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Hidden Secret Revealed - Lose Your Stomach Fat Quickly - 1 views

Having excess stomach fat looks ugly and is highly unhealthy for the people. It can genuinely add to weakness, particularly heart condition. Accomplishing a flat stomach is the fundamental objectiv...

health wellness fitness liposuction

started by pankajsinghal on 05 Sep 16 no follow-up yet

Fat Transfer | Fat Injection in Dubai, UAE | Dubai Cosmetic Surgery - 0 views

    Fat injections can improve your appearance in several ways such as eradicating fine lines and wrinkles, improving the appearance of scars and adding volume to certain body areas such as breasts and buttocks.

Exactly How Bad Are Trans Fats | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Are you worried you are getting heavier day by day? Well, it might be because of those fries you are addicted to. Deep fried foods are rich in trans fats which are directly related to obesity and heart failure. Trans fats build up the blood vessels, hindering the smooth flow of blood through them.
Gary Patton

Brain Based Biz: Downsize Belly Fat - 0 views

  • Downsize Belly Fat
    • Gary Patton
      Please don't miss my comment at the end of the article regarding additional, easy things you can do to defeat belly fat and a couple of excellent resources. gfp (2012-04-26)

Health and wellness: protein helps your hair grow and lose weight - 0 views

    protein helps your hair grow and lose weight -Researchers have showed how hair growth activated fat tissue growth within the skin below the follicle may lead to the development of a cream to dissolve fat. particularly, the protein that activated follicle growth was shown to conjointly inhibit fat production

The Top Stomach Flattening Procedures - - 0 views

    Abdominal or belly fat is the hardest type of body fat to get rid of. Even diet and exercise can't help you rid of this fat. Therefore, often men and women, who follow proper exercise regimen and...
Gary Patton

A Doctor Reviews "Wheat Belly" ...The Dangers of Modern Hybridized Wheat - 0 views

