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Adam Harbaugh

Welcome to BetterLesson - 1 views

    A user-driven resource. Great for finding and sharing lesson and unit plans. You need to sign up for an account, but it's free!
Ursula Smith

TeachersFirst Edge - 1 views

    Safe place for teachers to use Web 2.0. Resources, units, all types of goodys to make our life easier!
Lynnette Antwi

Teaching Resources - 0 views

    This website allows you to look up audio, videos, worksheets, and lessons based on your topic/ unit. The site will even filter by grade level and subject and will give you different lesson plans/ worksheets you can use in the class. They also have interactive games for the lesson that students can do online.
Mina Gharibi

My E-Book - 0 views

    This is a great source, I believe. Teachers can use this as a on-going project throughout the semester to catalog the work of their students throughout the year. There are several ideas I can come up with to how this would be useful: 1. In a math classroom, students can catalog the important knowledge they aquire and would like to remember after the year is complete. Throughout the semester, students create pages/files to be uploaded to their e-book, or go in and manually add information that they find important in their lessons. They can use their e-books as a source of reference throughout the year, and in future years. As a teacher, you can also use this source to upload important assignments to the reference, so students can reflect back on them at a later date. 2. Science teachers can use this to create a class-create book covering the information that they have covered in class, as well as to document research students have come across on their own. This could be compiled of student assignments/projects/research/etc that students complete through their unit. And then the teacher can publish the e-book allowing students to have access to their work. This is a great resource because it motivates students to do better, knowing that their work is available for view by not only the teachers, but their peers, and others online.
Leanna Foreman

A to Z Teacher Stuff For Teachers FREE online lesson plans, lesson plan ideas and activ... - 1 views

    What a great website! I spent a good hour just looking at all the things on here. They have tips for us "new" teachers, ideas for lesson plans split up by subject and grade, articles from other teachers. if you have a bit of time check it out! it was really helpful to me
    This is very cool. I just checked it out, and I think this is something I will reference later once I graduate!
Shannon Keister

Spanish Units - 0 views

    Spanish activities for all ages
Ashley Woodall

Engrade - 0 views

    It is a free online grade book, and assignment poster. It works a bit like moodle.
  • ...1 more comment...
    free website that teachers can use to manage their classes online and connect with their students
    Another free online grading tool that could be extremely helpful for classroom management, unit/lesson planning, etc.
    This popular online classroom community provides a free set of web-based tools for teachers who want to integrate web 2.0 into the classroom. Tools include an online assignment calendar, an online gradebook, an online attendance book, secure online messaging, and instant progress reports. Engrade is a great way for teachers to constantly stay in touch with students, parents, and administrators.
Angi Russell

83.03.06: Poe Lightly - 0 views

    curriculum guide for teaching poe to middle school students
Elizabeth Alliss

Federal resources for Educational Excellence - 0 views

    This FREE website is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Has an excellent repository of teacher resources and tools, offering content in categories like Arts & Music, Health & Physical Education, History & Social Studies, Language Arts, Math and Science. Has drawings available on materials developed by federal museums and archive collections, educational materials developed via federal agencies and programs like the National Science Foundation, as well as selected resources from sites like Scholastic Inc., the Alliance for Climate Education .
    The website is sponsored by the United States and it offers many resources to integrate and supplement in your classroom. All subjects are covered on this site.
    This website has literally everything you need for every subject.
Donna Baker

Science Online Atmospheric Changes - 0 views

    Great for science teachers
Kari Stockton

Free Online Rhyming Dictionary - 0 views

    Great for an ELA class or unit/lesson on poetry!!
Mina Gharibi

The Teachers Corner - 1 views

    Has lots of resources for teachers. worksheets, printables, books, projects, ideas, etc...
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