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primes.pdf (application/pdf 对象) - 0 views

arithwsun arithwsun

Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory - Blackwell Online - 0 views

  • Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory Joseph M. Rosenblatt, Alexander M. Stokolos, Ahmed I. Zayed ISBN: 0821842358 Paperback American Mathematical Society Usually despatched within 3 to 9 days
  • There are strong connections between harmonic analysis and ergodic theory. A recent example of this interaction is the proof of the spectacular result by Terence Tao and Ben Green that the set of prime numbers contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. The breakthrough achieved by Tao and Green is attributed to applications of techniques from ergodic theory and harmonic analysis to problems in number theory.Articles in the present volume are based on talks delivered by plenary speakers at a conference on Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory (DePaul University, Chicago, December 2-4, 2005). Of ten articles, four are devoted to ergodic theory and six to harmonic analysis, although some may fall in either category. The articles are grouped in two parts arranged by topics. Among the topics are ergodic averages, central limit theorems for random walks, Borel foliations, ergodic theory and low pass filters, data fitting using smooth surfaces, Nehari's theorem for a polydisk, uniqueness theorems for multi-dimensional trigonometric series, and Bellman and s-functions.In addition to articles on current research topics in harmonic analysis and ergodic theory, this book contains survey articles on convergence problems in ergodic theory and uniqueness problems on multi-dimensional trigonometric series.
arithwsun arithwsun


arithwsun arithwsun

Science News Online: Ivars Peterson's MathTrek (6/26/99): The Return of Zeta - 0 views

  • References: Cipra, B. 1998. A prime case of chaos. In What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society. (Available at ______. 1996. Prime formula weds number theory and quantum physics. Science 274(Dec. 20):2014. Davis, P.J., and R. Hersch. 1981. The Mathematical Experience. New York: Viking Penguin. Katz, N.M., and P. Sarnak. 1999. Zeroes of zeta functions and symmetry. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 36(January):1. Peterson, I. 1995. Cavities of chaos. Science News 147(April 29):264. Richards, I. 1978. Number theory. In Mathematics Today: Twelve Informal Essays. L.A. Steen, ed. New York: Springer-Verlag. Peter Sarnak's lecture on random matrix models in number theory and quantum mechanics is available at Andrew Odlyzko's Web page at features computations of the zeros of the zeta function.
  • The Riemann hypothesis was first proposed in 1859 by the German mathematician Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866). It concerns the so-called zeta function, which encodes a great deal of information about the seemingly haphazard distribution of prime numbers among the integers (see The Mark of Zeta, June 19, 1999).
arithwsun arithwsun

MIT OpenCourseWare | Mathematics | 18.785 Analytic Number Theory, Spring 2007 | Home - 0 views

  • This course is an introduction to analytic number theory, including the use of zeta functions and L-functions to prove distribution results concerning prime numbers (e.g., the prime number theorem in arithmetic progressions).
arithwsun arithwsun

Read This: Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis - 0 views

  • The connections between the zeros of the zeta-function and random matrix theory have become the most active and exciting threads of research in the hunt for the Riemann hypothesis. Rockmore devotes four chapters at the end of his book to various aspects of this research. He discusses the work of Sarnak and Katz on analogous results for function fields. He also discusses work of Tracy, Widom, and Deift that connects the distribution of eigenvalues of random matrices to properties of permutations. This chapter has the engaging title "God May Not Play Dice, but What About Cards?"
arithwsun arithwsun

Harman :Metric number theory - 0 views

    Harman, Glyn (4-WALC-
    Metric number theory.
    The Clarendon Press, Oxford
    ISBN 0-19-850083-1
arithwsun arithwsun

The divisor bound « What's new - 0 views

  • Gergely Harcos The precise bound was first proved by Wigert in 1906 using the prime number theorem, while Ramanujan in 1914 observed its elementary character. In fact we can prove the inequality even without knowing unique factorization! All we need to know is that and imply . This property implies as one can inject the set of divisors of into the set of pairs formed of a divisor of and a divisor of : to assign the pair . Once we know we can see for any positive integer that . It follows that , whence also . Now the second exponent changes by a factor less than 2 whenever is increased by 1, so we can certainly find a with . This choice furnishes Wigert’s estimate upon observing that .
arithwsun arithwsun

Topics in ergodic number theory - 0 views

  • Ergodic Theory: with a view towards Number Theory, by Einsiedler and Ward Terry Tao's blog Akshay Venkatesh's lecture notes Ben Green's lecture notes
arithwsun arithwsun

Recent Perspectives in Random Matrix Theory and Number Theory - Cambridge University Pr... - 0 views