  • It would be bad enough if we consumed all this wheat as emmer or einkhorn or other primitive varieties, but we don’t.  We get most from a hybrid of Triticum aestivum – our great grandmother’s wheat – called dwarf (or semi-dwarf) wheat, which now comprises more than 99 percent of all wheat grown worldwide.
    • Gary Patton
      A Canadian invented modern, hybridized and dwarf wheat that is grown all over the world. He is lauded for solving the horror of world hunger. Regrettably, his invention has been proven to be killer in the long run!
  • “The adoption of agriculture, supposedly our most decisive step toward a better life, was in many ways a catastrophe from which we have never recovered.”
  • Wheat Belly
    • Gary Patton
      Read here how modern hybridized wheat is killing wo(men) worldwide and giving both sexes deadly buldging stomachs plus men estrogen-induced "man boobs" as it, especially the much-touted "whole weat", takes us, inexorably, to an earlier grave than necessary.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • Humanity doubtless gained more than it lost in this hunter to farmer changeover when viewed in a big-picture sort of way.
  • Covenant of the Wild, describes how domestic animals formed a pact with humans in which the animals traded a period of safety and survival for their lives.
  • Homo sapiens entered an almost mirror image of this same covenant when they domesticated cereal grasses.* 
  • Ancient forms of wheat didn’t do our forebears a lot of good, and, according to Dr. William Davis’s new book Wheat Belly, the modern forms of the grain do us even less good.
    • Gary Patton
      You'd also be wise to vist Dr. Davis Blog for helpful tips, recipies and ongoing encouragement. It's at .
  • he ancient Egyptians consumed a diet that would be considered optimal by many people today. 
  • But, as their mummified remains and their contemporary artwork demonstrate, the ancient Egyptians were often fat and were riddled with heart disease, dental caries, bad periodontal disease and no doubt diabetes and hypertension. 
  • Sadly, these same findings are also common among modern man who consumes a more malign version of primitive wheat.
  • Until I read Dr. Davis’s book Wheat Belly, I didn’t really think much about wheat other than its being a major source of carbohydrate in the American diet. 
  • Since reading Michael Pollen’s The Omnivore’s Dilemma I had been conscious of the amount of corn in our modern diet, but I hadn’t thought much about wheat. 
  • In most grocery stores, an entire aisle is devoted to nothing but bread in all its forms.  Then there is typically another large aisle full of cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, tarts, sweet rolls, bagels, croissants, brownies, and other sweet baked goods.  The vast majority of the cereal aisle displays products containing primarily wheat.  And if you look at processed foods of all kinds, you’ll find wheat in there. 
  • More food is made with wheat than any other cereal grain.
  • the hybridization of wheat came about in an effort to improve yield
  • In the photos below you can see the difference between wheat grown in the Middle Ages and the dwarf wheat grown today.
  • modern wheat is approximately 70 percent carbohydrate by weight.  The carbohydrate is in the form of a starch called amylopectin A.
  • Because it is the most digestible, it is the form that most enthusiastically increases blood sugar.  This explains why, gram for gram, wheat increases blood sugar to a greater degree than, say, kidney beans or potato chips. 
  • In healthy, slender volunteers, two medium-sized slices of whole wheat bread increase blood sugar by 30 mg/dl (from 93 to 123 mg/dl), no different from white bread.  In people with diabetes, both white and whole grain bread increase blood sugar 70 to 120 mg/dl over starting levels.
  • there are other problems
    • Gary Patton
      Most startling and horrifying for me is Dr. Davis' documented comment that of the 35,000 variations of modern hybridized and amylopectin A-packed wheat, including so-called whole wheat, NOT ONE has been tested for it's effects on humans ...even in laboratory animals. The Government bureaucrats and their food-protection regulators of the world simply took the word of profit-motivated food industry leaders and modern weat's inventors. Those supposted to protect us from manufactures wanting to seel us harmful things simply trusted their testimonies that their hybridized and radiated inventions were safe for us to eat. Duh!
  • As with almost any food, the newer the food, the greater the likelihood that it will be problematic to some humans who consume it. 
  • Dr. Davis has finally shucked his bred-in-the-bone cardiologist’s antipathy toward fat in general and saturated fat specifically and has come over to what most of his peers must view as the dark (read: low-carb) side:
  • I can’t recommend this terrific book highly enough.
    • Gary Patton
      Neither can I nor a number of my Friends who have each experienced major quality of life improvements by following Dr. Davis' recommendations ...including significan weight loss. (And my "man boobs" have been painlessly removed and my "wheat belly" is rapidly disappearing in less than a month!)

Causes And Treatment Of Obesity | Your Health Our Priority - 0 views

    Read how to measure weight and take healthy steps for reducing fats. Obesity is excess of your calories stored in adipose tissues as fats. BMI is used for calculating body mass in relation to stronger muscles.
Gary Patton

Cia Seed - Healthy Substitutions - YouTube - 0 views

  • Healthy Substitutions
    • Gary Patton
      Try this easy to make jam with fresh fruit and Chia Seed in under 2 mins. Cia Seed is the perfect food ...carbs, protein and good fats, ... and THE best source of Omega 3 EFA on the planet. gfp (2012-04-22)
    Try this easy to make jam with fresh fruit and Chia Seed in under 2 mins. Cia Seed is the perfect food ...carbs, protein and good fats, ... and THE best source of Omega 3 EFA on the planet. gfp (2012-04-22)
Gary Patton

The Magic of Chia Seed - an excellent source  of EFAs and other nutrients - 0 views

