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arithwsun arithwsun

Structure and randomness in combinatorics « What's new - 0 views

    I've just uploaded to the arXiv my lecture notes "Structure and randomness in combinatorics" for my tutorial at the upcoming FOCS 2007 conference in October. This tutorial covers similar ground as my ICM paper (or slides), or my first two Simons lectures, but focuses more on the "nuts-and-bolts" of how structure theorems actually work to separate objects into structured pieces and pseudorandom pieces, for various definitions of "structured" and "pseudorandom".  Given that the target audience consists of computer scientists, I have focused exclusively here on the combinatorial aspects of this dichotomy (applied for instance to functions on the Hamming cube) rather than, say, the ergodic theory aspects (which are covered in Bryna Kra's lecture notes from Montreal, or my notes from Montreal for that matter).  While most of the known applications of these decompositions are number-theoretic (e.g. my theorem with Ben Green), the number theory aspects are not covered in detail in these notes.  (For that, you can read Bernard Host's Bourbaki article, Ben Green's http
arithwsun arithwsun

Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory - Blackwell Online - 0 views

  • Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory Joseph M. Rosenblatt, Alexander M. Stokolos, Ahmed I. Zayed ISBN: 0821842358 Paperback American Mathematical Society Usually despatched within 3 to 9 days
  • There are strong connections between harmonic analysis and ergodic theory. A recent example of this interaction is the proof of the spectacular result by Terence Tao and Ben Green that the set of prime numbers contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. The breakthrough achieved by Tao and Green is attributed to applications of techniques from ergodic theory and harmonic analysis to problems in number theory.Articles in the present volume are based on talks delivered by plenary speakers at a conference on Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory (DePaul University, Chicago, December 2-4, 2005). Of ten articles, four are devoted to ergodic theory and six to harmonic analysis, although some may fall in either category. The articles are grouped in two parts arranged by topics. Among the topics are ergodic averages, central limit theorems for random walks, Borel foliations, ergodic theory and low pass filters, data fitting using smooth surfaces, Nehari's theorem for a polydisk, uniqueness theorems for multi-dimensional trigonometric series, and Bellman and s-functions.In addition to articles on current research topics in harmonic analysis and ergodic theory, this book contains survey articles on convergence problems in ergodic theory and uniqueness problems on multi-dimensional trigonometric series.
arithwsun arithwsun

[math/0606087] Quadratic Uniformity of the Mobius Function - 0 views

  • Quadratic Uniformity of the Mobius Function Authors: Ben Green, Terence Tao (Submitted on 4 Jun 2006 (v1), last revised 22 Sep 2007 (this version, v2)) Abstract: This paper is a part of our programme to generalise the Hardy-Littlewood method to handle systems of linear questions in primes. This programme is laid out in our paper Linear Equations in Primes [LEP], which accompanies this submission. In particular, the results of this paper may be used, together with the machinery of [LEP], to establish an asymptotic for the number of four-term progressions p_1 < p_2 < p_3 < p_4 <= N of primes, and more generally any problem counting prime points inside a ``non-degenerate'' affine lattice of codimension at most 2. The main result of this paper is a proof of the Mobius and Nilsequences Conjecture for 1 and 2-step nilsequences. This conjecture is introduced in [LEP] and amounts to showing that if G/\Gamma is an s-step nilmanifold, s <= 2, if F : G/\Gamma -> [-1,1] is a Lipschitz function, and if T_g : G/\Gamma -> G/\Gamma is the action of g \in G on G/\Gamma, then the Mobius function \mu(n) is orthogonal to the sequence F(T_g^n x) in a fairly strong sense, uniformly in g and x in G/\Gamma. This can be viewed as a ``quadratic'' generalisation of an exponential sum estimate of Davenport, and is proven by the following the methods of Vinogradov and Vaughan.
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