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Leah Smith

German Language Activities at - 0 views

    This website offers some fun acitivies and visual aids to include in the lesson for a german class. I could either use things from the website or build ideas of my own by just taking a look.
melissa pratt

PBS Teachers | Resources For The Classroom - 0 views

    The pbs site has a lot of good tips for teachers for a classroom in the k-12 setting. It has a lot of good ideas for activities in the classroom for every subject. As a foreign lanuage teacher, I found some good things under the reading and language arts tabs.
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    The other day when we went to the library the lady(can't remember her name) who showed us some resources mentioned this website. So here it is! Just click in the grade you wanna teach and voilà!
    Hey Leah! I didn't see you had shared this website! YOu are fast girl!
    Great resource for teachers to get ideas for lessons you can chat with other teachers. Professional development
    This website offers short clips that help explain many topics that you may be covering in your classrooms from gangs to how chocolate is made.
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