  • Medicine is not only defined as a treatment for illness and disease, it is now understood to be for the prevention of illness and disease.
    • Gary Patton
      This definition would not be an acceptable one for many modern, western doctors; but it is an accurate one based on the statements of "medicine's founders and first pratitioners".
  • Chia Seed - The Ancient Food of the Future
  • laughter is a medicine because research found it to boost the immune system
    • Gary Patton
      God says in His Bible: "A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones." ~ Proverbs 17:22
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • To express a positive attitude towards life is not only good medicine for you, it is good medicine for those in contact with you.
    • Gary Patton
      God says in His Bible: "Light in a messenger's eyes brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." ~ Proverbs 15:30
  • the most important medicine, especially for the prevention of illness and disease, is our diet.
  • a spoonful of Chia in a glass of water and leaving it for approximately 30 minutes or so, when you return the glass will appear to contain not seeds or water, but an almost solid gelatin.
    • Gary Patton
      This the best was to eat chia ...especially before a meal containing starch which spikes one's blood sugar.
  • Research believe this same gel-forming phenomenon takes place in the stomach when food containing these gummy fibers, known as mucilages, are eaten.
  • slowing the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar.
  • this slowing in the conversion of carbohydrates into sugar offers the ability for creating endurance.
  • Prolonging their conversion into sugar stabilizes metabolic changes, diminishing the surges of highs and lows creating a longer duration in their fueling effects.
  • Its ability to hold on to water offers the ability to prolong hydration.
  • Hydrophilic colloids, (a watery, gelatinous, glue-like substance) form the underlying elements of all living cells. They posses the property of readily taking up and giving off the substances essential to cell life.
  • Uncooked foods contain sufficient hydrophilic colloid to keep gastric mucosa in the proper condition.
  • Even if you have sensitivity to certain foods, they may be tolerated with slight discomfort or none at all if a hydrophilic colloid is made a part of your diet. 
  • Chia seed, a muscle and tissue builder and an energizer of endurance with extensive hydration properties, possesses none of the above disadvantage,
  • if we consider the effect of unusual irritation upon the nerves of the gastrointestinal canal, it is reasonable the think that a less violent and more balanced digestion might quiet the activity of the otherwise hyperactive gut.
  • foods, which formerly produced irritation, may frequently be continued without harm when hydrophilic colloids are used.
  • The change, in the lower gastrointestinal tract, is due to the effect of the hydrophilic colloid and to a more complete digestion-taking place along the entire tract due to physiochemical alterations.
  • As a source of protein, the Chia, after ingestion, is digested and absorbed very easily.  This results in rapid transport to the tissue and utilization by the cells.
  • Another unique quality if the Chia seed is its high oil content, and the richest vegetables source for the essential omega-3 fatty acid. 
  • In addition to the obvious benefits for diabetics,
  • It has approximately three to ten times the oil concentrations of most grains and one and a half to two times the protein concentrations of other grains.   These oils, unsaturated fatty acids, are the essential oils your body needs to help emulsify and absorb the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, & K.  Chia seeds are rich in the unsaturated fatty acid, linoleic, which the body cannot manufacture. 
  • Unsaturated fatty acids are important for respiration of vital organs and make it easier for oxygen to be transported by the blood stream to all cells, tissues, and organs. They also help maintain resilience and lubrication of all cells and combine with protein and cholesterol to form living membranes that hold the body cells together.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for normal glandular activity, especially of the adrenal glands and the thyroid glad.  They nourish the skin cells and are essential for healthy mucus membranes and nerves.  The unsaturated fatty acids function in the body by cooperating with vitamin D in making calcium available to the tissues, assisting in the assimilation of phosphorus, and stimulating the conversion of carotene into vitamin A.
  • The Chia seed is also a rich source of calcium as it contains the important mineral boron, which acts as catalyst for the absorption and utilization of the calcium by the body. 
  • The seed’s hydrophilic (water absorbing) saturated cells hold the water, so when it is mixed with foods, it displaces calories and fat without diluting flavor.
  • it creates more surface area and can actually enhance the flavor rather than dilute it. Chia gel also works as a fat replacer for many recipes.
  • buy substituting the oil in your breads with Chia gel. Top your favorite bread dough before baking with Chia gel (for toping on baked goods, breads, cookies, piecrust, etc., reduce the water ration to 8 parts water to 1 part Chia seed) for added shelf life.
    This article succinctly outlines the power of the "ancient Grain", as Chia is called, which is really a seed. It's a strong source of EFA's plus a modulator of carbohydrate-caused "sugar spikes" that can cause Insulin Resistance, a precursor to Type II Diabetes. gfp (2012-03-18)
harmeet kaur

These 9 kind Breads will Reduce your Fat in Hindi - 0 views

    People use different types of methods to lose weight. Some people want to get rid of increased weight by exercising in some gyms while dieting. But even after doing so many times, it does not take the name of obesity to be reduced.
Healthy Habit Hub

