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U.S.-China Media Brief - 0 views

  • Empress of China sets sail for Canton with a shipment of ginseng
  • Earliest record of Chinese in the continental U.S. shows that three seamen on the ship Pallas arrived in Baltimore.
  • A key player in shaping early Sino-American relation
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • Gold is discovered in California, sparking a gold rush by Americans, immigrant Chinese and others. Americans establish a foreign concession in Shanghai.
  • Thousands of Chinese workers recruited to build the western section of the Trans-continental Railroad, which was completed in 1869, a year ahead of schedule. Anti-Chinese riots start to occur throughout the West until the turn of the century
  • Burlingame Treaty
  • Saint John’s University
  • Chinese Exclusion Act
  • killing at least 28 Chinese miners and burning 75 Chinese homes
  • white,
  • Chinese Exclusion Act is extended indefinitel
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act is extended indefinitel
  • U.S. declares war against Japan.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act repealed for military, political, and economic reasons, but quotas remain.
  • The U.S. recognizes only the Republic of China
  • 1965 Immigration Act, allowing large-scale “family reunification” immigration of Chinese to the U.S. for the first time
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act is extended indefinit
  • Chinese American Vincent Chin is killed in Detroit by two white men who mistook him for Japanese and blamed him for the competition that that had taken their auto-industry jobs
  • The first American fast food company (Kentucky Fried Chicken) opens in China
  • The American-led NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade
  • Wang Zhizhi becomes the first Chinese basketball player to be drafted by an NBA team
  • Congress grants China permanent Most Favored Nation
  • China gains entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), and is awarded the 2008 Summer Olympics.
  • wo Chinese Americans are appointed to the Obama cabinet: Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy, and Gary Locke, Secretary of Commerce. Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. is appointed as ambassador to China
    US_China relations throughout two centuries

The Chinese Revolution of 1949 - Part One - 0 views

  • The bourgeois nationalist Chiang Kai-shek, who seized power in 1927 over the mangled bodies of the workers of Shanghai, had two decades to show what he could do.
  • The Chinese bourgeoisie, together with all the other propertied classes, was entangled with imperialism, forming a reactionary bloc opposed to change.
  • The alliance of CPC and KMT was a united front in name only.
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Under the terms of the Japanese unconditional surrender dictated by the United States, Japanese troops were ordered to surrender to Chiang’s troops and not to the Communists in the occupied areas of Chin
  • The Americans had the ambition of making China a US sphere of influence (in effect a semi-colony) after the War
  • But after all the sufferings of the Second World War, the American people would not have been prepared to support a new war to subjugate China
  • More importantly, the American soldiers would not have been prepared to fight such a war. The inability of US imperialism to intervene against the Chinese Revolution was therefore an important element in the equation.
  • The United States assisted the KMT with hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of new surplus military supplies
  • civil war of 1946-9
  • This manoeuvre did not fool Mao for an instant. He agreed to participate in the negotiations, but continued to prepare for a renewal of hostilities
  • However, any of the arms sent by Washington were later used by the Vietnamese against the US army, since, almost all this military hardware was captured by Mao’s forces.
  • US imperialism supplied the Kuomintang with bombers, fighter planes, guns, tanks, rocket-launchers, automatic rifles, gasoline bombs, gas projectiles and other weapons for this purpose. In return, the Kuomintang handed over to US imperialism China's sovereign rights over her own territory, waters and air space, allowed it to seize inland navigation rights and special commercial privileges, and seize special privileges in China's domestic and foreign affairs. The US forces were guilty of many atrocities against Chinese people: killing people, beating them up, driving cars over them and raping women, all with impunity.
  • Clausewitz made the celebrated remark that war is the continuation of politics by other means
  • Although the Americans (as always) maintained the fiction that this was a war between “communism and democracy”, in fact, their Chinese puppet Chiang Kai-shek was a brutal dictator.
  • There were mass nationwide student protests against US imperialism.
  • Nationalists still had a big advantage over the PLA
  • The demoralized and undisciplined Nationalist troops were melting away in the face of the irresistible forward march of the People's Liberation Arm
  • The transformation of the military situation was really incredible. The PLA, which for years had been outnumbered, by July-December 1948 finally gained numerical superiority over the Kuomintang forces. These are the figures given by Mao at the time:
  • There is no reason not to believe that this estimate is substantially accurate. All the bourgeois historians accept that by this stage, Chiang’s forces were retreating in disarray and that the PLA was rapidly gaining in strength

