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Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

09.05.07: Call for veto powers for national parliaments in new EU treaty - 1 views

  • Prague, Warsaw and the Hague are lobbying to get more power for national parliaments written into a new-look constitution for the European bloc.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

11.05.07: Serbia back on EU course - 0 views

  • Serbia has taken a significant step on the road to EU membership, Brussels said after the country's reform- and Europe-oriented parties ended a three-month election deadlock and agreed to form a new government.
  • According to media reports, the coalition deal has been struck among three parties - the Democratic Party led by president Boris Tadic, the Democratic Party of Serbia led by prime minister Vojislav Kostunica and neo-liberal G17 Plus party.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

17.04.07: Brussels seeks more powers for EU crime body - 0 views

  • The European Commission wants to strengthen Eurojust, the bloc's judicial body, giving it more powers to fight cross-border crime. It has also indicated that the idea of having a single European prosecutor should be picked up.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

17.04.07: Blair pushes to drop EU constitution - 0 views

  • UK prime minister Tony Blair has said that the EU should not be looking to resurrect a new constitution but should rather focus on getting workable rules for the bloc. "It is important we go back to the idea of a conventional treaty where the idea is to make Europe more effective, work more effectively, because we now have a Europe of 27 countries rather than 15," Mr Blair said on Monday (15 April) after a meeting in London with Dutch leader Jan Peter Balkenende
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

26.03.07: Die Haltungen der Mitgliedstaaten zum weiteren Vorgehen in der Verfassungsfrage - 0 views

    Am 25. März 2007 haben sich die Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU während des Gipfels, der anlässlich des 50. Jubiläums der EU stattfand, darauf geeinigt, die EU bis 2009 „auf eine erneuerte gemeinsame Grundlage zu stellen".  Laut der Vorstellungen der Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, könnte ein neuer Vertrag bis Ende 2007 in einer Regierungskonferenz unter portugiesischer Ratspräsidentschaft ausgehandelt werden. Dennoch gehen die Meinungen der EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs bezüglich der Frage, welche Form der neue Vertrag annehmen soll, auseinander. Dies äußerte sich bereits in den gescheiterten Referenden in Frankreich und den Niederlanden. Während einige Länder darum bemüht sind, die Grundlagen des Vertrages beizubehalten, bevorzugen andere einen „minimalistischen" Vertrag, der auch ohne eine weitere Anhörung der Öffentlichkeit verabschiedet werden könnte.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.03.07: Niederländische Regierung lehnt eine neue Verfassung ab - 0 views

  • Die niederländische Regierung lehnt eine neue europäische Verfassung strikt ab und befürwortet stattdessen einen vereinfachten Text. Dies wurde in einer Regierungserklärung deutlich
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

16.03.07: EU split on fast-track Sebian membership - 0 views

  • Divisions within the European Union on how to deal with Serbia have surfaced. While the Commission and some member states look eager to speed up Belgrade’s membership bid, others are angered by what they see as undue leniency.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

07.03.07: EU-Constitution and Croatian accession - 0 views

  • Croatia has been told by EU officials that it is possible to enter the European Union even if the bloc has not sorted out its institutional problems. "We have been reassured by a number of people from the commission and from the EU member countries that should there be no constitutional arrangement that there are other means (...) that would provide for Croatia to join as the 28th member," Croatia's foreign minister Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic told EUobserver in an interview
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

EU considers going virtual - 0 views

  • The European Union is looking into entering the virtual world and opening up an office in Second Life - an increasingly popular internet-based virtual world - which the Swedish government and the French presidential candidates have already entered.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Zielonka (2007). Plurilateral Governance in the Enlarged European Union, Journal of Com... - 0 views

    The article examines the impact of the recent EU enlargement on European governance. Enlargement is treated as a kind of external shock to the existing governance system, broadening and diversifying the European public space. The prevalent hierarchical mode of governance is increasingly inadequate under these new circumstances and the Union will have to embrace more flexible, decentralized and soft modes of governance.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.02.07: Situation in Bosnia before the meeting of the Peace Immplementation Council - 0 views

    [...] Next week could see a change in Bosnia's governing structure, as the fate of the country's Office of the High Representative (OHR) is debated by the countries and organizations that created that office in 1995.
    At issue is whether the high representative will officially become an envoy of the European Union, a hat the two most recent office-holders have worn anyway. Also in question is whether the high representative will keep the so-called Bonn Powers, which enable him or her to fire officials and impose legislation.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Bundeszentrale Europa-Dossier: Die deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft - 0 views

    [...] Die wichtigste Aufgabe der deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft aber ist die Wiederbelebung der europäischen Verfassung. Die EU hatte sich in Sachen Verfassung nach den negativen Referenden in Frankreich und den Niederlanden eine Denkpause verordnet. Zwar läuft der Ratifizierungsprozess noch, gleichzeitig soll Deutschland aber einen "Bericht vorlegen, der sich auf ausführliche Konsultationen mit den Mitgliedstaaten stützt" und mögliche Entwicklungen aufzeigen.
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