Nagano Tonic - Lean Body Tonic - 0 views


remove body fat tonic best diet nagano lean toniclean

started by Healthy Habit Hub on 03 Jul 24 no follow-up yet
Gary Patton

The Evils of Wheat - - 0 views

  • we’ve created thousands of what I call Frankengrains over the past 50 years, using pretty extreme techniques, and their safety for human consumption has never been tested or even questioned.
  • the evils of wheat
    • Gary Patton
      In this interview, Dr. William Davis, a renowned cardiologist and the author of the popular new lifestyle book, "Wheat Belly" explains why modern, hybridized wheat may have cured "world hunger" but is also killing people world-wide at an alarming rate after destroying their health. gfp (2012-03-10)
  • wheat make us fat, exactly? A: It contains amylopectin A, which is more efficiently converted to blood sugar than just about any other carbohydrate, including table sugar. In fact, two slices of whole wheat bread increase blood sugar to a higher level than a candy bar does. And then, after about two hours, your blood sugar plunges and you get shaky, your brain feels foggy, you’re hungry.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • I’m not overweight and I exercise regularly. So why would eating whole wheat bread be bad for me? A: You can trigger effects you don’t perceive. Small low-density lipoprotein [LDL] particles form when you’re eating lots of carbohydrates, and they are responsible for atherosclerotic plaque, which in turn triggers heart disease and stroke. So even if you’re a slender, vigorous, healthy person, you’re still triggering the formation of small LDL particles. And second, carbohydrates increase your blood sugars, which cause this process of glycation, that is, the glucose modification of proteins. If I glycate the proteins in my eyes, I get cataracts. If I glycate the cartilage of my knees and hips, I get arthritis. If I glycate small LDL, I’m more prone to atherosclerosis. So it’s a twofold effect.
  • wheat is essentially the single cause of the obesity epidemic. A: I wouldn’t go so far as to say that all obesity is due to wheat. There are kids, of course, who drink Coca-Cola and sit in front of video games for many hours a day. But I’m speaking to the relatively health-minded people who think they’re doing the right thing by limiting fat consumption and eating more whole grains, and there’s a clear subset of people who are doing that and gaining weight and don’t understand why.
  • wheat is “addictive,” but does it really meet the criteria for addiction we’d use when talking about, say, drugs? A: National Institutes of Health researchers showed that gluten-derived polypeptides can cross into the brain and bind to the brain’s opiate receptors. So you get this mild euphoria after eating a product made with whole wheat.
  • In clinical trials, people lost about 22.4 lb. in the first six months.
    In this The Interview, Dr. William Davis, the author of the popular new lifestyle book, "Wheat belly" explains why modern, hybridized wheat may have cured "world hunger" but is also killing people world-wide at an alarming rate after destroying their health. gfp (2012-03-10)
Gary Patton

Trans fat rules rejected as burden on food industry - Politics - CBC News - 0 views

    • Gary Patton
      Shame on the Conservative Governement of Canada! gfp (2012-02-08)

Health and wellness: Smoking reduces the ability to taste sweets in women - 0 views

    A new analysis says that fat ladies who smoke cigarettes might not have the interest towards sweets.

Low Cost Liposuction in Dubai astutely escalating | Dubai Cosmetic Surgery - 0 views

    Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that is helpful for removing localized fat deposits on certain areas of body that are not responsive to diet and exercise.

Weight Loss Progress Not Perfection | Dubai Cosmetic Surgery - 0 views

    Minimal invasive body contouring technique that removes small localized fat deposits after liquefying them using laser energy.

Ten Things You Need To Know About Liposuction | Dubai Cosmetic surgery - 0 views

    Liposuction is one of the most popular and frequently performed cosmetic surgeries all over the world. It is an effective and beneficial procedure for both men and women who have stubborn fat depos...


  What is screening ? Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may b...

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started by lifelinelab on 07 Dec 18 no follow-up yet

Top 6 Benefits of Amino Acids You Need to Know - Whole Family Products - 0 views

    Amino acids of l-arginine have various benefits to offer in our health includes decrease in white fat, hair regrowth, stronger libido, and control on all body's processess. Hurry! Get your amino acid supplements now from Whole Family Products store.
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