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Andrew Williamson

Movie Making and literacy skills | illegal harmonies - 0 views

  • But beyond that againg there is the ideas of student centered learning. The kids are creating personal, meanigful things not another task set by the teacher. The teacher is acting merely as the facilitator, guiding the learning to a deeper place. The ownership of the product gives the students motivation and a greater sense of enjoyment which always enhances learning. In my role as teacher for this project I introduced the idea, showed them some simple concepts and ten basically handed it over to them, always assisting when needed and giving guidance when appropriate
    • Andrew Williamson
      Great pedagogical practice. Student centred learning is what facilitates engagement, enjoyment and a deeper understanding of the content.
  • Creative expression is one of if not the most iportant part of life.  Humans have a desire to create and if we can use ICT to better enable children to do that while effectivly communicating their creations to others than that is fantastic.
    • Andrew Williamson
      This is the essence of what teaching is about. Facilitating student creativity allowing them to decide what to create how to create it and when to create it. The teacher is merely the director pointing the student towards different paths but essentially allowing them to choose.
    Awesome blog post on Movie making and literacy skills. Some great pedagogy happening with this group of students. I really like Kynan's philosophy of letting the students learn rather than intervening with teacher direction. Final cut express is a rather complicated piece of software but it looks like these kids have eaten it for breakfast
Andrew Williamson

Free Production Music for Videos and Movies | Free Stock Music - 0 views

    This looks good. Could be very useful when making movies etc. 
kynan robinson

Movie Maker | Xtranormal - 1 views

    This is a fantastic free movie making website. The best feature is text to speech, where whatever you type the characters will say. You can also change background, character appearance, characters expressions, voice accent and gender, and camera angles. Set up one account then all the kids can log in with the one username and password.
Andrew Williamson

ACMI Generator - 1 views

    This looks like a great tool for creating storyboards. Need to login or register to save work.
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