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Inside the Brief Life and Untimely Death of Flappy Bird | Game|Life | - 1 views

    The game Flappy Bird, created by Dong Nguyen was a rapid success. However it also followed with a rapid downfall. This article details how the game began to what it started as, an indie game created for a small nostalgic audience. It then grew to something way bigger. Dong was making more than $50,000 a week for his money. Flappy Bird was also number 1 on the app store for days straight, even then, Dong Nguyen was receiving death threats and rude remarks regarding his game. These threats and remarks kept happening so Dong was forced to remove his game off of the apple store. He is continuing to make other indie games though. Dong Nguyen said he will keep making games, and he wants to be a respected Indie game developer, not just another viral episode of the app store. Dong though, has been noticed by the indie developer that created Super Hexagon. I inferred, that a collaboration will happen between the developers. In my opinion I believe the cancellation of Flappy Bird was a publicity stunt to provide more coverage on Nguyen's other games.
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    This article is about the rise and fall of the once extremely popular and addictive mobile game, "Flappy Bird." For months, it was just another game that barely anybody downloaded or heard of just like the other games of indie developer, Dong Nguyen. The gameplay was simple yet very challenging and addictive, guide a bird through gaps in between 2 green pipes for as long as you can. As time went by Flappy Bird's popularity soared, and was the most popular app in the world. Many people's addiction to Flappy Bird went to the extreme, and at the same time, many others hated it with a passion even sending death threats to Nguyen. These factors prompted Nguyen to pull the plug on the game, a few days ago, claiming that it "ruined his simple life." In my opinion, Dong Nguyen didn't expect Flappy Bird to be a mega hit, and wasn't ready for the spotlight.
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Serena Zaccagnini

Google Music Launching Before Christmas, Claims Indie Record Label - 0 views

    Time for the Rumor Mill to spin. It has been heard by a "Business Insider" that Google's download store will become available by as early as this Christmas, from an indie record label-owner. Not much to go on, but hopefully, there is more to follow.
Johnny Rob Ford

Goat Simulator Video Game Coming Soon for $10 | - 0 views

    In this article, Doug Aamoth examines an indie game which is going to be released for PC. Goat Simulator, by CoffeeStain, allows players to run around in an open-world as a goat, wrecking havoc on benches; buckets; people; and it demonstrates an excellent physics engine. For only $10, you can pre-order this game on Steam.
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