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Pinhopes Job Site

Climb up the career ladder faster | Few useful tips for Interview | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Reaching your work goals may look like a daunting task at first. With careful planning and implementation of right strategies, you can step up the career ladder quicker than you thought of. Here are few tips on how to get promoted at work quickly:

    Continue learning

    Learning is a lifelong process. To grow in your career, it is imperative that you keep accumulating knowledge across industries' trends, challenges and insights. Staying updated about your domain knowledge enables you to tackle challenges at work more efficiently and higher your chances of getting noticed by employers.

    Lead when required

    To take charge in a work environment doesn't always require you to be in a top position. You can assume a leadership role when circumstances demands at workplace. Exhibit your leadership skills while solving a critical problem at work by effectively communicating, motivating and working in coordination with other team members. Also start taking responsibilities a level in advance to show that you are ready for the next role.

    Give your best

    When you give your best in your work, you stay visible for your passion and performance. If you want to add more value to your work, then go t
Pinhopes Job Site

Online hiring challenges | Ways to tackle jobs | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Today employers face multiple challenges with traditional online hiring portals such as:

    ü  Escalating cost of accessing candidates database which is largely unused

    ü  Time-consuming candidate search and review process

    ü  Hard to zero-in on the right resource

    ü  Limited branding options

    Needless to say, all the above factors slow hiring online which delays bringing candidates on-board. To help employers tackle these online recruitment problems, Pinhopes - a new-age online hiring destination, has introduced innovative profile filtering features, video based online hiring process, multiple branding avenues combined with cost-effective payment option. Here are the key differentiators which help employers hire 3x faster:

    Get relevant applications from interested candidates - Every time

    Unlike existing online recruitment portals Pinhopes doesn't deal in database business which means employers are not required to search for right candidates, in a database which is largely unused. Instead employers get relevant applications directly from active job seekers for a job opening, without putting much effort.

    No tedious candidate search process - Advanced built-in search bubbles best ta
Jonathan Villa

Speedier Firefox 7 Uses Less Memory | Webmonkey | - 0 views

    The new Firefox 7 uses 50% less memory than Firefox 6 and was released faster thanks to a faster release cycle. Firefox released firefox 7 just 6 weeks after Firefox 6. Firefox 7 stops wbsites from resizing your windows, which has a negative effect on add-ons. But Firefox doesn't seem to worried.
Mary lou Paningbatan

IBM and 3M Discover the Secret to Making Processors 1,000 Times Faster [VIDEO] - 1 views

    3M and IBM found a simpler way to make processors 1,000 times faster, not by creating new circuitry, but with glue. This is not just any kind of glue. It's glue that dissipates heat so effectively that you could stack layers of chips, glued together with this special adhesive that keeps things cool. This results in faster computer chips for computers, laptops and anything else that uses microprocessors. This special adhesive would be great for IBM, 3M and for us because they would be earning money while their customers(that's us) would be enjoying their computers now compared to before the "special adhesive" was made. 
Elezabeth Lee

No, Facebook Is Not Ruining Your Grades [STUDY] - 0 views

    Studies have shown that Facebook is not responsible for decreasing our grades. Could this be true? On average, students spend at least 106 minutes on Facebook a day. This is only a decrease of 12 points in total which is not an significant amount. A man named Junco thinks that Facebook can be used effectively as an educational context. Is Facebook going to be part of our homework now? If so, I'd be getting straight A's.
Brandon Gordon

HP's Layoffs Taking Effect, ~500 workers Gone From San Diego Group - 0 views

    The "reduction in workforce" telegraphed by HP a few weeks ago appears to finally be taking place, according to a source inside the company. Apparently the formal emails have gone out and the entire San Diego Software unit is being rolled up. The number laid off is around 500, which tallies with previous estimates of up to 525.
Matthew Tam

Remember those faster-than-light neutrinos? Great, now forget 'em -- Engadget - 0 views

    Remember those faster-than-light neutrinos? Great, now forget 'em. "A week ago the world went wild over CERN's tentative claim that it could make neutrinos travel faster than light." Now however a team of scientists at the  University of Groningen in the Netherlands have come up with an explanation on why neutrinos are not faster than light. The GPS satellites used to measure the departure and arrival times of the racing neutrinos were themselves subject to Einsteinian effects, because they were in motion relative to the experiment. Thus if the error was recalculated the error would have been by 64 nanoseconds, the number neutrinos supposed to beat photons by. 
David Wu

