VW: The Dark SIde - GreenpeaceNordic (greenpeace video) - 0 views
Claude Almansi on 05 Jul 11"VW: The Dark SIde Volkswagen opposes key European laws that we need if we're going to save our planet from climate change. But all is not lost. We feel the good in Volkswagen. Tagged with change, climate, co2, darkside, greenpeace, vw, vwdarkside July 01, 2011" Video taken down from YT, then from vimeo, due to a copyright infringement claim from George Lucas Films.
Claude Almansi on 05 Jul 11Again, not news (dated July 1 2011) but currently discussed elsewhere; see http://governancexborders.com/2011/07/01/the-dark-side-of-copyrights-force-lucasarts-v-youtube-v-greenpeace-v-vw/ for context.