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Kilts |Kilts For Men - 1 views

    Perhaps nothing is more closely associated with Scotland than the kilt. Now part of the national costume, you will find kilts being worn at everything from weddings to international sports matches. Either worn casually or as part of a full outfit, this recognizable garment is the best way to show off your Scottish heritage. It has been my observation that there are various reasons why someone may decide to wear the kilt, and those reasons will affect our habits and attitudes towards Highland dress. I normally try to avoid sweeping generalizations, but there are some major categories that I believe most kilt wearers fall into. People tend to wear the kilt as a uniform, as heritage dress, as a costume, or as clothing. Most kilt wearers I have met fall into at least one category, and some will identify with more than one. The first category is that of uniform. These people wear the kilt because it is part of the uniform of a group or activity in which they are involved. The most obvious example would be the military uniform of a Highland regiment. Another would be a pipe band. But the kilt could also be a uniform in a less structured sense. If one is involved in Scottish Country Dancing, the kilt is part of the outfit that men are expected to wear. The reason that people in this category wear the kilt is because it is part and parcel of the activity they participate in, be it dancing, piping, or some other endeavor. If you wear the kilt as a uniform you are more than likely going to have a more rigid attitude towards Highland dress. This may actually be imposed upon you by certain dress requirements for competition and performance. This tends to limit the extent of your Highland wardrobe. If the kilt is part of a uniform that you put on while participating in a certain activity, you only need to be flexible within the confines of your uniform requirements. The second category I have named is that of "heritage clothing." By this I mean those who wear the kilt
Callie We

chatting at the sky | a place for your soul to breathe - 0 views

    take great delight in combining photos and story to create space for souls to breathe. You can find me writing here several times a week as well as once a month over at (in)courage. If you already know that the title of the blog was inspired by a song written by Sarah Masen called Tuesday, then I automatically like you. People who like Sarah Masen music are always cool. I live in North Carolina with my family and have been married to The Man for eleven years. We have three children: twin girls who look like my husband and a son who looks like me.
Callie We

Give Me Bows - 0 views

    I'm Elyse, the 20-something lady behind the blog, residing in Sydney, Australia. I grew up on an organic vegetable farm in a small country town, but have since moved to the city. You can find me on a weekend morning at a long lazy brunch drinking too much coffee, reading, over-thinking life, and obsessively making to-do lists! I like big things like art exhibitions, sewing, vintage fashion, photography, documentaries and travel... but I also like little things like toasted blueberry bread, fresh flowers, notebooks and wine.
Callie We

Looks Good from the Back - 0 views

    Marianne I like pretty things and when people look at the camera in fashion blogs. After becoming a mom two+ years ago, my body and style started to change, and so, I am left...struggling. And trying on lots of styles that I wouldn't have touched before, because I don't know what works on my body any more. This leads to sometimes hilarious results, and sometimes surprise successes, all of which I am willing to document and post for your enjoyment. My personal style is undergoing a bit of a sea change at the moment. In the past I've leaned towards whimsy, loving anthropologie, Marc Jacobs, Nanette Lepore. However now I find myself wearing more black, grey, khaki. More structure. Since having a baby I can't abide by flowy dresses or tops because they remind me too much of maternity clothing. I would rather wear something structured even if my stomach is not exactly flat. I still love Marc Jacobs and anthropologie, I just like different styles. I would like to build a forever wardrobe of things I will still want to wear in 10 years. Pleased to meet you!
Teodora Georgiana

Kate Middletons - Style evolution - I'm liking lilac for late summer - 0 views

    Kate Middletons - Style evolution - I'm liking lilac for late summer
Callie We

Moats and Boats and Waterfalls - 0 views

    "i like to write about things that i like."
Callie We

Awkward Girls - 0 views

    "We go to college. We're best friends. We like clothes. We like them so much we created this blog to share our personal style and anything else that tickles our fancy. So check it out!"
Callie We

Your Heart is a Muscle - 0 views

    I'm Annabelle. I'm basically just a sarcastic lion. I like a lot of stuff like poetry and taking pictures of people when they don't notice. New Mexico. Texas. California. View my complete profile
Callie We

K is for Kani - 0 views

    "Hello, my name is Connie and this is my blog. I like taking photographs, nature and anything with a little bit of quirk. I'm fascinated by things from eras gone by. I like to design and create floral headpieces for my etsy store. My other life: a third year law & commerce (marketing) student. ♡"
Kiran Usman

5 Tips for How to Make your Hair Grow Faster and Stronger - 0 views

    Silky, long and healthy locks is what all girls what. Right after a haircut and after seeing someone with really long hair we start wondering on how to get such beautiful hair and how it would be like to have Rapunzel like hair. When I found out about my damaged hair, the first thing my stylist told me was to get my hair trimmed so I trimmed the entire portion of hair which had split ends.
Teodora Georgiana

A scarf like a hair accessory - 0 views

    A scarf like a hair accessory
Teodora Georgiana

Because you're a lady - Like a lady - 0 views

    Because you're a lady - Like a lady
Teodora Georgiana

How to roll sleeves like J. Crew - 0 views

    How to roll sleeves like J. Crew
Teodora Georgiana

True love is like a pillow funny - 0 views

    True love is like a pillow funny
Teodora Georgiana

Be like Eric - 0 views

    Be like Eric
Teodora Georgiana

Hairstyle like a lady - 0 views

    Hairstyle like a lady
Teodora Georgiana

And I like it so much - 0 views

    And I like it so much
Teodora Georgiana

Take an old sweater and make something like this - 0 views

    Take an old sweater and make something like this
Teodora Georgiana

Like a Lady - New Facebook cover - 0 views

    Like a Lady - New Facebook cover
Teodora Georgiana

We like chocolate - 0 views

    We like chocolate
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