Google Reader Gets a Redesign, Adds Google+ Integration - 0 views

    The title may sound a bit on the good side but if you ever got a look at the comments you would understand on how change could be back at some times. I have recently started using google reader myself and had found the old user interface much effective and this sudden change is not a change i think i can adapt to.
David Korus

Green Computing - Environmental Issues - The Carnegie Cyber Academy - An Online Safety ... - 0 views

  • Many of the technologies we use every day consume a lot more resources and power than they need to, and using and manufacturing them can create a mess. Here are a few of the ways that technology can harm the environment: Pollution - Air, water, heat and noise pollution can all be caused by producing and using technology Consuming resources - Non-renewable resources, including precious metals like gold, are used to make technology. Many others, such as coal, are consumed to generate the electricity to use technology. Even some renewable resources, like trees and water, are becoming contaminated or are used up faster than they can renew themselves because of technology. Waste - Manufacturing technology creates large amounts of waste, and used computers and electronics get thrown out when they break or become outdated. Called "technotrash," these electronics contain all sorts of hazardous materials that are very unsafe for the environment. They need to be disposed of using special methods. Disrupting ecology - Clearing land where animals used to live to build factories and allowing pollution to contaminate the food chain can greatly affect the environment's natural cycles. Health hazards - Using toxic materials that can harm our health can cause cancer, and technology addiction can lead to other health problems like obesity and carpal tunnel syndrome. You can encourage manufacturers by choosing to buy more energy-efficient and less hazardous electronics and by supporting companies that make protecting the environment a priority. You can also do your own part to reduce environmental impact by not being wasteful and disposing of your electronics safely and properly.
    this is a problem because people are demanding more computers and phones now because life without them is hard, now you can only apply for jobs on computers or do homework on computers now, so more people need them. This is affecting the environment because to make all these devices are harming the environment, for example the pollution from the factory making the products and the precious metals and supply's we are using to make the devices are non-renewable. So we should find a way to make computers and phones without effecting the environment as much as we are now. this is how computers and phones are affecting the environment, and the demand on computers are just gonna get higher and higher, so we should find a way to build the computer without effecting the environment as much fast.
    This is an article about how computers affect our environment, how we can help, and what computers can do to actually benefit us in the world. Some examples of computers ruining the environment could be usage of valuable resources and pollution due to computer waste. Some examples of how we can help would be sanitizing our hard drive, donating our mobile device, raising funds from techno trash, and re-using ink cartridges. Technology can help the environment by helping us develop and produce sustainable practices in the environment. It also allows for paperless communication which limits the taking down of trees. In my opinion I completely agree with what this article has to say. It expands on computers issues but also its strengths.
    Many people do not know that just throwing away your old electronics can build up and create a lot of air and water pollution, as well as heat and noise pollution. In our electronics there are many different types of non-renewable resources, also many precious metals are used such as gold, and silver. All electronics contain hazardous  materials that can have a negative impact on our environment, this materials have to be disposed using special methods. You can help the environment by buying more energy efficient products, as well and products that have less hazardous materials inside of them. Also you can dispose your electronics properly and safely. But on the other side using computers can help the environment, because less trees will be cut down for paper. When disposing of electronics improperly can increase the amount of carbon emissions that are the main cause to global warming, also known as greenhouse gases.    
Pinhopes Job Site

Multitasking | Why it is not effective | Pinhopes - 0 views

    Multitasking often gives us the feeling of being productive, doing numerous things at once. But does it really works? Studies revealed multitasking can actually result in losing 20-30% of your productive time.
Pinhopes Job Site

Common interview mistakes to avoid | Pinhopes - 0 views

    An interview can be your game-changing opportunity where you can sell yourself effectively to hiring managers and land your dream job. But interviews are nerve-racking experiences even for experienced candidates.
Roman Mitjaev

