The purpose of the portfolio is to assess learning outcomes and those outcomes are, generally, defined externally OR
"The portfolio is a learning environment in which the learner constructs meaning. It assumes that meaning varies across individuals, over time, and with purpose. The portfolio presents process, a record of the processes associated with learning itself; a summation of individual portfolios would be too complex for normative description.
The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL, pronounced “able”) is a non-profit, professional organization for the world eportfolio community
The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL, pronounced "able") is a non-profit, professional organization for the world eportfolio community.
Good article but more to do with digital portfolios and college admissions. Are admissions going in this direction? Might be something to consider as a hook for HS students to keep a portfolio.
ntensive process, and the portfolio program was almost dropped until Baralt decided to take a stab at revamping it.
Now, portfolios are created in the 2nd and 4th grades, and students are responsible for documenting their own work, Baralt says.
“It used to be teacher- and administration-driven, but now it’s a true teacher-student partnership,” she says. “The students really have a say in what they’re doing.”
The 2nd graders use a Web-based program called VoiceThread, which archives and indexes images, videos, text, and audio. Fourth graders create their own Web pages to display what they’ve learned throughout their time at Shorecrest.
Part of the challenge of digital portfolios is the time it takes to maintain them,
nother challenge in implementing digital portfolios
is providing enough access to technology to make them a workable option,
Hawaii Department of Education, which runs the 178,000-student statewide school district, hosts a platform for student e-portfolios,
The department used to provide training for teachers to learn how to use digital portfolios with their students,
At San Diego’s High Tech Middle School—part of a group of charter schools created with an emphasis on technology, innovation, and real-world learning—students use digital portfolios to document their progress
the portfolios evolve from a place for students to showcase finished work to a way for them to document the process of learning
“It’s not about being right, it’s about being transparent,” he says. “[For teachers], it’s about being able to access [students’] thinking.”
Ways to keep Evernote Useful, Efficient and Organized
Inform Parents.
Reflection Sheet. Create or use the Trillium Portfolio Artifact and Reflection
. I use this for all items that are added to the portfolios. Y
Use Tags
to record what categories from the
Framework are being added.
I also created WIP (work
in progress) so you could check out everything that is still in process. Once it
become permanent then the WIP tag can be removed.
Here are the tags I use: Literacy, Math, Science, Social Science, The Arts, Technology, CM (Community Membership), Independece, Movement, HWS (Health, Wellness and Safety), WIP (work in progress), Best Work
Teach Kids. Teach kids how to use the scanner and mobile devices right away.
Use Evernote Online for Writing. Kids can type text directly into Evernote. It has a text editor. Instead of using word, or Google docs, or their Ubuntu account, they can type directly into Evernote. This way you can also (as an advisor) have access to ongoing work.
Useful advice on the how-tos of managing student evernote accounts. I would like to see the Trillum reflection rubric. Maybe we can use it as a jumping off place. I also think that Evernote is one of several potential platforms, and it's important to keep in mind that Rob is working with elementary school age students.
Cool info about the lexmark scanner as a key tool in his classroom.
I use Evernote both for myself and students. For my personal use, I clip and store articles / papers/ images related to my MA, for further analysis.
For teaching, I use Evernote to create lessons, feedback and homework. I teach English as a second language 90 % online via Skype, mainly on a one to one basis. In oder to use the lesson time optimally with the student i.e. more student-centric, I send activities that I have created and stored in Evernote via mail that the students have to prepare beforehand (similar to the ‘Flipped Classroom’ pedagogy).
I find I can provide better all-round support by using Evernote recordings in combination with text to give feedback after each lesson.
The beauty of this is that it doesn’t matter what level of English the student has i.e. with beginnings I can provide short aural translations in Swiss-German/ German if necessary, so they can continue with work on their own. With higher levels I use it for dictation, analyzing their pronunciation, training speaking skills etc, sometimes in combination with audio online tools like Voxopop.
Where possible I pair up students and get them to collaborate on activities using Evernote, often incorporating other digital tools or community platforms. They then send their work to me to be discussed in the lesson.
Evernote as Portfolio Webinar Slideshow. Wow! Check out the comment by distance ESL teacher Patricia Daniels. She explains all the ways she uses Evernote, Skype and her iPad in her distance learning classes.
It is tempting to tag every note with a several tags. However, I broke myself of that habit once I realized that Evernote indexes every word in every note. So if you have a great quote on “purpose,” for example, you don’t need to tag the note with “purpose,” so long as the word appears in the note. This only adds more clutter. The key is to remember that less is more.
Students would then be required to fill in the blanks with words that would best complete the passage. Context in language and content terms is essential in most, if not all, cloze tests. The first blank is preceded by "the"; therefo
possible answer; depending on the student, however, the first blank could either be store, supermarket, shop or market while umbrella or raincoat fit the second.