writing in a structured and coherent way).
  • In the transdisciplinary approach to integration, teachers organize curriculum around student questions and concerns (see Figure 1.3). Students develop life skills as they apply interdisciplinary and disciplinary skills in a real-life context. Two routes lead to transdisciplinary integration: project-based learning and negotiating the curriculum
  • Project-Based Learning. In project-based learning, students tackle a local problem. Some schools call this problem-based learning or place-based learning. According to Chard (1998), planning project-based curriculum involves three steps:
  • Teachers and students select a topic of study based on student interests, curriculum standards, and local resources. The teacher finds out what the students already know and helps them generate questions to explore. The teacher also provides resources for students and opportunities to work in the field. Students share their work with others in a culminating activity. Students display the results of their exploration and review and evaluate the project.
  • Negotiating the Curriculum. In this version of the transdisciplinary approach, student questions form the basis for curriculum.
  • Studies of project-based programs show that students go far beyond the minimum effort, make connections among different subject areas to answer open-ended questions, retain what they have learned, apply learning to real-life problems, have fewer discipline problems, and have lower absenteeism
  • The boundaries of the disciplines seemed to dissolve abruptly.
  • The essential difference between the three approaches was the perceived degree of separation that existed between subject areas. Given our experiences at the time, both of us believed that the three approaches fit on an evolutionary continuum.
    • kynan robinson
      all education is evolutionary which is why we need to keep studying, reading investigating asking questions
  • suggests that even intradisciplinary projects should include math and literature/media to be rich and vibrant
  • backward design process.
  • We believe that educators will continue to experience deepening connections as they become more experienced in this area.
  • Real-life context Student questions
  • Coplanner Colearner Generalist/specialist
  • Disciplines identified if desired, but real-life context emphasized
  • All knowledge interconnected and interdependent Many right answers Knowledge considered to be indeterminate and ambiguous
  • Student questions and concerns Real-world context
  • Interdisciplinary skills/concepts stressed
  • shift
  • Interdisciplinary skills and disciplinary skills applied in a real-life context
    great overview of different approaches to integrated  Curriculum
Andrew Williamson

How do make a PBL teacher « - 1 views

    Interesting post from a prolific Ed blogger who has always written about Ed and the "bleeding edge" worth following and very readable. This post posits that if we are to introduce a non Americanised version of PBL then we should expect systematic change over a long period of time so that it becomes ingrained in the learning culture of the school. I particularly like this position because it takes into account the longevity of the teachers capacity not only to with stand the change but also to be part of the new paradigm.
Kristen Swenson

Lure of the Labyrinth - 0 views

    Interesting puzzle based game in which students progress towards an ultimate goal. More of a long-term game that could be used over an extended period of time.  Aimed at middle school. Needs password and login. Is free to obtain.     
Andrew Williamson

Everyday Creativity: A Case For Enculturating Creativity In Schools - Google Docs - 0 views

    An essay I wrote inquiring into the notion of everyday creativity and its significance in its application in the education context. If you have time and are interested... :-)
Andrew Williamson

Chrome Experiments - Home - 0 views

    Fun, great to view, some people have time on their hands!  These experiments were created by designers and programmers from around the world using the latest open standards, including HTML5, Canvas, SVG, and more. Their work is making the web faster, more fun, and more open - the same spirit in which we built Google Chrome.
Andrew Williamson

10 Great Classroom Icebreakers - 0 views

    Some great ideas and activities to do when meeting that new class for the first time.
Andrew Williamson

Assessment in UK schools: a convenient hypocrisy? | - 1 views

  • The reason for my inclusion of that particular Dilbert cartoon at the top of this post is that I reckon most UK teachers couldn’t differentiate between a Level 4b and 4a in their subject. In fact, the distinction’s pretty meaningless. I’ve seen some schools use the sub-levels as following: Level 4c – some work at Level 4 standard Level 4b – most work at Level 4 standard Level 4a – all work at Level 4 standard In that case, why use the sub-levels in the first place? It’s my belief that  Assessment for Learning, that buzz-phrase from a couple of years ago, has been hijacked and contorted into something it’s not. I’m certainly not arguing against students knowing where they’re at in a subject and how to improve. It’s just that using National Curriculum levels as a means for doing this smacks of laziness to me. Instead, professional teachers should be able to convey the key skills, processes and subject knowledge students need to be able to progress. That’s just good teaching.
    • Andrew Williamson
      So is this what the national curriculum is going to look like when its juxtaposed against nation testing?
    Great post on Assessment in UK schools. Ties in with stuff about their national testing that they have had in place for more than a decade. This could be our crystal ball are we looking at our curriculum becoming narrower because we are all jumping through hoops? Assessment for learning? I dont think so. I would rather spend time planning great engaging lessons rather than lessons that are going to meet the National Testing criteria.
Steve Stafford

Online Stories! - 7 views

Great site that I used many times whilst teaching in the U.K. Speed of server can at times affect the stories, overall a gem!

started by Steve Stafford on 31 Aug 09 no follow-up yet
Andrew Williamson

Rory's Story Cubes® for iPhone | Rory's Story Cubes - 2 views

    Check this out great ipod app for story starters. Now I really wish I had those ipod touches in my classroom! This looks great. Even though we tend to avoid the "Once upon a time" story starter this app has heaps of potential 
Andrew Williamson

Games in Education - home - 0 views

    Very useful wiki for people looking at introducing gaming into their classroom or school. Loads of examples of games that could be integrated into the curriculum. I am about to loose some time checking some of these out.
Andrew Williamson

A class of young individuals ... like peas in a pod - 0 views

  • University of Melbourne primary education expert Jan Deans said schools were drawn to learning through play as a reaction to a crowded curriculum and the focus on national testing (NAPLAN).
    • Andrew Williamson
      I have witnessed a direct influence if national testing on our school curriculum. The constant pressure to lift results in the areas of maths and literacy is forcing some schools to create streamed maths groups. We have set up streamed maths groups in grades 2 - 6 and literacy groups from 3-6. The philosophy behind this is to target the specific needs of each group rather than trusting the teacher to create an effective differentiated learning environment.  The direct impact of such a set up is that the timetable becomes even more rigid. Students on the margins of learning levels miss out on the positive learning experiences of their peers. The nature of the Maths and literacy "hour" means that its very difficult to develop long term, deep and ongoing learning situations for students.
Andrew Williamson :: Mathematics Enrichment :: February 2010 Front Page - 1 views

    This looks like an amazing site with loads of activities for teachers and students. Amazing when do people find the time to put this together and who is paying for it?
    Yep Andrew, total agree! Not quite sure how the stages relate to VELS. But loads of open ended problems and games. Seems to have activities for just about all of the different areas of the Maths cirriculum.
Andrew Williamson

Official Google Docs Blog: A new Google Docs - 0 views

    Awesome finally we have real time editing with collaborators and an in built chat function. This is going to make our team planning days easier. Looking forward to seeing if it has a Land scape function.  
Andrew Williamson

10 Digital Writing Opportunities You Probably Know and 10 You Probably Don't | - 1 views

    Another great post by Tom Barret. Where does he find the time? Great ideas for digital writing and integrating ICT into your Literacy and english lessons
Giuliana Abdo

Ancient Roman Times - 1 views

Great site form the a school in UK

history romans

started by Giuliana Abdo on 30 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Giuliana Abdo

Buongiorno Ragazzi! - 1 views

    This is our Italian blog at North Fitzroy Primary school in Victoria Australia. It has information about activities taught, important dates and ideas for incidental teaching in the classroom. Please leave a post! Arrivederci!
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