Technology Creating a Generation of Distracted Students [STUDY] - 0 views

    We should all probably know that when technology starts upgrading as time goes by, we always want to get the new products. Our generation is getting more and more into technology and in this article, it explains a study of how we are digitally getting distracted in our academics. This study shows that 47% of teachers should make courses and content in digital literacy into a school's curriculum. I agree with this because as our generation spends our days mainly on our phones or on computers, we wouldn't be distracted on the technology if we have our work finished with it. The only back draw to this is that many students would just go on Google or Wikipedia for their answers as the Internet has a huge amount of information displayed for us to use. This article relates to portable computing because it's starting to affect how we do in our education. In addition, it relates to eLifestyle because we're using this technology as a daily part of our lives and if we start to use it as a method of education, we can use it as a form of gaining new information.
    The article, by Neha Prakash, is about a study on the effects of technology on the current generation of students. The study concluded with 87% of teachers saying students were easily distracted and had short attention spans. This is most likely due to the internet providing such quick and easy access within a keystroke in search engines such as Wikipedia and Google. Students are used to having things accomplished and out of the way so quickly that they no longer have the attention span to complete more complicated and time consuming tasks. Due to this, students lack time management and also do not check if their sources are reputable. A solution to this problem could be to incorporate digital literacy and technology into schools' curriculum. With this additional knowledge, methods of education can be improved in today's technological environment. This relates to elifestyle in that we use technology so much that we can take it for granted. Normally, we do not acknowledge the consequences of repetitive and prolonged use of social media, search engines, cell phones, and so on. As the class of ICS2O, we learn to use technology in a healthy balance in our lives. We are at the forefront of electronic education, using sites such as diigo, Google Drive, and Google Reader to complete assignments and engage in the events of the outside world. While there are negative impacts to the overuse of technology, like most other things, technology, used in balance with other aspects of life, can be beneficial.
    This article states that a new study has shown that more and more kids/teenagers are distracted by technologies which affect their learning.  87% of the teachers in this study have said that "technology is creating an easily distracted generation with short attention spans."  Other teachers also claim that "technologies do more to distract students than to help them academically."  Teachers, though, remained somewhat optimistic about digital impact, with 77% saying Internet search tools have had a "mostly positive" impact on their students' work. I think that technologies help out a lot in kids learning however it could still distract them. A lot of kids use the internet with homework and study help which could in some cases is a very beneficial thing. They would learn and find out more about the subject they are studying. Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Internet Project, says that maybe it is not the problem with tech, but the lack of digital literacy training in students that creates the problem. I agree with this also. 
Veronica Misko

What's the Worst the Mac Flashback Trojan Could Do? - 0 views

    Apparently around 650,000 mac computers were infected with Trojan horse virus called "Flashback" This trojan is hijacking people's search engines in result of their web browsers it pretty much damages the inside of the computer, it also steals banking or log in credential.  Cyber criminals could send new malware to their systems that cause bigger problems. This flashback was designed to conduct a click fraud scam.  Apple released a security patch for Java  that prevents Flashback Trojan from infecting your computer/mac.  
Rom Perez

What's the Worst the Mac Flashback Trojan Could Do? - 0 views

    More than 650,000 Mac computers were infected with a nasty Trojan horse called "Flashback" The virus was disguise as an Adobe Flash Player installer, using Flash Player logo.
Kadeesha P

Is Google+ the No. 3 Social Network? Depends How You Measure It - 0 views

    This article talks about google and its effect on our society. Google+ now has 170 million users abd is becoming a NO.3 Social network. However if you go by active monthly users in the U.S., Google+ would rank 6. This relates to our course because we too use google and many people starts to use a lot of social networking programs as part of their daily lives. All of my friends has signed up for st least 2 social networking and it;s becoming a big part of our lives. Google used to be popular for searching things but now it's taking over social networking as well and becoming most popular and well known network. 
    Google+ is said to be rated the third most popular social networking site. However, numbers of users are always changing. Google+ has recently changed their look of their website, which may or may not attract more users. Many people are reliant on social networking sites because they find it is a better way to keep in touch with those you do not see anymore. Google+ is still far behind facebook, with 850 millions users, while Google+ still sitting at a 170 million users. Technology is what everyone in this generation is doing, so the numbers will increase once more people start talking more about Google+ and less about Facebook. 
    Google+ announced  that Google plus has 170 million users. With this number of users Google+ is #3 on the top social networks ahead of Google+ is twitter and facebook
william dietrich

ebooks now passing books - 0 views

    the change is starting, ebook sales are finally passing printed book sales. I don't think that this will affect anyone in the developing world. book collectors can still collect books, but just digitally. the publishing business can still make profit, by selling these books, emagazines are making more sales than printed ones as well. the world is evolving, and the article said that by approximately 2025, printed books will be obsolete, and a new form of getting information will be in effect.
william dietrich

Adobe, makes new CSS tools - 0 views

    Adobe has made a new set of CSS tools, like CSS shaders, or CSS regions. this is so that CSS can now have better quality with what they are doing, apparently, it can make things on the screen be 3D, which is so awesome, it adds a cinematic feel to it. although we are not going to go anywhere near this in class, it is still cool, there's a video that shows what it looks like. DOMO ARIGATO MR.ROBOTO
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