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Home/ Facilitating online communication 08/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Meri Walker

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Meri Walker

Meri Walker

Mindmaps Directory - page 1 of 76 - 16 views

    Awesome mindmap directory- inspiration and illustration galore!
Meri Walker

The Journalist's Guide to Twitter - 0 views

  • Start as a listener. It’s OK to start following people and just treat Twitter as something like the AP Wires. Don’t be discouraged because you only care about 1% of people’s tweets. You don’t cancel the AP Wires because you don’t care about the Lottery numbers from Kentucky.
    • Meri Walker
      This is such good advice. I really don't think we really understand what Twitter is going to "do" to us as human beings. It's a whole new way to give and receive the "news." And the news changes as our needs and interests change in our present environmetns. It's going to take awhile to shift paradigms and habits... to something that works and is sustainable.
    Useful list of ways journalists are using Twitter.
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