Different views on economic/population/urban/consumption growth - 0 views

    Interesting links through the site

Environmental education - 0 views

    Umass professor talking about education and climate change
Jocelyn Vache

Welcome to the World Savvy Monitor - 0 views

    I just stumbled upon this and I cannot wait to use it in my classroom.  What a find!
pjt111 taylor

the political economy of food - 0 views

    syllabus with many many live links
Daniel Ruggiero

Political Cartoon - 0 views

    I love this cartoon!
nghrdak - About - 0 views

shared by nghrdak on 13 Dec 10 - Cached
    This is a great way to organize your ideas. I wish I had found about this website when we were mapping our ideas.
pjt111 taylor

Mapping Dialogue - Pioneers of Change - 0 views

    "profiles ten dialogue methods in depth, and another fifteen more briefly. The methods covered conceptually and in case studies include Deep Democracy, Open Space Technology, Scenario Planning, World Café, the Israeli-Palestinian School for Peace and many more."
    A resource for anyone wanting to bring diverse stakeholders into discussion and resolution of an environmental issue
pjt111 taylor

The 1991 Lawrence Summers World Bank Memo on underpolluted countries - 0 views

    The original text of Larry Summers' memo on underpolluted countries--"shouldn't the World Bank be encouraging MORE migration of the dirty industries to the LDCs [Less Developed Countries]" Summers went on to become treasury secretary under Clinton, Harvard U. president (until he was forced out), and chief economic advisor to Obama.

YouTube - Thousands March in Cancún at La Via Campesina's "Global Day of Acti... - 0 views

shared by nghrdak on 08 Dec 10 - No Cached
    Globalization of the Global Warming movement

Report non-emergency issues, receive alerts in your neighborhood - SeeClickFix - 0 views

shared by nghrdak on 07 Dec 10 - Cached
    >I have found this great website on self organization. The site >allows citizen in all communities throughout the world to post >issues that needs to be fixed in their neighborhood. Residents and >government officials can log in and see what is going on with their >neighborhood and monitor the issues that are being fixed or those >that are neglected. > >I know there are a lot of students in class addressing the issue of >self organization. I that was a neat virtual environment where >people gather to point out issues and come out in the real world to >fix them. Out of 60 000 reports of problems that have been posted >thus far, they claimed that 45% has been resolved all through self >determination and public involvement
dd ff

Lionfish - Invasive Species - 0 views

    Lionfish threaten to wreak havoc on this ecologically sensitive marine system - a good look at what invasive species do to their new environment
Sara Hebden

Fitness loss and germline mutations in barn swallows breeding in Chernobyl. - 0 views

    An article discussing mutations in birds living in and around Chernobyl following the reactor explosion and subsequent radiation release.
Joanna Newton

Endangered Species - 0 views

    The site explains what Endangered Species Day is and when it occurs. There are resources for teachers of all grade levels and resources for other groups including Girl Scouts. Looks like lots of information.

Global warming and green technology: Is China eating America's lunch? - National enviro... - 0 views

  • But nobody's eating America's lunch--and a quick glance at the next 10 bellies you see on the street will serve as confirmation.
    • nghrdak

Great list of emerging technologies - 0 views

    Favorite are #9 and #1

roof net in Cambridge - 0 views

    interesting collaborative project in cambridge for internet access via nodes that work togethe to connect users to internet
dd ff

Fishing Industry Falls Victim to Tragedy of the Commons - 0 views

    Good article which relates Hardin's concepts to modern issues.
Joanna Newton

The Origins of Empathetic Concern - 0 views

    This article is the summary of a study done with two-year old children and their ability to develop empathy. Temperament and environment contribute to the development of empathy.
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