  • In recent years the application of random matrix techniques to analytic number theory has been responsible for major advances in this area of mathematics. As a consequence it has created a new and rapidly developing area of research. The aim of this book is to provide the necessary grounding both in relevant aspects of number theory and techniques of random matrix theory, as well as to inform the reader of what progress has been made when these two apparently disparate subjects meet. This volume of proceedings is addressed to graduate students and other researchers in both pure mathematics and theoretical physics. The contributing authors, who are among the world leading experts in this area, have taken care to write self-contained lectures on subjects chosen to produce a coherent volume.• Self-contained lectures by world-leading experts in the field • The volume is integrated, indexed and cross-referenced • This title covers the most important and recent advances in the subjectContents1. Introduction; 2. Prime number theory and the Riemann zeta-function; 3. Notes on pair correlation of zeros and prime numbers; 4. Notes on eigenvalue distributions for the classical compact groups; 5. Compound nucleus resonances, random matrices and quantum chaos; 6. Families of L-functions and 1-level densities; 7. Basic analytic number theory; 8. Applications of mean value theorems to the theory of the Riemann zeta function; 9. L-functions and the characteristic polynomials of random matrices; 10. Mock gaussian behaviour; 11. Some specimens of L-functions; 12. Computational methods and experiments in analytic number theory.
arithwsun arithwsun

[math/0603450] Pseudo Random test of prime numbers - 0 views

  • Pseudo Random test of prime numbers Authors: Wang Liang; Huang Yan (Submitted on 18 Mar 2006) Abstract: The prime numbers look like a randomly chosen sequence of natural numbers, but there is still no strict theory to determine 'Randomness'. In these years, cryptography has developed a battery of statistical tests for randomness. In this paper, we just apply these methods to study the distribution of primes. Here the binary sequence constructed by second difference of primes is used as samples. We find this sequence can't reach all the 'random standard' of FIPS 140-1/2, but still show obvious random feature. The interesting self-similarity is also observed in this sequence. These results add the evidence that prime numbers is a chaos system.
arithwsun arithwsun

[0711.3388] Inverse Conjecture for the Gowers norm is false - 0 views

  • Inverse Conjecture for the Gowers norm is false Authors: Shachar Lovett, Roy Meshulam, Alex Samorodnitsky (Submitted on 21 Nov 2007) Abstract: Let $p$ be a fixed prime number, and $N$ be a large integer. The 'Inverse Conjecture for the Gowers norm' states that if the "$d$-th Gowers norm" of a function $f:\F_p^N \to \F_p$ is non-negligible, that is larger than a constant independent of $N$, then $f$ can be non-trivially approximated by a degree $d-1$ polynomial. The conjecture is known to hold for $d=2,3$ and for any prime $p$. In this paper we show the conjecture to be false for $p=2$ and for $d = 4$, by presenting an explicit function whose 4-th Gowers norm is non-negligible, but whose correlation any polynomial of degree 3 is exponentially small. Essentially the same result (with different correlation bounds) was independently obtained by Green and Tao \cite{gt07}. Their analysis uses a modification of a Ramsey-type argument of Alon and Beigel \cite{ab} to show inapproximability of certain functions by low-degree polynomials. We observe that a combination of our results with the argument of Alon and Beigel implies the inverse conjecture to be false for any prime $p$, for $d = p^2$. Comments: 20 pages
arithwsun arithwsun

Mathematics of Computation - 0 views

  • For any and any non-exceptional modulus , we prove that, for large enough ( ), the interval contains a prime in any of the arithmetic progressions modulo . We apply this result to establish that every integer larger than is a sum of seven cubes.
arithwsun arithwsun

What might an expository mathematical wiki be like? « Gowers's Weblog - 0 views

  • trick, that can be used in many mathematical situations. With such tricks, it is usually difficult, and in any case not desirable, to formalize them as lemmas: if you try to do so then almost certainly your formal lemma will not apply in all the situations where the trick does.
  • Of course, in many cases, the devil really is in the details, but nevertheless knowing the overall strategy of proof is extremely valuable when trying to read that proof.
  • Yong-Hui Says: November 3, 2008 at 5:57 pm | Reply I am in MSRI for the cofference discrete Rigity. Green will give the first lecture. I just happen to find a question for that tricki wiki: Whether is there a common-shared refference system for that tricki wiki? Similar to that of Mathscinet of ams math review It will be a basic instrument for a mathematical website.
arithwsun arithwsun

[math/0703749] Arithmetic structures in random sets - 0 views

  • We extend two well-known results in additive number theory, S\'ark\"ozy's theorem on square differences in dense sets and a theorem of Green on long arithmetic progressions in sumsets, to subsets of random sets of asymptotic density 0. Our proofs rely on a restriction-type Fourier analytic argument of Green and Green-Tao.
arithwsun arithwsun

The correspondence principle and finitary ergodic theory « What's new - 0 views

  • We now turn to several specific examples of this principle in various contexts.  We begin with the more “combinatorial” or “non-ergodic theoretical” instances of this principle, in which there is no underlying probability measure involved; these situations are simpler than the ergodic-theoretic ones, but already illustrate many of the key features of this principle in action.
arithwsun arithwsun

Notes and unpublished papers of Emmanuel Kowalski - 0 views

  • An alternate argument for the arithmetic large sieve inequality September 2008 This short note describes a very natural and well-motivated derivation of the "arithmetic" large sieve inequality from the dual of the analytic inequality, which avoids the usual trick of submultiplicativity of Gallagher. This is also described in a blog post.
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